7 th Chapter 9-1 Cornell Notes “The Geography of Europe”
7 th Chapter 9-1 Cornell Notes Chapter 9 Standards HSS 7.6: Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, religious, and social structures of the civilizations of Medieval Europe.
Chapter 9-1 Cornell Notes Key Terms Eurasia topography
Chapter 9-1 Cornell Notes: Europe small + diverse continent; Eurasia = Europe + Asia (parts of); southern Europe: mountains, hot/dry climate; northern Europe: flat land, forests, rivers, cold/climate; many peninsulas, jagged coastline. Heading 1: “The Physical Features Of Europe”
Chapter 9-1 Cornell Notes: Life Based On Location; South: coastal plains/river valleys--farming flat land or slopes; Mountains: hilly, rugged, livestock (sheep, goats); Coast: food/travel from sea, traders and seafarers; North: far from sea, rivers access to sea, many towns close by; Northern Plains: rich soil, many farms, flat land = frequent invasions. Heading 2: “Geography Shapes Life”