IR306 Foreign Policy Analysis Foreign Policy of China
Introduction China is a country in East Asia bordering the East China Sea, Korea Bay, and South China Sea. Neighboring countries include Afghanistan, Bhutan, Burma, India, Kazakhstan, North Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Macau, Mongolia, Nepal, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, and Vietnam. The PRC also claims Taiwan – as its 23rd province, a claim which is controversial due to the complex political status of Taiwan. China has a diverse terrain with mostly mountains, deserts in the west and plains in the east. Principal rivers flow west to east including the Yangtze and Huang He rivers. China is divided into 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions, 4 central administrative authorities and 2 special administrative areas. China is the world's second-largest country by land area.
Introduction Capital: Beijing Area: It is the fourth largest in area with territory that extends over 9.6 million square kilometers. China has a land border 22,000 kilometers long and a sea border of 18,000 meters. China has over 6,500 islands. Population: It is the world's most populous country, with a population of over 1.35 billion. Those under the age of 14 represent some 12% of the population while 7% are over the age of 65. Religion: Under the communist system, religion has been officially discouraged in China. Actual suppression has varied from one religion to another, and from year to year. Buddhism is practiced by between 10.85% and 18% of the Chinese. Christianity is practiced by 3.2%, 4% to 5% of the population, while Islam by 2% of the population.
Introduction Currency: The renminbi is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China. Nationality: Chinese Official Language: The official language of the PRC is Mandarin, a tonal language in the Sino-Tibetan family. Within China, however, only about 53 per cent of the population can communicate in Standard Mandarin. English is also spoken by some Chinese, particularly the young, many of whom have a good command of the English language. Constitution: After the founding of the PRC, four Constitutions have been formulated successively in 1954, 1975, 1978 and The first Constitution was adopted by the First Session of the First National People's Congress, the chief legislative branch, on September 20, The present Constitution was promulgated in 1982 and amended several times thereafter, in 1988, 1993 and 1999.
Brief history of China The last Chinese dynasty, the Qing, ruled from 1644 to 1911, when the Last Emperor was overthrown. Power struggles between warlords such as Sun Yat-Sen touched off the Chinese Civil War. Although the war was interrupted for a decade by the Japanese invasion and World War II, it picked up again once Japan was defeated. Mao Zedong and the Communist Peoples Liberation Army won the Chinese Civil War, and China became the Peoples' Republic of China in Chiang Kai Shek, leader of the losing Nationalist forces, fled to Taiwan.
China FP during the Cold War China was the first nation to fall to the Communists after the end of WW II. For many years its policies were closely tied to the Soviet policies in the ongoing conflict of the Cold War against the West. They supplied hundreds of thousands of troops to fight in the Korean War. They were major suppliers, and provided troops to North Vietnam during the Vietnam War. After Stalin’s death in 1953 the USSR and PRC started drifting apart. The Chinese felt the Russians were using them, and they wanted to pursue their own interests. By the late 60s there were open military clashes along the Sino/Soviet boarder. After Nixon “opened” China the old Communist allies drew further apart. The PRC and the US were (and still are) rivals, but it is more economic then political/ideological today.
China’s diplomacy basic objectives The basic objectives of its diplomacy included to secure national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, maintain world peace, and strive for an international environment favorable to the country's development. During the Cold War the socialist countries headed by the Soviet Union and the imperialist countries headed by the United States were in relentless confrontation. The US refused to recognize the Government of the People's Republic of China, and it even went further to impose political containment, economic blockade and military threat against China. In face of such a situation, China openly declared that it sided with the socialist camp, strived to enhance the alliance with the Soviet Union and other socialist countries, and firmly opposed the US policy of aggression and war.
China’s diplomacy basic objectives The Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, which served as the interim Constitution in the early days of the People's Republic, stipulates, "The principle of the foreign policy of the PRC is the protection of the independence, freedom, integrity of territory and sovereignty of the country, upholding of lasting international peace and friendly cooperation between the peoples of all countries, and opposition to the imperialist policy of aggression and war."
Foreign Policy in 1980s In conformity with new changes, the new Constitution enacted in 1982 summarizes the basic principles of China's foreign policy as the following: "China adheres to an independent foreign policy China often characterizes its foreign policy and national security goals in terms of a series of principles and slogans. Since the 1980s under Deng Xiaoping, Beijing has said it pursues an “independent foreign policy of peace” under which China’s “fundamental” foreign policy goals are: “To preserve China’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” “To create a favorable international environment for China’s reform and opening up and modernization.” mutual non-aggression, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistence in developing diplomatic relations
Foreign Policy in 1980s economic and cultural exchanges with other countries China consistently opposes imperialism, hegemonism and colonialism, works to strengthen unity with the people of other countries, supports the oppressed nations and the developing countries in their just struggle to win and preserve national independence and develop their national economies, and strives to safeguard world peace and promote the cause of human progress." China has also formally introduced the concept of a “harmonious world” into its official lexicon to compliment its commitment to “peaceful development,” and a “harmonious society” at home. China’s concern over its “territorial integrity” is most associated with (re)assumption of sovereign control over Taiwan and continued control over the western autonomous regions of Xinjiang and Tibet. As communism declined as a credible ideology, the measure of the Chinese Communist Party’s fitness to lead – and arguably its survival – became based on its ability to enhance national prosperity, restore China’s prestige and stature as a great power, and unify the nation. non-interference in each other's internal affairs.
Recent foreign policy In recent years, China's leaders have been regular travelers to all parts of the globe, and it has sought a higher profile in the UN through its permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council and other multilateral organizations. Now China followed Deng Xiaoping’s dictum about promoting prosperity while avoiding conflict. ASIA: Closer to home, China has made efforts to reduce tensions in Asia; its relations with its Asian neighbors have become stable during the last decades of the 20th century. It has contributed to stability on the Korean Peninsula, cultivated a more cooperative relationship with members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and participated in the ASEAN Regional Forum. Relations have improved with Vietnam since a border war was fought with the one-time close ally in A territorial dispute with its Southeast Asian neighbors over islands in the South China Sea remains unresolved, as does another dispute in the East China Sea with Japan. These conflicts have had a negative impact on China's reputation in many parts of the world.
China-India relations Relations with India have also improved considerably. After years of competition, general distrust between the two and a border war, relations in the 21st century between the world's two most populous states have never been more harmonious, as they have started to collaborate in several economic and strategic areas. Both countries have doubled their economic trade in the past few years, and China became India's largest trading partner in In 2003, China and India held negotiations for the first time since the Sino- Indian War of 1962 on a major border dispute: however, the dispute over Aksai Chin (formerly a part of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir) and South Tibet (China) or Arunachal Pradesh (India) is not settled and plagues Sino-Indian relations. While New Delhi has raised objections to Chinese military-aid to arch-rival Pakistan and neighboring Bangladesh, Beijing similarly objects to India's growing military collaboration with Japan, Australia and the United States.
China-Japan relations China has border and maritime disputes, including with Vietnam in the Gulf of Tonkin and with Japan. Beijing has resolved many of these disputes. On July 21, 2008, Russia finally resolved the last remaining border dispute along the 4300 km border between the two countries by ceding a small amount of territory to China. China also reached a 2000 agreement with Vietnam to resolve some differences over their maritime borders, though disagreements remain over some islands in the South China Sea. However, China's opposition to the bid of two of its important neighbors India and Japan to become permanent members of the UN Security Council has proved to be an irritant in their respective relationships. Japan, with its large economic and cultural influences in Asia, is seen by China as its most formidable opponent and partner in regional diplomacy. Both sides established diplomatic relations in 1972, and Japanese investment in China was important in the early years of China's economic reforms and ever since.
Taiwan Republic of China (Taiwan) The controversy regarding the political status of Taiwan hinges on whether Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu should remain effectively independent as territory of the Republic of China (ROC), become unified with the territories now governed by the People's Republic of China (PRC), or formally declare independence and become the Republic of Taiwan; as well as whether its existence and status as a state is legitimate and recognized by the international community. The current situation is the result of the victory of Mao Zedong’s communists on the nationalists in 1949, which then relocated to Formosa (later Taiwan). Constitutionally, Taiwan claims sovereignty over the entire mainland China, while the People’s Republic of China sees Taiwan as one of its provinces. In July 1987, 38 years of martial law in Taiwan came an end. A new turning point in the relations took place in In Taiwan, democratic elections were held that year. These elections were to the chagrin of the Chinese Communist Party, as it considers itself the sole true authority of Taiwan.
Taiwan Four years later, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) led by Chen Shui- bian won Taiwan's elections. He made a case for an independent Taiwan and was re-elected in China wants to reunite Taiwan with the mainland. In recent years, closer economic ties between Mainland China and Taiwan, as well as changing public feeling towards China in Taiwan have led to an easing of tensions between the countries. However, China will still see any unilateral declaration of independence from Taiwan as an act of war.
China-US relations Most analysts characterize present Chinese-American relations as being complex and multifaceted. The United States and China are usually neither allies nor enemies; the U.S. government does not regard China as an adversary but as a competitor in some areas and a partner in others. During the World War II, China was a close ally of the USA. At the founding of the communist-ruled PRC in 1949, the USA did not immediately recognize the newly established government of China. Until January 1979, the United States recognized the Republic of China on Taiwan as the legitimate government of China, and did not maintain diplomatic relations with the PRC on the mainland. In the mid of the Cold War, the Sino-Soviet split provided an opening for the US to establish ties with mainland China and use it as a counter to the Soviet Union and its influence. It was after January 1979 that the USA government switched recognition from Taipei to Beijing, as well as the diplomatic relations. Relations between China and the United States have
China-US relations been generally stable with some periods of tension, most notably after the dissolution of the Soviet Union, which removed a common enemy in a world characterized by American dominance. There are also concerns relating to human rights in the People's Republic of China and the political status of Taiwan. There are constant tides and strides in the Sino-U.S. relations, and diplomatic efforts were taken to maintain the positive direction in this international relationship, such as James R. Lilley around the 1990s. These foreign policy efforts have been part of a general foreign policy initiative known as China's peaceful rise. On November 15, 2005, Hu Jintao visited Seoul and spoke of the importance of both countries' contributions for regional peace and cooperation in economic development. The U.S Department of Defense in a 2011 report stated that China continues to use nationalism in order to increase support for the Communist party and to avoid internal criticism. However, this may also make it more difficult for Chinese foreign policy moderates to calm down tensions and avoid inflexibility during international conflicts. U.S. trade with China, which grew from $124 billion in 2003 to $162 billion in 2004.
China-US relations Americans are increasingly disturbed by the growing economic clout of China. With Chinese growth rates consistently above 9%, they accuse it of stealing U.S. jobs, of keeping the Yuan undervalued by pegging it to the dollar, of exporting deflation by selling its products abroad at unfair prices, of violating the rights of its workers to keep labor costs low, and of failing to meet its commitments to the WTO. These misunderstandings have opened the way to a trade war between the United States and China one that, if it escalates, could do considerable damage to both sides.