Discuss these questions with your classmates. PREVIEW THE UNIT Discuss these questions with your classmates. 1) Have you ever given money to help someone or an organization? How did it make you feel? 2) What kind of organizations typically ask for money? How is the money used?
What do you think this saying means What do you think this saying means? How do you think the things in Activity C might relate to the saying? Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. Meaning A proverbial saying which suggests that the ability to work is of greater benefit than a one-off handout.
Reading 1. Vocabulary Be proud of Owe Extremely Attend the college Generosity Made a commitment Inspire Transition Adjustment
New Zero-Carbon City to Be Built An education was a luxury in Beatrice's village, a remote place where families often struggled. But within three months of receiving their goat, Beatrice and her family had saved enough money from the sale of the goat's extra milk pay for her tuition.
Beatrice grew up in Uganda in a very poor family. MAIN IDEAS Beatrice grew up in Uganda in a very poor family. Heifer International helps people by giving them animals and teaching them how to care for them. 3. Beatrice’s studies continued as she received scholarships to high school and a preparatory school. 4. Her mother contacted Heifer, and life changed for Beatrice and her family. 5. As a result of receiving a goat, Beatrice’s family had enough money to send her to school.
DETAILS _____Beatrice was happy when she learned about receiving a goat. _____Beatrice’s mother had applied to an organization to get help. _____Beatrice’s family soon had three goats. _____Beatrice had trouble learning in school because she was so much younger than the other children. _____Two women met Beatrice and decided to write a book about her.
DETAILS 6. _____ The biggest adjustment to studying in the United Sates for Beatrice was the food. _____ She received a scholarship to go to a college in Connecticut. 8. _____ She graduated fro college in 2008.
Q. WHAT DO YOU THINK? Some good things happened after Beatrice’s family received the goat: the goat produced milk, which helped make the family healthier, and the family sold the extra milk for money. What were some other benefits? What qualities do you think Beatrice has that have helped her be successful in their goals? Have you , or has someone you know, ever received a small amount of help that had big, positive results? Explain.
Reading Skill: Using a timeline
Read the article: Then complete the timeline on page 187. http://www.readwritethink.org/files/resources/interactives/timeline_2/
Reading #2. Money Makes You Happy- If You Spend it on Others Positive Suspect Measure Selfish Remarkable Tend to Decrease Enhance Reliable
Tal Ben-Shahar, the author of the book, Happier.
Harvard’s most popular course was a class on how to be happier. Here’s Dr. Ben-Shahar’s philosophy in a nutshell: “When you learn how to live for today and for tomorrow at the same time, you learn how to balance your immediate personal needs with long-term goals and enjoy life as you never have before.”
Sonja Lyubomirsky, author of The How of Happiness. “Happiness is not out there for us to find. The reason that it’s not out there is that it’s inside us.” ― Sonja Lyubomirsky, The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want
Vocabulary :Collocations with nouns New collocations Words that are frequently used together Collocations help you write sound and more natural. E.g. Through the generosity of an organization named Heifer, Beatrice’s family received a goat. During one week of the course, Ben-Shahar asks students to do five small acts of kindness a day.
Vocabulary :Collocations with nouns Through the generosity of Sb. : because of the donations(money) or kindness of (someone) Extraordinary generosity: the quality of being willing to give, or the act of giving an unusual amount of time or money. Generosity toward : the quality of being willing to give, or the act of giving an unusual amount of time or money. An act of kindness: a small action to help someone Treat sb. With kindness: to behave in a compassionate way toward someone The kindness of strangers: help from people you don’t know
Grammar skill: Complex sentences Complex sentence has an independent clause, or main clause, and one or more dependent clauses. A clause is a group of words that has a subject and a verb. An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence. A dependent clause cannot stand alone and must be used with a main clause. Dependent clauses that show cause can begin with subordinators like because, since, and when. Look at these examples. Beatrice was not very happy when her mother told her about the goat. Because people in the United States donated money, her family received a goat.
Grammar skill: Complex sentences The parts of the sentences beginning with because, since, and when are dependent clauses. If a dependent clause comes before the main clause, it is followed by a comma. Because people in the United States donated money, (dependent clause) her family received a goat. (main clause)
Grammar skill: Complex sentences A. Underline the dependent clauses. Because they all worked night and day. Since there was very little rain all spring, When he invested $300 in the new company many years ago, Because someone donated a school bus Since many volunteers came to help
Writing skill: Writing a cause/effect essay A cause/effect essay analyzes the causes and effects of a situation or event. A cause/effect essay includes an introductory paragraph, body paragraphs, and a concluding paragraph.
Para. 2: helped elderly person Effects Para. 2: helped elderly person Para. 3: Cause Class assignment: Para. 4:
Assignment Writing : Cause & Effect Online assignment