Show your support Volunteer Positions Needed No special training required: Timers; determine each swimmer’s event time using a stopwatch, We also need a Head Timer. Scribes; works with Timers to record the swimmer’s time Assistant computer operator; help the Clerk of Course input times during the meet as well as preparing reports and swimmer time sheets Team Parent; keep track of younger swimmers and ensure they are able to get to each event on time Ribbon Writer; add stickers to place ribbons Runners; delivers/picks-up time sheets Announcer; At Home meets, makes announcements regarding meet events, team scores, etc. Heat Bench; Organizes swimmers in preparation of moving them to the starting blocks in sequence. Water Runner; refreshes water coolers, delivers refreshments to officials, volunteers & Coaches Concessions; Home meets only, assists with selling and/or preparation of concession items Photographers; Take digital pictures at all meets, volunteer must have own equipment. NWAL Trained and/or certifications required: Stroke & Turn Official StarterNWAL provides Meet RefereeTraining Clerk of Course First Aid; MUST be first aid/CPR certified. Must be able to administer first aid where needed at Home meets. For a complete list of volunteer positions and descriptions, please visit the website: Sponsor FOST You can help FOST in any number of ways – from good ideas, donating your time, or helping with sponsors for financial or service support. Swimming is a Team sport that requires family participation. Support your swimmer, support your team. Be creative in the ways you can help. Contact a FOST Board Member or visit the Team Website to learn more. The FOST Board & Coaching Staff are continually looking for ways to improve our Team. Help us by: Providing feedback on the Team website Suggestions for Team Socials Ideas on how to grow our team Feedback on how your swimmer is learning/improving Creative ideas for Cheers, SPIRIT WEEK & Pep Rallies Submit ideas and/or feedback via the Coaches mailbox or any FOST Board Member FOST is a nonprofit organization. We offer sponsorship opportunities to local companies or individuals, in the Spring area, who would be interested in donating a small amount of money to help the team with our summer 2014 expenses. Donations will go towards paying for items such as NWAL Membership fees, equipment purchases and repairs, coaching fees, ribbons and trophy awards, team spirit items such as T- Shirt printing or swimmer encouragement gifts, etc… Do you or someone you know like to sponsor us? Please contact our Public Relations Coordinator, Heather Quiroz : Phone: Share your ideas Donate your Time Parent involvement is essential and MANDATORY as our ability to run an efficient swim meet depends upon a staff of volunteer parents. Therefore, we count on parents to volunteer at all swim meets. Most Parent volunteer jobs are easy to learn and do not require previous experience. Most parents can be trained at the swim meet just before their volunteer shift. Although much help is needed during the meet, there are also other volunteer jobs available for those for whom volunteering at a meet is absolutely impossible. Such as end of season party coordinator, adding time improvement stickers to ribbons, organizing special events (Cudathon, Invitationals, Spirit Week) If you can't volunteer at a meet, let us know so that we can help you fulfill the volunteer requirement. If you have a special skill you think we can use…please let us know! To volunteer, please contact the a Board Member. Donate Goods or Services Many services and items are also needed to run our Swim Team. Some examples include: Food/Beverages for concessions Equipment purchases/repairs Office supplies, copy/printing services If you or someone you know would be willing to support FOST via donation, please contact any Board Member.
Forest Oaks Swim Team Joanleigh Drive Spring, TX Summer 2014 How can I help? FOST Barracudas For more information about FOST BARRACUDAS, visit the team website: I want to become a Meet Official. Where do I start and what is involved? Where do I start?..... Learning to be a Meet Official is a great way to support not only our Team, but your swimmer as well. The Team cannot run a meet without officials and being a Meet Official will educate you on your child’s chosen sport. Getting started is easy, contact the FOST Team Representative, Ted Olsen at E mail: What is involved? Requirements for Becoming a Stroke & Turn Judge 1.Attend NWAL Stroke & Turn on-deck training session 2.Take and pass on-line “open book” Stroke & Turn Test 3.Train as a provisional in at least 2 NWAL sanctioned Dual Meets Requirements for Becoming a Starter: 1.Have been a Stroke & Turn Official for at least 1 Summer Session 2.Attend NWAL Starter on-deck training clinic 3.Take and pass on-line “open book” Starter test 4.Train as a provisional in at least 2 NWAL sanctioned Dual Meets Requirements for Becoming a Referee: 1.Previous NWAL certification as a Stroke & Turn Judge for a minimum of 1 year 2.Previous NWAL certification as a Starter for a minimum of 1 year. 3.Be familiar with positions of Announcer, Clerk of Course, Starter, Stroke & Turn Judge, Chief Judge, Timer, Head Timer. 4.Attend NWAL Referee’s on-deck training clinic 5.Take and pass on-line “open-book” Referee test 6. Train as a provisional Referee on deck for a minimum of 2 NWAL sanctioned Dual Meets To maintain NWAL certification, Meet Officials must follow training & proficiency requirements annually as described by NWAL. See for specific requirements FOST Contacts PresidentTammy Woodeshick RegistrarPhil Sommer Treasurer / VPLisa Williams NWAL RepTed Olsen Public Relations Heather Quiroz SecretarySoledad Garza EquipmentEric Roberts Volunteer Coordinator ConcessionsLisa Huste