Values Based Recruitment Nick Mernock & Lynn Hughes.


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Presentation transcript:

Values Based Recruitment Nick Mernock & Lynn Hughes

Background The wish to improve the consistency of fit with Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service culture and values in new Firefighter recruits. The interest in moving towards having demonstrating an organisational and managerial style which is values based. The will to continue break new ground in all aspects of service. The need to ensure that recruitment processes run fairly and efficiently, and are completely open to all.

Person/Organisation Fit Organisational fit refers to the person’s compatibility with the organisation’s values and ways of working. The most common elements of match between individual and organisational values are often referred to as culture fit. There is growing interest in concepts such as organisational citizenship and organisational commitment and the impact of these on both performance and fit

Adding the Personality Dimension Research has identified two measurable aspects of personality that are potentially very relevant to the idea of person/organisation fit: Factor Alpha – a blend of characteristics that reflect degrees of conscientiousness, agreeableness and emotional stability – likely acceptance of rules, norms and conventions – “getting along” Factor Beta – a combination of the effects of degrees of extraversion and openness to experience – “getting on” We developed scales for measuring Alpha and Beta based on our partners personality instrument, and through employee focus groups.

Screening Applicants Two part screening tool. Part A gives an indication of the extent of match between their stated preferences and beliefs and the values identified as desirable here. Part B gives an indication of strength of “getting along” and “getting on” personality factors. Detailed approach to decision making on screening needs to be defined during first stages of application of the tool. Themes were then used to generate questions for the Part A (values) Component of the trial questionnaire.

Developing the Screening Tool – Approach and Outcome Integration of existing thoughts around corporate values with input from representatives of the Executive Board, Community Advocates, Group and Area Managers, Station Managers, the Search and Rescue Team and Community Firefighters. Analysis and integration of this information resulted in identification of six themes: –Responsibility –Social empathy –Constructive challenge –Mutuality –Pragmatism –Openness to experience

Developing the Screening Tool – Approach and Outcome Questions were generated by our partner to provide a trial form of the Part B (personality) component of the questionnaire. Questionnaires were trialled with 255 people who had applied to work as Firefighters. Final version of questionnaire developed – each applicant will be asked to complete an online questionnaire consisting of 66 items (36 Part A and 30 Part B) lasting around 20 – 30 minutes.

Sample Items Part A (Values) ItemSAADSD 1 I have opportunities to maintain my physical fitness oooo 2It is a job that keeps me busyoooo 3 I am allowed to do a thorough job whatever the task is oooo 4 You can sometimes leave things untidy oooo 5 You can rely on other people to finish things for you oooo In a good job for you, how important would it be to you to have the following:

Sample Items Part B (Personality) ItemSAADSD 1 I am not interested in other people’s problems oooo 2 I find that I often don’t finish the things that I start oooo 3 I rarely get irritated by people or events oooo 4 I like people who share my preference for order and regularity oooo 5 I feel little concern for others oooo

Next Steps and Further Developments Utilise within next recruitment round at the end of September. Define decision rule and check for adverse impact. Validate the two parts of the instrument. Embed the screening tool into the recruitment process. Integrate other applications of values based approaches to management within the Service.

Potential Impact of Alpha and Beta at Work Low getting onHigh getting on Low getting along Reservations over suitability Strong individualist High getting along Good conformer Potentially a future leadership prospect

Responsibility Openness to Experience Constructive Challenge Pragmatism Social Empathy Mutuality People Improvement Diversity Community INDIVIDUALORGANISATION TRANSFORMATION VALUES = BEHAVIOUR = RESULTS Encouraging change Being decisive Facilitating change Building a shared vision supports a development culture Inspiring others Being accessible Enabling Focusing team efforts Honest & consistent

FORGING A CULTURE OF EXCELLENCE Heritage – where we have come from Service Improvement – People Strategy Succession Planning/ Talent Management Embedding Values Building Leadership Capacity