Early Help Workshop: Update, Progress & Next Steps 5 th May 2015 Strategic Change & Reform.


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Presentation transcript:

Early Help Workshop: Update, Progress & Next Steps 5 th May 2015 Strategic Change & Reform

Workshop Aims: To update colleagues on the delivery of Early Help Model. Recap on the journey. A provide a more detailed look at The Early Help Offer. To outline how the Early Help currently links in with other Services / delivery models. To explore how The Early Help Offer can link in with other services / delivery models. To give an overview of the Early Help Performance Management Framework. Explore other early intervention & reform opportunities.

Reactive & Specialist Services Early Help Universal Services Early Help Universal Services Reactive & Specialist Services To this… Why Did We Do It? From this

Why Did We Do It…. Budget pressures to work differently Public Service Reform agenda Improved outcomes for individuals and families. Cooperative Borough - to become enablers rather than providers. To reduce the demand at crisis point (specialist / high cost) = Early Intervention.

Why did we do it? Single issues services High threshold levels Specialist help at crisis point Reactive services Multiple workers Dealing with presenting issues Fire fighting demand Silo working Specialist service = high cost Multiple issues not addressed Single issue response

How Did We Do It? Place based work in St Mary’s & Coldhurst. Learning and building on good practice (Troubled Families & Project Solution). Theme based discussions / workshops. (Get Oldham Working / Drug & Alcohol / 0-19) One conversation to identify a model to address multiple needs. Identification & pooling of existing resources. Lots of patience, perseverance & post it notes…….

The Early Help Model: An Overview Debbie Holland: Early Help Service Manager Debbie Holland: Early Help Service Manager

Early Help Offer The Early Help Offer

Early Help - Oldham Together Low Intensity Support – Positive Steps Oldham 18 staff Accessed via Early Help Assessment Provide short term one to one support Engagement Casework –Threshold Housing 17 staff Accessed via Early Help Assessment Provide higher level of support, medium term Intensive Case Work –Positive Steps Oldham & Oldham Council 23 staff Accessed via Early Help Assessment Provide longer term one to one intensive case work with complex families Outreach in Communities – The Oldham Together Partnership Volunteering, peer mentors, group work, community development support Support into other Early Help Services if required Responsive to emerging needs within communities Early Help teams will provide Health Checks and Smoking Cessation

Early Help Team Process Team manage all referrals in the Early Help Service and the link to MASH manage the flow of information between the central hub and the District panels provide telephone support for services to make appropriate referrals into Early Help Services Provide feedback to services regarding all referrals within Early Help Process Team manage all referrals in the Early Help Service and the link to MASH manage the flow of information between the central hub and the District panels provide telephone support for services to make appropriate referrals into Early Help Services Provide feedback to services regarding all referrals within Early Help Development Team work with universal and specialist services to develop and embed the Early Help Service provide training and support for services to complete the Early Help assessment and understand the referral process and the EH offer link into District arrangements to ensure coherent delivery Development Team work with universal and specialist services to develop and embed the Early Help Service provide training and support for services to complete the Early Help assessment and understand the referral process and the EH offer link into District arrangements to ensure coherent delivery Children’s Centre Team Provide a resource for 0-4 years within the Early Help context Low to medium intensity support Referrals made via the Early Help referral form Children’s Centre Team Provide a resource for 0-4 years within the Early Help context Low to medium intensity support Referrals made via the Early Help referral form

Aims to deliver a service that: Supports residents at the earliest point Focuses on the solutions that can be provided by individuals, households and the community Stops people reaching crisis point and needing input from specialist/crisis response services, so reduces pressure on these services Provides an effective step-down offer for people who have been receiving specialist/crisis response services. All Age Early Help offer Early Help Model

The proposal is modelled on the basis that the service will support around 3500 households 1:1 and around 4000 via group-work or one-off appointments, with a range of needs, particularly: Mental health issues Drug and alcohol issues Housing issues Behaviour/lifestyle-related physical health issues Domestic violence/relationship issues Parenting issues General family support needs People out of work with complex barriers to employment Involvement in crime (current or historic) People with vulnerabilities. Early Help Delivery

Early Help Governance Early Intervention & Reform Task Finish Group: Chair – Alan Higgins Frequency – Monthly EMT Links / reporting to Wider Partnership Boards With a wider remit than Early Help

MASH Governance District Family Panels MASH Weekly Meeting MASH Operational Group Project Solution Operational Group MASH Strategic Group Local Children’s Safeguarding Board

Behaviour Change: Workforce Aim of the Engagement training: 4 modules - to develop and strengthen communication and engagement skills for frontline staff, working with individuals and families with complex needs Enables practitioners to fully explore their own working practices, attitudes and barriers to engagement, whilst developing the skills and resources to overcome them. 350 frontline staff currently trained up – a further 40 per month planned. Further training – CBT, Emotional Management & Trauma.

How Does The Offer Link In With Other Services/ Models Drug & Alcohol Commission – Janet Sewart CAMHS / Mental Health – Debbie Holland Housing – Debbie Holland ‘Blue Light’ Services – Anna Berry Employment & Skills – Jon Bloor

Performance Management -The Early Help Assessment (The practical assessment tool – Debbie Holland -Monitoring & Evaluation – Aaron Atkinson (Information & Improvement Service Manager.

Employment & Skills Wellbeing Tenancy Issues Benefits Home & Finance Managing Finances Family Social Education Physical Health Mental Health Alcohol Use Drug Use Relationships Managing Behaviour Managing Routines Attendance Behaviour in school Behaviour in the community Crime Work Skills training In Control Some support neededA lot of support needed Not in Control Early Help Assessment

I cannot resolve this situation10Specialied Support I cannot resolve this situation unless someone does something for me 9 I need someone to work with me intensively to ensure I can resolve my own problems 8Intensive support I need someone to show me how I can change some things, in order to enable me to do things for myself 7 I need someone to help me understand why I might feel I can’t do this for myself 6 I need a lot of practical support to help me solve this problem for myself 5 Engagement Caseworkers Outreach workers I need some practical support to help me solve it for myself 4 I need some guidance to help me solve this problem for myself 3 With a little direction I can find a solution for myself 2 Self Help & Universal Services I can usually find a solution myself1 This isn’t an issue for me0

Early Help case management An integrated warehouse solution

Strategic and operational intelligence

Investor intelligence

Investor intelligence cont…

Example intelligence product Live reporting products (mock data)

Some early headlines from Early Help 1150 early help assessments since April 2014 New ways of working – E.g. Threshold shifted quickly to working with whole families (62% families, 38% single adults) Where scores are above 0 – the average EH service user scores: