GReD s.r.l. – Geomatics Research & Development Spin-off del Politecnico di Milano
GReD profile Main areas of expertise: Monitoring, surveying and cartography; GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) value-added applications; Gravimetric applications; Space applications. An University spin-off inside the Geomatics Lab of Politecnico di Milano, with Galileian Plus and 4changing as industrial partners. GReD concerns about R&D, consulting and algorithms to perform top edge geomatics solutions. The Como Geomatics Lab of Politecnico di Milano is one of the most relevant centers worldwide for R&D in advanced technology for multidisciplinary computation of georeferred spatial data.
“ The territory knowledge meets the precision ”Mission
Stakeholders & management GReD is participated by the following individual shareholders Professor Fernando Sansò (25%) International Geoid Service Founder, International Geodesy Association Honorary and GReD Chairman. Professor Mattia Crespi (7%) Professor at Civil Engineering and Environmental Department of Rome University “La Sapienza”. Ph.D. Mirko Reguzzoni (12%) Researcher at Civil Engineering and Environmental Department of “Politecnico di Milano”. Ph.D. Stefano Caldera (5%) Researcher at GReD. Ph.D. Lisa Pertusini (5%) Researcher at GReD. Ph.D. Eugenio Realini (5%) Researcher at GReD. Ph.D. Daniele Sampietro (5%) Researcher at GReD. GReD is participated by the following individual companies 4changing S.p.A. (24%) Management consulting firm to perform innovative projects for large organization ( Galileian Plus S.r.l. (12%) SME in the field of geographic knowledge through ESRI Italia ( Management In order to adequately structure the company to the challenges of the market a figure has been identified and involved in the strategic management of the company together with the Chairman, Professor Fernando Sansò, Mr. Valter Amerio, as Business Development Manager.
Organizational structure Professor Fernando Sansò Chairman Ph.D. Mirko Reguzzoni Board Member & Space Applications Ph.D. Daniele Sampietro Partner & Gravimetric Solutions Ph.D. Stefano Caldera Partner & Monitoring, Surveying and Cartography Solutions Ph.D. Lisa Pertusini Partner & Monitoring, Surveying and Cartography Solutions Ph.D. Eugenio Realini Partner & GNSS Solutions Professor Mattia Crespi Board Member & GNSS Solutions Valter Amerio Business Development
Market Natural Resources Agriculture; Environmental management; Mining; Oil & Gas; Water resources; Climate change. Infrastructure Energy & Utilities; Transportation; Facilities & Pipeline. Natural Hazards Landslides; Subsidence & uplift; Hydro geological instability; Meteo forecasting. Government Public works and urban planning; Land Administration
Offering Consulting services in the geomatics field to support industry and government institutions to better address and lead innovative projects; Algorithms and software development to perform top edge geomatics solutions according to the customers needs and objectives; Solutions and services for geodetic monitoring in the frame of critical infrastructure and natural hazards based on multiconstellation low-cost receivers.
GReD s.r.l. – Geomatics Research & Development Spin-off del Politecnico di Milano Capabilities & Services
Monitoring, surveying and cartography GReD studies and develops state-of-the- art solutions and services for surveying and cartographic advanced applications, supporting clients in solving complex problems. In particular: in support of surveying and cartographic activities an innovative solution for the rigorous adjustment of surveying tridimensional mixed network (total station, levelling and GNSS), even big networks, in order to estimate with high precision planoaltimetric coordinates; analysis, validation and merging services for digital terrain models coming from data sources. in support of monitoring activities analysis services for ground, civil engineering work and infrastructure deformation. in support of territory management: achieves and updates GIS systems enabled by proprietary or Open source technologies.
GNSS value-added applications to the providers of satellite position services GNSS data analysis services for materialization and maintenance of the reference system based on GNSS permanent station network itself. Such services are addressed to regional, national and international networks, even very big networks (based on more than a hundred GNSS permanent stations); positioning services provided by GNSS permanent station network validation. to the geodetic and surveying professionals using GNSS technologies quality control services / survey validation in quasi real-time; to the users needing high precision SW solutions achieving precisions in the scale of ten cm, or better for goods or people navigation/positioning also by using low cost / very low cost single frequency receivers. GReD studies and develops state-of- the-art GNSS value-added solutions, supporting clients in solving complex problems. In particular:
Gravimetric applications state-of-the-art solutions for aerial gravimetry with high precision and spatial resolution; advanced solutions for terrain topographic effects in order to merge terrestrial gravimetric data and satellite data (e.g. from the European Space Agency mission GOCE); state-of-the-art solutions for gravity data pre-processing (e.g. outlier detection or dataset reparation); innovative solutions for gravity data analysis, interpretation and merging with geological information. GReD studies and develops state-of-the- art solutions for the elaboration and analysis of gravimetric/gradiometric data, supporting clients in solving complex problems. In particular:
Space applications it studies and develop algorithms and procedures for data analysis and gravitational field recovery on both a global and a local scale; it contributes to spatial tests and missions for gravity field recovery on a global scale; it contributes to innovative applications development, enabled by spatial technologies for Earth observation and satellite navigation. GReD studies, develops and contributes to the state-of-the-art in study, design and making of spatial missions. In particular:
GReD s.r.l. – Geomatics Research & Development Spin-off del Politecnico di Milano Projects
Heli-dem project The target of the Heli-dem project ( is the computation of a new Digital Terrain Model (DTM) That includes all the available information over the Alpine And sub-Alpine area between Italy and Switzerland. The Project is co-funded by FESR and includes the following partners: Landscape and Urban General Directorate of Regione Lombardia; Geomatics Laboratory of the Department of Environmental, Hydraulic, Infrastructures and Surveying Engineering (DIIAR) at Politecnico di Milano; Fondazione Politecnico di Milano; Department of Land Territory and Geotechnologies (DITAG) at Politecnico di Torino; Department for Strategic Programming, Spatial Policies and Housing of Regione Piemonte; Department for Environment Constructions and Design at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI). In the framework of this project, GReD is supporting Politecnico di Milano for the merging of the Swiss geoid CHGeo2004 with the Italian one ITALGEO05, by exploiting GOCE observations and the EGM08 global gravity model.
Galileian Plus S.r.l.; Politecnico di Milano, Como Campus; Institut de Geomatica; DEIMOS Engenharia S.A.; Istituto geologico de Catalunya; Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. The project kick off was on February 15, In the framework of this project, GReD is supporting Politecnico di Milano in the development of new algorithms for precise satellite positioning and for the integration of local gravity models with the global ones derived from the GOCE mission. The target of the GAL project ( is the study and the development of a new methodology for the determination of high-resolution local gravity models by airborne gravimetry. The proposed methodology is now feasible by exploiting a variety of different surveying technologies, such as GNSS observations (GPS and Galileo), EGNOS and inertial units. The computed models are then combined with gravity data coming from the ESA satellite mission GOCE. The project has been proposed by the GAL Consortium, which comprises the following partners: GAL project
Regional & national networks Network adjustment of regional and national networks (GPS Lombardia, Rete Lazio, Italpos and RDN Networks) to routinely compute very precise permanent GNSS station coordinates in a single reference frame.
Gravimetric applications GReD is working with the Department of Environmental, Hydraulic, Infrastructures and Surveying Engineering (DIIAR) at Politecnico di Milano to considerably improve performances of airborne kinematic gravimetry/gradiometry in terms of accuracy and spatial resolution of the retrieved local gravity field through the developing of new algorithms and merging all the routines in a unique software. The combination of different observations of the gravitational field is a key task for some industry, such as mining and oil & gas exploration, and it will allow for instance to have preliminary information on the gravitational field in a local region without any particular acquisition campaign or to have a refined grid if airborne and ground data are available in the area. The major goal of the project is the implementation of a software able to combine different gravity observations in a multi-scale approach and to deliver a local grid of free air or bouguer gravity anomalies.
Mapping urban underground The target of the mapping urban underground services (MUS project) is to develop a prototypal solution to carry out three-dimensional GEORADAR surveys over large areas in urban environment. The city underground is in fact strongly man-made by several networks of services and nowadays there is not a sufficient knowledge of the actually placed infrastructures. This implies a significant difficulty both in the maintenance of existing networks and in the realization of new ones. In the framework of this project, GReD is supporting the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (DICA) of Politecnico di Milano in the development of the GEORADAR positioning system based on low-cost multi-antenna GPS. Although with degraded performances, the low-cost receivers can in fact operate in hostile urban environment with a poor satellite visibility and a multi-antenna system, in addition to guaranteeing a greater robustness, allows to estimate the attitude of the vehicle with the GEORADAR on board.
Como lake subsidence
GOCE mission It is an ESA mission, the first one based on gravity gradiometry. The goal of the mission is to estimate the Earth gravitational field in terms of spherical harmonic expansion up to degree , with a commission of 1-2 cm in terms of geoid. Life of the mission: Launched on March 17, 2009 from Plesetsk; Fully operative since October 31, 2009; Main data gaps: From February 12, 2010 to March 1, 2010; From July 8, 2010, to September 1, 2010.