Transforming Life by Love S4 Unit
Learning Intentions: I am learning: 1. to explore human responses to life 2. how an informed conscience transforms lives and affects the response to moral issues 3. about Jesus as Saviour and how this effects others’ belief in Jesus 4. why prayer is important for building a relationship with God. 5. how my relationship with God and others is deepened through study, prayer and reflection upon Scripture 6. to inform my conscience 7. to participate in opportunities for prayer and reflection based upon my learning
Success Criteria: 1. I have explored and can describe some human responses to life 2. I can describe how an informed conscience transforms lives 2a)I can discuss how an informed conscience affects the response to moral issues 3. I can discuss why an understanding of Jesus as Saviour effects others’ belief in Jesus 4. I can express why prayer is important for building a relationship with God. 6. I can describe how my relationship with God and others is deepened through study, prayer and reflection upon Scripture 7. I know ways to inform my conscience 8. I have participated in opportunities for prayer and reflection based upon my learning
Key Vocabulary Redemption: the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil. "God's plans for the redemption of his world" Atonement: the action of making amends for a wrong or injury (in religious contexts) reparation for sin. In Christian Theology the reconciliation of God and mankind through Jesus Christ. Salvation: preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss. In Christian Theology deliverance from sin and its consequences, brought about by faith in Christ. Holiness: the state of being holy (Holy: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.) Virtue: behaviour showing high moral standards.