Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds.


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Presentation transcript:

Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds

Mapping and Scoping Work Asset based practice Hate Crime Parenting Employment and Social Connectedness Scrutiny

The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds Released in September 2015 to support the refreshed delivery approach for The Keys to Life, launched in June year funding subject to spending review Funding available across 5 priority areas: Effective interventions for parents who have learning disabilities Effective interventions to tackle hate crime Alternative models to out of area placements for people with complex care needs Innovative social connectedness for people with learning disabilities Innovative employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities

Proposals discussed and scored by sifting panels focused on each of the priority areas Focus on: Co-production Asset based delivery Early intervention Innovation and development Transferability and scalability Sustainability Contribution to ‘Keys to life’ strategic objectives Contribution to Scottish Government’s programme for Government The process

The Proposals 120 applications made in total Total amount applied for: £3,763,062 Year 1 funding applied for: £2,036,793 Year 2 funding applied for: £1,726,269

Applications Analysis

Successful proposals Social Connectedness Employment St Oswald’s Scottish Episcopal ChurchTayberry Enterprises Cantraybridge CollegeSocial Care Ideas Factory Interest Link BordersThe Usual Place Aberdeenshire Council East Dunbartonshire Council ParentingHate Crime Firsthand LothianThe Advocacy Project Aberlour Child Care Trust and NHS FifeI Am Me Scotland Couples Counselling Lothian Mellow Parenting East Ayrshire Advocacy Complex Care The Richmond Fellowship

Monitoring and Evaluation Outcomes focused Evidence based Partnership working across all themes Supportive, dynamic and progressive

Scottish Commission for Learning Disability The ‘Keys to Life’ Development Funds

Keys To Life Development Fund: Roxburgh Friendship Project

Overview Interest Link Borders started in 1990 and supports 200 children (aged 8+), young people and adults with learning disabilities through befriending/friendship projects

Project Aims To create 1:1 and group friendships between adults with learning disabilities and volunteers

Project Aims To benefit families through respite.

Project Ethos We want the relationships we create to be equal and real. They are purely for friendship and there is no time limit on them.

Val Reilly is the Roxburgh Co-ordinator. Works with people who want to use the service. Recruits, checks and prepares volunteers. Matches people up and supports the friendships and groups. Project Management

The Keys To Life Project The Project will support 30 adults in Roxburgh: 20 in 1:1 friendships

1:1 Friendships “Good friendship, laugh a lot, bus rides, go to the opera, go to the panto, visit coffee mornings and generally have good fun.”

1:1 Friendships “It makes a big difference because getting out and about makes me feel good about myself.”

1:1 Friendships

The Keys To Life Project 10 in the Caledonian Friendship Group

The Caledonian Group “I love it. I like meeting up with all the group members. It is something I really look forward to. We do so many different things.”

The Caledonian Group Written and performed a song about their friendships

The Caledonian Group Produced a play about local life in Hawick

The Caledonian Group “I loved it when all my friends from the Caledonian Group came to my house for a Barbeque it made me really proud and I spent weeks helping to plan it.”

Overnight trips The main new element in the project is that the Caledonian Group will go on overnight trips, and 1:1 links may also join up for trips. This is unique for a volunteer friendship project.

Short Breaks for Carers “The respite period for me is huge. I know that Logan is participating in things he enjoys and also having his horizons broadened as a result of his Interest Link involvement.”

Benefits for volunteers “Since I started as a volunteer just over six months ago I have really developed as a person. I have really started to come out of myself and also felt a real sense of fulfilment at knowing I am helping Scott move forward in his life.”

Outcomes & Evaluation Video and photo evidence Case studies Impact Report with hard data on the number of people experiencing specific outcomes:

Outcomes (Percentages are from Impact Report) Safe friendships Improved happiness/wellbeing (91%) Greater confidence & self-esteem (90%) Better Social & Communication skills. (85%)

Outcomes for Carers Improved happiness/wellbeing (63%) More of a life outside of the caring role (68%) Better able to sustain that role (72%) Percentages are from Impact Report

Any Questions?

St Oswald’s Church Men’s Shed idea

Westhill Men’s Shed, Aberdeen

Well equipped workshop

Social area for relaxing

Work on projects

Fix things

Build the shed

An asset in the community

Scottish Commission for Learning Disability Claire Stuart Evidence and Research Manager