Thomson Reuters – Future of Databases Academic & Government Markets Erik-Jan Van-Kleef Director of Sales EMEA September 2008
Scientific Innovation Science Citation Index Dialog online information retrieval First online research service World Patents Index Derwent online MicroPatent GENESEQ Techstreet IDRAC Web of Science Delphion ISI Web of Knowledge Newport Horizon Thomson Pharma Century of Science MDCManuscript Management Toolset
Current Strategic Position Discovery Publishing, Authoring and Collaboration Performance Evaluation Major Applications Leverage manuscript formatting Manage ePeer review Simplify collaborative authoring Benchmark performance across peer researchers, departments, and institutions Custom analysis of trends and impact Find and validate relevant scientific content Identify specialists and collaborators Expose evolving research Identify authors and institutions uniquely Core Products Web of Knowledge Manuscript Central EndNote, EndNote Web Research Services Essential Science Indicators Market Leadership Web of Knowledge serves over 3,700 institutions worldwide 12 products now integrated on Web of Knowledge 5 of 6 top publishers rely on Manuscript Central EndNote is #1 reference software in scholarly writing and publishing All STM publishers monitor their journal Impact Factor Governments rely on custom research services to manage research policy A&G solutions are increasingly being tailored to address the scholarly research workflow and drive growth Key Customers Scientists, Researchers, Scholars Librarians, Information Professionals Authors, Patent Applicants Publishers, Editors, Reviewers Provost, Minister of Education, Administrator Publishers, Editors Scientists, Researchers, Scholars Core Solutions
A&G Market Leadership EndNote Web of Knowledge Manuscript Central Web of Science Web of Knowledge used by over 20 million researchers worldwide Core content includes Web of Science, Biosis, and partner resources Over 58% increase in Web of Knowledge usage in 2007 Global presence – up from 50 countries in 2003 to 84 by 2007 EndNote - #1 reference software in scholarly writing and publishing Strong integration with Web of Science, MS Word and Manuscript Central Over 2 million cumulative units sold EndNote Web extends reach to undergrad and mobile researchers Web of Science - double digit growth for 9 consecutive years 49% penetration rate target market Analytical tools, publishing software & services and links with customer content Introducing regional Chinese citation index and localized UI Manuscript Central – delivers e-peer review solution to publishers Configurable software-as- service solution adapts to client workflows 5 of 6 top publishers rely on Manuscript Central Reduces time to publication from months to weeks
The ISI Web of Knowledge is anchored by Thomson Scientific premium core content, complemented by carefully selected partner content, and supported by powerful tools Thomson Scientific Premium Content Bibliographic Resources: Journal Literature: Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) Current Contents Connect BIOSIS Previews & Biological Abstracts Zoological Record Patents: Derwent Innovations Index Conferences/Proceedings: ISI Proceedings Bibliographic Resources: Journal Literature: Web of Science (SCI, SSCI, AHCI) Current Contents Connect BIOSIS Previews & Biological Abstracts Zoological Record Patents: Derwent Innovations Index Conferences/Proceedings: ISI Proceedings Bibliographic Tools EndNote Reference Manager Bibliographic Tools EndNote Reference Manager Analytic Resources Journal Citation Reports Essential Science Indicators Research Evaluation Reources Citation Reports Science Indicators Analytic Resources Journal Citation Reports Essential Science Indicators Research Evaluation Reources Citation Reports Science Indicators Selected Partner Content: INSPEC CAB Abstracts Food Science & Technology Abstracts MEDLINE Selected Partner Content: INSPEC CAB Abstracts Food Science & Technology Abstracts MEDLINE
The Current State Total Customers – nearly 4,000 in over 80 countries With over 3,900 institution customers, significant customer growth in all markets Strongest growth in international markets, from business in 50 countries (2003) to 84 countries (end of 2007) 54% of business outside North America 650+ customers 250+ customers customers
Within the vast realm of the Life Sciences or “biomedical research” there is today extreme emphasis on integration of fundamental discovery and its application in clinical medicine – translational science-research-medicine. “Life Sciences” Research – the Present and Future… This collaborative, interdisciplinary approach among traditional “researchers” and clinicians presents new requirements for supporting informational resources. What is needed is a diverse collection of integrated content delivered within a set of tools and features capable of driving fundamental discovery as well as supporting the decision-making process for clinicians and researchers alike.
Molecular Therapeutic Targets Drugs and Bioactive Compounds Genomics Experimental Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics Clinical Studies Adverse Events Biomarkers Therefore – Thomson Reuters now presents a diverse collection of integrated knowledge-bases in order to serve the molecular biologists, immunologists, pharmacologists, etc. in the lab as well as the oncologists, cardiologists, neurologists, etc. in the clinic. “Life Sciences” Research – the Present and Future…
Published Research Bioinformatics Resources Intellectual Property Regulatory Information Clinical Guidelines Conference and Symposia Presentations These knowledge-bases draw from a wide range of sources, are supported by Thomson Reuters experts as well as an international contributor network, and are complemented by additional content such as disease briefings and bioinformatics resources. “Life Sciences” Research – the Present and Future… true integration for translational research Molecular Therapeutic Targets Genomics Experimental Pharmacology Pharmacokinetics Clinical Studies Adverse Events Biomarkers Drugs and Bioactive Compounds Disease Briefings
Investigator Portal from Thomson Reuters is the resource to optimize workflow in the translational research environment. It is the source of the vast majority of content we’ve just presented. Designed to meet the challenges of interdisciplinary biomedical research.
Integration is the key, and Investigator Portal is designed to link all related information among its knowledge bases. Here for example – this particular result of a search on “Alzheimer” within Therapeutic Targets and Pathways links to related compounds.
In fact, for any search results in any knowledge base Investigator Portal reveals related information within all other knowledge bases. The landscape is quickly identified and related info accessible.
Thomson Pharma is a comprehensive global pharmaceutical information solution Thomson Pharma covers the entire drug discovery and development pipeline Academic institutions are not in the business of making new drugs, but licensing their research findings and working with Large Pharma For Academic Researchers in Large Research Institutes Discover Develop Launch Innovate
Drug Data Patent Data Gene Sequence Data Literature & News Data Commercial Data Chemistry Data Content Integration Target Data Thomson Pharma integrates content from over 40 resources
Content: Formatted into relevant Reports Content is divided up into 10 concatenated “living” reports - derived from over 40 resources
“Living Records” Sales and Market share information available for drugs with actual or forecasted sales of $100 million/year (between ). You can see by the graph there is more competition in the area of diabetes in 2008 Licensing details – who owns the rights to the drug
Potential Usage for Academics Researchers focused on Drug Discovery or Licensing Technology –Chemistry Report, Target Report etc. –Integrated content from multiple sources provide instantaneous overviews of any topic –Unique business data Research Planning / Funding –Make the most effective return on research investment –Don't waste resources on topics that already have a lot of research investment by the pharma industry –Identify sources of research funding and collaboration
“Life Sciences” Research – the Present and Future… There is another “layer” of information that is extremely important to those operating within the research environment. Biomedical research today is, for most, a results-driven, competitive, and overall pressure-filled environment. Foresight with regard to planning the future direction of research activities, and the right people to support these activities, is invaluable.
Thomson Scientific Introducing the Thomson Collexis Dashboard Providing enhanced knowledge discovery for the academic and government R&D communities. The Thomson Collexis Dashboard is a text mining tool to analyze topic areas such as diseases or drugs, providing expert profiles, trend information and powerful knowledge discovery. By merging Thomson Scientific’s Web of Science data with the Collexis Knowledge Dashboard, users will have the ability to identify and search for documents, experts and trends, and make new discoveries more quickly, accurately and deeply than via conventional search engines.
Thomson Scientific Exploring by Concept is a fundamental benefit of the Knowledge dashboard. Here we select Alzheimer Disease as defined by MeSH, and then Neurofibrillary Tangles as a subset.
Thomson Scientific The body of papers within the Neurofibrillary Tangles area is presented. This information can be explored in a variety of ways -- the selection of “Experts” presents top researchers within this realm.
Thomson Scientific “Locations” provides a geographic overview, where research is being produced. Links to the full records in Web of Science are presented.
Thomson Scientific Collexis data mining technology identifies hidden relationships, predicting future areas of study within “Alzheimer’s Research”.
Thomson Scientific Information on particular Researchers may be retrieved. Identify “Experts through Experts” – co-authors are revealed, including active and most prolific.
“Life Sciences” Research – the Present and Future… true content integration to meet the workflow needs of Life Sciences Researchers Thomson Collexis Dashboard Thomson Reuters Life Sciences Resources Supporting and Driving Discovery, Development, and Clinical Treatment