Topic 4: Lebanon and the Occupied Territories Topic 4: Lebanon and the Occupied Territories Conflict and Crisis in the Middle East
Key Questions How did the PLO and Israel become involved in the Lebanese civil war? What were the effects of the Lebanese civil war for the Arab-Israeli conflict? How does the emergence of Hezbollah alter PLO & Israeli relations? What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict?
How did the PLO and Israel become involved in the Lebanese civil war? PLO, expelled by King Hussein from Jordan, seek asylum in Lebanon in 1970 after Black September and under the terms of the Cairo Agreement. The PLO’s presence in South Lebanon and West Beirut inflames tensions between the various religious factions and their militias within Lebanon.
How did the PLO and Israel become involved in the Lebanese civil war? Lebanon is composed of a mixed population of Christians and Muslims. In 1975, civil war erupts between Lebanese militias in response to the PLO’s presence: Muslim’s in support and Christians in opposition.
How did the PLO and Israel become involved in the Lebanese civil war? In response to PLO attacks from across the Lebanese border, Israel participates in the civil war in support of Christian militias with the added intent of destroying PLO bases. In response, a UN peacekeeping forces was installed - unsuccessful at restoring order.
What were the effects of the Lebanese civil war for the Arab-Israeli conflict? EFFECT # 1: PLO driven out of Lebanon as a result of Israel’s “Operation Galilee” in 1982, the second Israeli invasion that successfully surrounded the main PLO base. A failed attack to secure the base allowed a multi-national force to escort the PLO to safety. Arafat and PLO leaders flee to Tunisia. Israel occupies S. Lebanon.
What were the effects of the Lebanese civil war for the Arab-Israeli conflict? EFFECT #2: A strengthened Peace Movement emerges in Israel after the massacre of 2,000 Palestinian refugees in camps under Israeli control. Though Lebanese-Christian militias were responsible, the Israelis shouldered the blame. International opinion shifted dramatically away from Israel’s side.
How does the emergence of Hezbollah alter PLO & Israeli relations? Militant PLO members form Hezbollah, a more violent terrorist organization. Arafat’s authority is reduced by distance and by competition. Arafat’s hand is forced: ally with the more violent elements or draw the olive branch closer?
How does the emergence of Hezbollah alter PLO & Israeli relations? Divided and troubled by infighting, the PLO relatively inactive in 1980s. Israel fades to the background due to peace with Egypt and the Iran-Iraq War ( ). Palestinians begin to take matters into their own hands in response to increased Israeli settlement in the West Bank and the increasingly active Israeli police force.
What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict? December 1987: Intifada (uprising): period of non-co-operation between Palestinian Arabs and the Jewish authorities in the Gaza Strip begins. Spark: shooting of Arab youth by Israeli soldiers. End: agreement between Yitzah Shamir and Yasser Arafat in 1993.
What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict? Progression of Intifada: –protests, strikes, non-payment of taxes and refusal to use identity documents… –stonethrowing by youths… –PLO takes over the movement, escalating the violence to incidents involving firearms By 1991, 697 (78 under 14) Palestinians had been killed.
What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict? EFFECT #1: a new sense of unity created amongst Palestinians - come to believe that their destiny was in their own hands and not in that of the Arab states
What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict? EFFECT #2: Israeli public opinion realizes the futility of attempting to retain control of valueless areas at the price of Israeli lives. International opinion moves against the Israelis in response to Israeli tactics in Gaza and the West Bank - persuades politicians to consider negotiating with the PLO.
What was the Intifada and was were its effects on the Arab-Israeli conflict? EFFECT #3: PLO renounces violence in November 1988 at the Palestine National Council. Arafat announces that an independent Palestine could co- exist with an independent Israel.