Unit Two Receiving the Guests. Section A Related Special Terms 1. Major types of tourist guides tour manager/ escort 领队 national guide/guide interpreter.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit Two Receiving the Guests

Section A Related Special Terms 1. Major types of tourist guides tour manager/ escort 领队 national guide/guide interpreter 全程导游员 ∕ 全陪 international receptive tourist guide 国际接待导游 international tourist guide 国际导游 domestic tourist guide 国内导游 overseas travel tourist guide 国际游导游

scenic-spot guide 景点导游员 local guide 地方导游 ∕ 地陪 driver-guide 司机导游员 adventure guide 探险导游员 heritage interpreter 历史遗迹解说员 escort interpreter 陪同解说员 docent 博物馆解说员 professional tour guide 职业导游员 non-professional/ amateur tour guide/step on 非职业 ∕ 兼职 ∕ 临时导游员

Key tourist services/agencies in China China International Travel Service (CITS) 国旅 China Travel Service/ Agency (CTS/CTA) 中旅 China Youth Travel Service (CYTS) 中青旅 China Comfort Travel (CCT) 中国康辉旅行社 Overseas Chinese Travel Services (OCTS) 中国海外旅 行社 Types of travel government delegation 政府代表团 vacational group 休假团 study/ survey group 考察团

individual group 散客团 all-in/all-inclusive tour 统包旅游 congress tourism 会议游 domestic/ground inclusive tour 国内 ∕ 地面包价旅游 incentive travel 奖励游 group package 团体包价旅游 Tour guide ’ s documentation & tools professional badge 导游员胸卡 tour guide certificate 导游资格证 tour banner 旅行社徽旗 itinerary/ schedule 旅行计划 identifying cardboard 指认牌

Section B A Full Preparation for Meeting Tourists Steps on meeting tourists 1. You should get the basic information of the group as follows: name of the travel agency, name of the liaison in charge of the group, the group code, name of the tour leader and national guide, number of tourists, names of all tour members including their

nationalities, gender, occupations, ages, religions and special requests, etc. 2. Study the itinerary carefully. You should confirm details from transportation, hotels, rooms, restaurants, and meals. 3. Bring all the necessary items, including tour guide certificate, professional badge, and the itinerary of the group. 4. Prepare a welcome speech beforehand. The speech should be brief but full in content.

Contents of a welcome speech 1. Express a warm-hearted welcome and extend your greetings to the tourists. 2. Briefly introduce yourself, the coach driver, and the travel agency for which you work. 3. Express your intention to provide a good service. 4. Inform tourists of the hotel in which they are going to stay. 5. Try to take this chance to wish tourists a good time during the stay in your city.

Welcome Speeches I Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, On behalf of Beijing International Travel Service and my colleagues, I would like to welcome you to China and our capital city, Beijing. My name is Qian Jiang and I will be your local guide for the next several days during your stay in Beijing. Please allow me to introduce Mr. Fang, your national guide who will travel with you throughout your trip in China, and our experienced driver,

Mr. Wang who has worked for the Beijing Tour Bus Company since it was established in We will do our best to make your stay in Beijing pleasant and enjoyable. I hope that your visit to our city will a memorable experience. Now, I would like to invite Mr. Fang to say a few words, Mr. Fang, please …

II Paris is a majestic city, a city of culture, Romance, gastronomy, design and fashion. It is also a city on the move, a city of daring. With the opening of new museums, world-class sporting events, festive and popular urban happenings, Paris is a capital that never sleeps. Whether you are a new comer or already familiar with the Paris scene, there is a vast choice awaiting you: over 1,800 classified monuments, 170 museums, 145 theaters and 380 cinemas. Some of the cultural sites of the capital are absolute “ must ” and among the most visited monuments in the world. Several of them have UNESCO world heritage status. UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization 联合国教育科学文化组织,简称联合国教科文组织

Paris, however, is not just a historical city. Its riverbanks and neighborhoods, some of Which retain a village atmosphere, are an invitation to stroll and sightseeing. Paris, the eternal, City of Lights, original, modern, creative is all yours. Whether you are already “ in love ” with our city or here for the first time, please make yourself at home. Welcome to Paris!