KS3 Design & Technology Year 8 Programme of Study 2015/16 In year 8 all students complete the modules of study following a rotational system. Therefore not all students will complete all of the modules in the order above due to rooming and staff availability. However, at the end of year 8 all students will have completed all of the modules. NB The above order is given as a guide. See rotation sheets that follow for further details. In year 8 all students continue to study Design and Technology. Assessment is focused towards designing, planning for making and accuracy of making skills.
KS3 Design & Technology Year 8 Rotations 2015/16
The slides that follow show the simple 5 minute SOW for each module of study in year 8. NB These are a guide to the tasks completed throughout each module of study and the weekly order may change. More detailed SOW are available within the department. Year 8 Design & Technology 5 minute Schemes of Work 2015/16
Design Task- Design a clock based on Memphis and Alessi for a target user of your choice. Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords, Alessi video. Analyse existing products. Write a success criteria and user profile. Week 2. Spelling test. Material choices. Tools and equipment available for use. Cradle to cradle video leading to sustainability issues. Permanent and temporary fixing methods. Drawing skills, recognition of geometric shapes, using a compass effectively. Initial design ideas. Week 3. Developing design ideas. Modelling ideas accurately. Week 4. Templates. Producing a production plan for clock number template including quality checks. End of module test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Annotations to designs. Numeracy: Accurate use of templates. Accuracy measuring, recognition of geometric shapes, using a compass. Thinking Skills: Be able to reflect on designs to improve them based on user needs. SMSC: Responsibility of designers. Designing for a sustainable world. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the workshops. Marked Objectives. 1.Initial Ideas and developing design ideas. 2.Modelling leading to the final design solution. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn Key word spellings Complete an Inspiration Board linked to your user, Memphis and Alessi- (To complete your research ask your target user where they want the clock to be made for- what room? Environment? Week 2. Design 4 different ideas for your clock design. Add notes to your design ideas to explain and evaluate your thoughts. Include detail of shape, colour, materials and user thoughts and opinions. Week 3. Final design solution. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Clock Design Keywords. Alessi Aesthetic Modelling Sustainability Form Function Template Geometric Shapes Justification Render
Design Task- Making a sustainable clock. Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords. Health and safety recap. Production planning. Material selection. Week 2. Spelling test. Measuring accurately. H&S when using the pillar drill. Start making clock. Discuss the diary of making that will be completed for homework.. Week 3. Finishing edges. Continue making clock and notes to help writing diary. Week 4. Fixing methods. Demonstrate fitting mechanism to clock. Finish diary of making. End of Module test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Written diary of making. Numeracy: Accurate use of templates. Accuracy measuring, Thinking Skills: Be able to solve problems they encounter throughout the making process. SMSC: Making a sustainable clock. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the workshops. Safe use of the pillar drill. Marked Objectives. 1.Produce a detailed diary of making for the clock including appropriate technical language. 2.Final clock. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn the spellings of the key words. Write a definition for each key word. Week 2. Start to write a detailed diary of making that explains each stage of the making process including the use of appropriate technical language. Week 3. Continue diary of making. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Making a sustainable clock Keywords. Temporary Permanent Pyrography Pop rivet Sander sealer Pillar Drill Junior Hacksaw Emery Cloth Coping Saw Mechanism Tools & Equipment Hacksaw, Tenon saw, coping saw, files, abrasive papers, Pillar drill.
Design Task- Making an amplifier. Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords. What is portability?. Soldering safely health and safety recap. Soldering practice. Week 2. Spelling test. Soldering the resistors, capacitors and integrated circuit into place. Start to write a diary of making. Week 3. Soldering the jack plug, speaker and battery and fitting the integrated circuit into place. Continue writing the diary of making. Week 4. Testing circuits. Fault finding. Definitions of key words. End of module test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Diary of making. Technical language- component names. Numeracy: Accuracy when completing circuit. Calculations of resistor values. Thinking Skills: Be able to fault find the circuit. Written diary. SMSC: Reflecting on ingenious products and inventions that can improve the quality of life. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the workshops. Use of soldering irons- see separate risk assessments. Marked Objectives. 1.Making the amplifier- accuracy of soldering. 2.Diary of making explaining each process in detail. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Week 2. Produce a timeline to show the history of the personal stereo. Use pictures and notes to show the different developments and explain why. Week 3. Design the personal stereo of the future. Imagine it is What do you think will come next? Draw your design, add colour and notes to explain your idea Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Making Amplifier Keywords. Resistor Capacitor Speaker Integrated Circuit Soldering Iron Electrolytic Flux Amplifier Electronic Components Battery Tools & Equipment Soldering Irons, stands, long nose pliers, wire cutters, solder, goggles, aprons.
Design Task- Using 2d design produce a suitable case for your amplifier Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords, introduce project. What are nets/developments? Produce a cube from an A4 page, repeat the cube using grid paper, recap 2d design skills then produce a further cube using 2d design. Introduce interlocking tabs idea. Week 2. Spelling test. Video. Re-cap 2d design skills from year 7 including how to trace, bitmap and draw freehand. Develop skills in editing, line construction and using the dimension tool. Success criteria. Week 3. Completion of final design idea onto 2d design, all colour will be applied by hand. Use of vinyl to enhance design. Evaluate design solution- will your target user like it? Week 4. Cutting out design accurately. Applying colour. Assemble net and add amplifier. Literacy: Key word spellings. Written explanations of WWW/EBI Numeracy: Accurate measurements used to construct different nets. Logical thinking. Thinking Skills: Be able to complete tasks effectively. SMSC: Health and Safety: Regular breaks when using computers. No drinks near machines. Safe use of craft knives when cutting. Marked Objectives. 1. Net construction tasks including WWW/EBI notes. 2. Final amplifier casing product. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Collect a range of images relevant to your target user. (electronic version will be easier to use next lesson) Week 2. Produce a page of design ideas for your amplifier case. Full colour must be applied and try to ‘move’ your design around the box. Week 3. End of module test. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW CAD Casing Amplifier Keywords. Miniaturisation Dieter Rams Net ( Development) Dimension Coordinates Modernism Influential Functional Simplicity Aesthetics Portable Innovation Media Coloured pencils, fine liners, vinyl. 2d Design software.
Design Task- Draw a IPod docking station using SolidWorks then produce an advertisement for your product using Photoshop. Lesson Plan Week 1. Keywords. Recap SolidWorks skills from year 7. Pupils make a dice using the software then a mobile phone. Keep a diary of their progress. Week 2. Spelling Test. Follow the instruction booklet to step 32 to complete the initial stage of the docking station. At this point pupils have the option to complete the rest of the booklet or to use their own skills to add detail to the docking station as they see fit. Continue their diary showing progress. Week 3. Introduce Photoshop. Pupils complete several tasks to learn the different tools and uses within the software completing an A4 page to document their work. Week 4. Pupils produce their own advertisements from their homework tasks using Photoshop. Independent work is assessed. End of module test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Numeracy: Accurate measurements used so the pieces fit together. Thinking Skills: Be able to follow instructions, different ways of working using different learning styles. SMSC: Working together with peers to help and support. Health and Safety: Follow the Code of conduct for using the ICT suites. Marked Objectives. 1.Docking station using SolidWorks. 2.Final Advertisemen t Photoshop. Homework Tasks Week 1. Learn keywords. Collect two examples of advertisements. One ‘good’ and one ‘bad’ explain why you think the advert is good or bad. Week 2.. Draw two designs for an advert for your docking station. Week 3. Produce a final design for your advert. Include details to explain how you will produce it on Photoshop next lesson. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW SolidWorks & Photoshop Software SolidWorks and Photoshop
Design Task- Using sewing machine skills, make a fully functioning pencil case. Lesson Plan Week 1. Health and Safety rules. Introduction to machine sewing. Driving license and threading up. Week 2. Recap threading up, do accuracy test. Cut out fabric for pencil case then pin zip in place. Week 3. Practical: Tack zip in place and sew. Cut out pocket and attach in place. Week 4. Practical: Sew three sides of pencil case together and neaten. End of module test. Literacy: Key word spellings. Researching definitions of key words using a dictionary. Numeracy: Accurate use of template to cut out pencil case and pocket. Thinking Skills: Ability to combine skills learnt to create a fully functioning product, independently. SMSC: Making products of worth for a person they know. Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the classroom. Safe use of tools- sewing machines, pins, needles and fabric scissors. Close supervision of pupils when doing practical. Marked Objectives. 1.Final completed pencil case. 2.Fastenings research. Homework Tasks Week 1. Fastenings homework. Week 2. Learn keywords and sewing machine parts crossword. Week 3. research and write definitions of key words. Week 4. None set. 5 Minute SOW Year 8 Textiles- Pencil Case Tools. Needle. Pins. Fabric scissors. Sewing machine. Materials. Patterned fabric. Zipper. Keywords. Fabric Thread Seam Tack Sewing machine Bobbin Scissors Fastening Template Reverse stitch
Design Task- Be able to plan and prepare a range of practical dishes. Lesson Plan Week 1. Personal hygiene – food poisoning How to use the oven, hob and knife safely. Scones practical-Students make scones in the time allocated. Gather together at end for marking and feedback. Week 2. Carbohydrates. Demo fish / chicken goujons and home made chips. Students make dish, peer marking and feedback. Week 3. Protein, Function, source, effect of excess and deficiency. Demo spaghetti bolognaise. Students make dish and feedback. Week 4. Vitamins and minerals. Demo Spanish frittata / tortilla. Students complete practical then marking and feedback of dishes. Literacy: Key word spellings. Action planning. Numeracy: Ability to measure ingredients accurately. Plan time effectively. Thinking Skills: Following instructions, making amendments if needed. SMSC: Health and Safety: Follow the code of conduct in the food room. Marked Objectives. 1.Planning the Spanish frittata practical including quality control points. 2.Accuracy when making Homework Tasks Week 1. Bring ingredients for scones. Choose a homework task to complete from the list in class. Week 2. Bring ingredients for practical. Choose a homework task to complete from the list in class. Week 3. Bring ingredients for practical and action plan. Week 4. None set 5 Minute SOW Food Keywords Bolognaise Spaghetti Goujon Ingredients Mineral Vitamin Protein Carbohydrate Soya