Birmingham Early Help and Safeguarding Partnership Implementation of Early Help Strategy and Partnership systems
Background The Early Help Vision for Birmingham Early Help is everyone’s responsibility; we want children, families, communities and agencies to work together so that families are assisted to help themselves and are supported as soon as a need arises, thereby improving the overall wellbeing and quality of life of all Birmingham’s Children and young people. The Early Help strategy & vision was agreed and adopted by Birmingham Safeguarding Children Board on 31 st March The strategy embeds the Right Service Right Time framework and is a citywide partnership approach to improving outcomes
Birmingham Early Help and Safeguarding Partnership
7 key priorities for 2015/16 Establish Leadership who will drive forward outcomes, performance and quality Further develop front door to early help and safeguarding services and improve self-help online information for families and professionals Early Help Assessment and ToolsInformation Sharing & Communication between agenciesPathways and processes to support early helpWorkforce developmentCommissioning Framework
Workstream Leadership Partnership Working & Governance Strengthen and clarify the Early Help and Safeguarding front door pathway Assessment and Interventions Information Sharing Localities and Pathways WorkforceCommissioning Imperatives Develop an Early Help and Safeguaring Partnership and Governance for the ownership and development of Early Help in the City. Develop a set of performance indicators that measure outcomes for children and their families. Develop online Early Help Information advice and guidance and service directory for families and professionals Effective, streamlined front Door, supporting access to Early Help and Safeguarding services Develop and implement an early help assessment and a suite of intervention tools for Early Help. Develop speedy and effective process for sharing information between agencies Develop and define the Family support offer based on Right Service Right Time Redefine partnership working at a locality level Develop a skilled and competent workforce accross the partnership Develop a joint commissioning Framework accross early help Themes Strategic Early Help and Safeguarding Partnership - ESTABLISHED Map the governance, responsibility and ownership for outcomes, performance measures and quality assurance arrangements. Develop online partnership information and advice for families to enhance self-help. Review other methods of partners offering information and advice to families. Review of purpose and function of Children's Information Service and streamlining the pathways into level 2, 3 and 4 Develop an effective online Early Help Assessment and integrated support plan in order to steamline the number of assessments Develop effective Information Sharing arangements Ensure a consistant Think Family and family support offer in each locality Review Team around the Family panels and step-up, step-down arrangements Implement the Right Service Right Time training Refresh of Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for Early Help Agree the partnership Terms of Reference and Governance Structure - AGREED Identify key performance indicators and measures to demonstrate priority areas and outcomes for vulnerable children Develop online partnership information for professionals Align the triage and access to level 3 Think Family services to the MASH front door. Agree and develop a set of early help effective interventions and distance travelled tools Make better use of IT systems and portals through aligning information accross the partnership Define the familiy support offer at Levels 2, 3 & 4 Map and develop integrated partnership working in each area, exploring co-location opportunities. Develop strengths-based tools to enhance effective practice Review of current partnership provision to identify PERFORMANCE, gaps and opportunities Integrate the Think Family Early Help and MASH priorities and establish effective workstreams Develop and review outcomes and performance measures for Think Family and MASH Develop an online Service Directory Improve locality access to multi- agency infomaiton Agree approaches that evidence working in partnership with children young people and their families Explore using partnership data to forcast needs and demands Review Pathways into Services Design Early Help pathways for vulnerable groups Design Early Help multi-agency training embedding evidenced based approaches Influence a strategic approach accross the partnership to encorperate Early Help principles. Dependancies link to BSCB Quality audits link to partnership wotking at a locality level link to JSNA and performance indicators link to front door to Early Help & Safeguarding links to all other workstreams link to the family support offer. link to outcomes and performance
Strengthen and clarify the Early Help and Safeguarding front door pathway Priorities Develop online Early Help Information advice and guidance and service directory for families and professionals Effective, streamlined front Door, supporting access to Early Help and Safeguarding services Themes Develop online partnership information and advice for families to enhance self-help. Review other methods of partners offering information and advice to families. Review of purpose and function of Children's Information Service and streamlining the pathways into level 2, 3 and 4 Develop online partnership information for professionals Align the triage and access to level 3 Think Family services to the MASH front door. Develop an online Service Directory Improve locality access to multi-agency information
Assessment and Interventions Priorities Develop and implement an early help assessment and a suite of intervention tools for Early Help. Themes Develop an effective online Early Help Assessment and integrated support plan in order to streamline the number of assessments Agree and develop a set of early help effective interventions and distance travelled tools Agree approaches that evidence working in partnership with children young people and their families
Localities and Pathways Priorities Develop and define the Family support offer based on Right Service Right Time Redefine partnership working at a locality level Themes Ensure a consistent Think Family and family support offer in each locality Review Team around the Family panels and step- up, step-down arrangements Define the family support offer at Levels 2, 3 & 4 Map and develop integrated partnership working in each area, exploring co- location opportunities. Review Pathways into Services Design Early Help pathways for vulnerable groups
Think Family, MASH, YOS update MASH update Children’s Service Operating Model in consultation to strengthen and include Early Help front door. Schools involvement is key Think Family - Send requests for support to Phase 2 outcomes over 5 years for 14,000 attracting £13m in Payment by results achieved in partnership and including School Attendance above 90% over three terms New commissioning arrangements including MST citywide and citywide response to Child Sexual Exploitation Youth Offending Service (YOS) update Youth Offending Service have committed to provide interventions for any child involved / found carrying a knife on school premises regardless of involvement in Youth Justice Piloting provision for Domestic Abuse/Violence against parents
How can we collaborate further ? Strong school membership in the BEHSP Information directly to schools through Heads and Dedicated Safeguarding Leads as well as forums like Police and School Panels or Consortia Chairs Participation from school members on relevant work streams Greater presence in MASH School offer available through MyCareinBirmingham Continue to complete requests for support for Think Family and Family Support at additional needs We can give regular updates on Think family and include Youth Offending, family Support and other key partner offers in a newsletter and through the schools notice board