 Beginning in the late 1980’s significant loss of forest cover and channelization in the area of Block 72, lead to increased total and peak flows being.


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Presentation transcript:

 Beginning in the late 1980’s significant loss of forest cover and channelization in the area of Block 72, lead to increased total and peak flows being discharged to Brooklyn Creek.  This culminated with widespread flooding on the agricultural lands and residential areas on the lower reaches of Brooklyn Creek.

 In response a report titled “Silverado Land Corp, Crown Isle Development and Drainage Report “ was completed.  Chief amongst the recommendations of this report was that a series of detention facilities would serve to maintain the peak discharge rate to Brooklyn Creek at 0.75 cubic meter/s.  This detention system was recommended for completion prior to the fall of 1991.

 In response to continued flooding and erosion in the lower reaches of Brooklyn Creek, the Town of Comox commissioned the above study.  This was a stakeholder driven process that included representation from the Town of Comox, City of Courtenay, MoA, MoTH, Regional District, MoE, DFO, and various land holders and community groups with a vested interest in this creek.

 The original recommendations called for an increase in conveyance on Brooklyn Creek through increase channel capacity.  This would have lead to an near complete loss of the natural riparian zone and a substantial loss of private property.  As an alternative a high flow diversion was proposed. This had the advantages of reducing both the total and peak flows to predevelopment levels while retaining the riparian habitat below.

 With the completion of the diversion, it was now possible to consider restoring the natural habitat with the consideration of flooding and erosion largely mitigated.  This restoration could now begin focusing on solving many of the problems that had plagued Brooklyn Creek through much of its recent history.

1. Loss of prime spawning and rearing habitat for salmonids. 2. Loss of natural pool frequencies and corresponding stable high water refuge habitat. 3. Restricted fish passage. 4. Loss of the long term source of LWD to the stream channel and corresponding lack of LWD recruitment. 5. Loss and fragmentation of natural structure, function and biological diversity of riparian areas. 6. Poor base flows.

2012 Completed Location of Completed and Proposed Projects

 Town of Comox  Western Economic Diversification Canada  Pacific Salmon Foundation  Habitat Conservation Trust Fund  Fisheries and Oceans Canada  Comox Valley Regional District  Ridgeline Excavating Ltd.  Avril Homes Ltd.  Brooklyn Creek Watershed Society  Environmental Conservation Program (Excel Career College)  Youth and Ecological Restoration  Streamside Native Plants  Fanny Bay Enhancement Society  Hyland Precast Inc.  Current Environmental