COSMICS / CIRCCREX Prestwick, March 2015 Pre-Detachment Briefing Presentations 24th February 2015 Updated to v2 26 February 2015 Logistics - Doug Anderson (FAAM) Science: ISMAR – Chawn Harlow (Met Office) Science: Cold Air Outbreak – Richard Cotton (Met Office) Science: CIRCCREX – Jon Murray (Imperial College)
COSMICS / CIRCCREX Prestwick, March 2015 Pre-Detachment Briefing – Logistics Doug Anderson 24 th February 2015
What’s covered? Location(s) Schedule Who’s who? Accommodation Transport Airport, Security & Passes Health & Safety Overnight Trips Kiruna, Sweden Keflavik, Iceland Don’t forget to bring... After work entertainment
COSMICS / CIRCCREX LOCATION Originally Goose Bay or St John’s X X X St John’s – ruled out soon after recce due to high incidence of fog which could compromise 1/3 of flights X Goose Bay – looked promising but change of staff after recce and long delays in getting info from new staff eventually meant a change of location
COSMICS / CIRCCREX LOCATION Now Prestwick, also, possibly incorporating Keflavik, Iceland & Kiruna, Sweden, March 2015 Keflavik Kiruna Prestwick. Cranfield
Schedule Thu 26 Feb – - Load 146 pack-up Mon 2 Mar - - Load FAAM van pack-up - TAFTS load & drive van to Prestwick Tue 3 Mar - - FAAM (SC/CC) and Met Office (CH/RC) vans drive to Prestwick Wed 4 Mar - Start of Detachment transit to Prestwick AM - Collect Prestwick passes for some - Possible single pilot only flight Thu 5 -Tue 24 Mar - Potential flying days Tue 24 Mar - If no (or after) flight, pack-up 146 & vans Wed 25 Mar and FAAM pack-up van to Cranfield (SC/tbc), others to Exeter/Manchester End of Detachment
On arrival at Prestwick Unpack vans & aircraft Set up IT in hotel Airport Prestwick Aviation Services (PAS) (formerly Landmark) Collect security passes Ground power in hangar pm Welcome briefing (Marine Hotel Gailes Suite, time tbc) Troon Prestwick
Flying Hours available: Hours available: Up to 100 COSMICS / 36 CIRCCREX Expected no. of flights Expected no. of flights: ~ 14 singles, 1-4 doubles (Iceland, Sweden) Weekend working Weekend working: yes Early / Late flying Early / Late flying: yes Double flights Double flights: possibly Suitcase flights: Suitcase flights: yes, Iceland or Sweden Night flying Night flying: yes Sondes Sondes: yes (80 & 31) Hard-down days Hard-down days: yes Flight crew duty rest days and – 1 in 7 and – 2 consecutive in 14
Who’s who? PI PI – COSMICS: Chawn Harlow & Richard Cotton (Met Office), Co-I - CIRCCREX: Juliet Pickering, Co-I Keith Bower (Manchester) FAAM Detachment Manager FAAM Detachment Manager - Doug Anderson Directflight Project Pilot Directflight Project Pilot - Ian Ramsay-Rae Directflight Ops / Detachment Manager Directflight Ops / Detachment Manager - David Simpson Prestwick Ground Handling Prestwick Ground Handling – Kevin Brock, PAS - Executive Contact name: Kevin Brock Prestwick Aviation Services - Executive Glasgow Prestwick Airport Prestwick KA9 2PQ Tel Fax (Until further notice). If you are sending anything please let Kevin know so he can let his Ops Team know to expect your delivery.
Accommodation - Marine Hotel, Troon Marine Hotel 8 Crosbie Road, Troon Ayrshire KA10 6HE Phone: Phone: ~10 minutes / 4.5 mi to airport (car) ~10 minutes to town centre (bus) ~25 minutes / 1.3 mi walk to town centre Who Pays? –FAAM pays B & B for Met Office, FAAM, DFL, Avalon, (and Universities, who will be billed back) Individuals pay for “extras” (dinner, bar etc.)
Hotel facilities Gailes Suite (Conference Room) – Internet access via network – Skype phones – Wifi throughout hotel (do not sign in to the hotel free wifi - use the vouchers the hotel gives us) Restaurant and bar – Breakfast included – 25% discount on meals & drinks at the bar and restaurant Bedrooms & facilities Safes in all rooms Tea/coffee making facilities in rooms (no fridge) Complimentary multigym, pool, squash court & sauna
Marine Hotel Locations Gailes Suite Main entrance & Reception Bar & Restaurant Route through hotel to Gailes Suite Gym/side entrance Side entrance Unlockable entrance Fire Assembly Area Parking Main Car Park Pool & sauna Parking
Transport Work – Hire cars Pick up and drop off at PAS Bring your driving licence!! 1 car to/from Manchester – Hire vans One way hire to/from Cranfield/Prestwick One way hire to/from Exeter/Prestwick One way hire to/from Imperial/Prestwick - Fuel Cards Available from Detachment ManagerSocial – Hire cars: within reason (i.e. not to drive home) – Bus: passes hotel every 15 minutes to/from town centre – Train: stations at airport & Troon (40 mins to Glasgow, 15 mins to Ayr)
Location: Hotel, Airport, Stations Train Stations Marine Hotel Airport Police speed check hotspots
Prestwick Aviation Services maybe now Prestwick Aviation Services
Prestwick Airport Polar Hangar – BAe146 parking – Access via 2 security gates pass required! – We may be able to access the hangar via a rear door. Prestwick Aviation Services –Office with internet –Pre-flight briefings –Kitchen area –Pack-up in corner of hangar. Alternate store: 2 mins walk –Hangar: 5 mins walk
Airport Security Passes David Simpson Peter Chappell Ian Ramsay-Rae Mark Robinson Paul McCormick Sean Brennan Robert Voaden Gaynor Ottaway John Kitchen Dean Warrillow Stewart Heath Douglas Anderson Matt Gascoyne Angela Dean Charlie Chan Duncan MacLeod Maureen Smith Steve Cowan Graeme Nott Axel Wellpott Alan Woolley Stephane Bauguitte Steve Able Dave Tiddeman Clare Lee Paul Barrett Franco Marenco Jeff Norwood-Brown Chris Woods Stuart Fox Ian Rule Andrew Wilson Keith Bower ASAT Brief by PAS on arrival to the ID unit with the completed application form. Current valid passholders (can escort up to 5 people) : NEW PASS : Jon Murray Joss Kent PASS RENEWAL: ? ?
Airport Security Passes Passes from 2013 are no longer valid – the system has changed. Many FAAM, Directflight & Avalon staff already have new passes and can escort up to 5 people. 1. A new photo to be taken at the ID unit Submission of old card (Landmark Aviation have most of those). 2. An Airside Safety Awareness Training (ASAT) certificate (Airport Security will provide a presentation before issuing a pass). 3. Passport or both parts of your driving license to be taken to the ID unit with the completed application form. 4. A letter for each individual from Directflight giving GPA security authorisation to issue a card on behalf of Directflight. David Simpson will take you up to the security ID unit and support everyone through the process to ensure that it is quick, simply and easy all round. Time TBC. This may have to be done smaller in groups.
Working at the Airport High Viz jackets, fastened, must be worn on the ramp Stay within the aircraft foot print If other aircraft moving either stay on a/c or keep clear Always carry DFL pass and Passport! Conform to normal airport security procedures (no liquids, sharp instruments etc.) Be aware of F.O.D. – do not drop rubbish on ramp – if you see any, pick it up and put in the F.O.D. bins.
Detachment Health & Safety Be prepared – The aircraft may be parked outside on non-flying days – Bring warm and waterproof clothing – Don’t fly or drive if unwell or overtired – Prestwick, Scotland - March (avg max = +9 ºC, avg min = +2 ºC) – Keflavik, Iceland - March (avg max = +3.2 ºC, avg min = -1.8 ºC) – Kiruna, Sweden - March (avg max = -4.5 ºC, avg min = ºC) If you are concerned – Tell somebody ASAP – Raise issues at post-flight De-briefs or daily meetings H&S Committee – FAAM Detachment Manager – Directflight Detachment Manager – PI
Overnight Trips Directflight pass Passport Appropriate clothing for wet and cold weather SMALL bag with overnight clothing for a couple of nights (Your main case and most of its contents can be left in your room at the Marine hotel but take a small bag for your subset of clothing for the short trips as they will go in the hold. There is not enough space for everybody to carry big laptop bags which also contain clothing into the cabin.) At least one trip to either Keflavik, Iceland or Kiruna, Sweden is anticipated. Please make sure you have the following ready:
COSMICS / CIRCCREX Kiruna, Sweden, March 2015 Keflavik Kiruna Prestwick. Cranfield
23 Transport in Kiruna Hire cars / people carriers Organised when we know we are going Bring your Driving Licence Parking All parking has plug-in power to keep engines from freezing –Hotels: Outdoor car parks –Airport: Car park 100m from hangar Remember to unplug before driving off!
24 Kiruna Environs Kiruna Airport The Mine
25 Accommodation: Hotel Locations Arctic Eden Restaurants, shops and entertainment in this area Kebne Vinterpalatset
26 Accommodation: Hotel Info Hotel Arctic EdenKiruna Föraregatan Kiruna Sweden Tel: Fax: Hotel VinterpalatsetJärnvägsgatan 18, Kiruna Tel: Fax: Hotel KebneKonduktörsgatan Kiruna Sweden Tel: Fax:
27 Hotel Facilities Wi-fi (free) NO Tea/coffee in rooms Restaurant, bar Good gym (Arctic Eden) Sauna and sunbed in others Arctic Eden Meeting room - Flight planning - Science discussions - Data processing Notice board in each hotel with crew list, times etc.
28 Kiruna - Airport Security barriers Visitor car park Main Entrance 8km drive from hotels to airport ~100m walk from car park to Arctic Arena hangar Swipe access on car park gate and hangar Always carry your airport pass!
29 Kiruna - Airport Security barriers Visitor car park Main Entrance
30 Arena Arctica Hangar Layout
31 Working at Kiruna Airport 1 of 2 Pack-up Storage -Between flights, in hangar, near or in conference room Refreshments -In the Terminal, 2 minute drive from hangar -Can arrange sandwiches delivered to hangar Refreshing -Toilets and washing machines in hangar Pre-flight -Inside the Arena Arctica hangar -Preflight 2 1/2 hours -Briefing in hangar conference room at T/O - 1 h 15 m. All tools off by this time -Space limited in cabin for stowage of coats, bags etc. -Aircraft with all aboard towed out at T/O - 30 minutes -Help may be needed to move aircraft ground power cable as 146 pulled out Security -Airport Security passes issued on arrival -CCM cabin security sweep T/O - 45 minutes
32 Working at Kiruna Airport 2 of 2 Conform to normal airport security procedures (ie. no liquids, sharp instruments etc. if flying) Always carry Airport security pass DFL pass and Passport required to fly Outside – Engineers may be outside for up to 30 mins while fuel is topped up and engines started – Hi-viz jackets must be worn on the ramp (FAAM has some spares but bring your own if you have one) – Stay within the aircraft foot print – Be aware of F.O.D. do not drop rubbish. If you see any, pick it up and put in the F.O.D. bins Post flight – Be aware of other aircraft moving (i.e. if the beacon is on, stay on the 146 or stay on the walk way – The 146 will refuel before being moved back into hangar – Post flight will be 1 hour or as required (outside)
33 Longyearbyen (Svalbard) Airport Plan is to refuel only, not stay overnight However, be prepared Always bring overnight bag (put in hold) Svalbard is much colder than Kiruna (typically high -13C, low -20C) Hi-viz jackets must be worn outside
34 Comms and Costs Mobile Phones – Same system as UK (GSM 900 / 1800 MHz) – We will be there such a short time we will not issue local SIM cards – Skype phone may be available in conference rooms at airport Exchange rate – £1 = approx 13 Swedish Krona (SEK) Prices – Food at least half as much again as the UK to eat out – Supermarket prices not so bad – Wine and spirits more expensive by comparison (~double)
35 Health and Safety Precautions The main risk is the cold Stay indoors and travel by car where possible When outdoors keep skin covered It can be very slippy under foot, tread carefully and take your time Don’t go out alone. Let people know where you are going and when you expect to return 20 survival sets stored on aircraft for emergency use only Individuals should bring their own personal cold weather clothing (trousers, jacket, boots, gloves & hat) Low temperatures + add wind chill <0 C
COSMICS / CIRCCREX Keflavik, Iceland, March 2015 Keflavik Kiruna Prestwick. Cranfield
COSMICS / CIRCCREX Keflavik, Iceland, March 2015 The NASA ER-2 will be based in Keflavik and we will share their hangar if we visit. Details of FBO : Southair Iceland, Building 787 Hanger number Keflavik Airport Iceland Tel: Fax: Keflavik Airport / POBox 123 / IS 232 Iceland
Iceland General Info Visas are not required by visitors to Iceland Most people speak English but much signage, particularly in shops, is only in Icelandic. The Iceland Telephone Directory states that volcanic eruption gives the highest risk of national emergency. GMT is used throughout the year. Iceland has a very high standard (and cost) of living. Currency: The Iceland Krona (ISK) exchange rate is about 204. ISK = £1. Credit cards are widely accepted and there are plenty of ATMs. Banks are open Monday-Friday. Electrical Supplies: Generally 230V, 50Hz, European (round pin) standard plugs. Hangar 885 (possibly not the one we will be using) appeared to be 115V, 60?Hz, US (flat pin) standard plugs
Iceland Hotels Hotels: In 2007 there are two hotels in Keflavik that offer suitable facilities for FAAM, Hotel Keflavik ( Icelandair Flughotel ( Icelandair Hotel in Keflavik Hafnargata Keflavik Booking phone: Hotel phone: Fax:
Don’t forget to bring... Directflight pass Prestwick Airport Pass (if you have one) Passport Driving Licence (both parts) Appropriate clothing for wet (and very cold weather, for a Kiruna trip) SMALL bag with overnight clothing for a couple of nights (the hold will be full of boxes with little spare capacity for large bags) European to UK mains adaptor (for overseas trips) Hi Viz vest/jacket Ear defenders/earplugs (airports can be noisy places, we have a supply of earplugs if you forget)
Detachment Feedback & Debrief Feedback will be collected via the Survey Monkey website. Link will be sent out soon. The basic questions are noted below so please start collating your comments now in a text or Word document to paste in at the end of the detachment. Debrief to take place on Tue L 1. How did you find the FAAM application and planning process? Excellent - Good - Satisfactory - Poor - Unacceptably poor - Not involved in this process Please make any further comments here 2. If you were involved with this, how did you find the Directflight application and planning process? 3. If you were involved with this, how did you find the aircraft configuration planning? 3. Management of the Campaign 1. How were the aircraft access, accommodation and facilities? 2. How were the instrument support and availability? 3. How good was data provision during the campaign? 4. How well did the flights meet the scientific objectives? 5. Were the hotel accommodation, catering and transport up to the job? 6. How well was information about flying and transport communicated (via the website, reception notices, word of mouth/meetings and texts? 7. Do you have any further comments about the conduct of the campaign? 8. Did you use the Detachment Information Pack booklets (containing the Pre Detachment Logistics and Science briefs and FAMILs 01, 02, 03 & 04)? Yes/No 9. If you used the Detachment Information Pack was it useful Yes/No 10. Is there any other information that could usefully be included (the information is compiled before the detachment so anything included has to be available a week before detachment start). 11. What were the best and worst things about the detachment? 4. Post Campaign Comments 1. How good has data archiving and availability been? 2. How good was the scientific value of the campaign? 3. How good was the overall support to your work? 1.Please add any final comments here
The hotel has a reasonably well equipped gym, pool, sauna and squash courts on site. Matt is keen to organise film evenings. Badminton etc are alternatives in Ayr (talk to Alan) There are plenty of cinemas, music venues etc in Irvine, Ayr and Glasgow. There is at least on quiz night in Troon (talk to Alan to find out more) Chawn has suggested alternatives to the hotel gym facilities: Those serious about maintaining/building fitness while on detachment might consider joining me here: Evening board games. This can be a sober or less sober event, I enjoy both serious competition and giggles. After work entertainment
The Marine Hotel has a by item laundry service. This should return your items the next morning if submitted on a weekday. For £7 per machine you gat leave a bag of laundry to be washed and dried then collected later the same day from the Darley Laundry & Dry Cleaners in Troon. Laundry Facilities
Any questions?
Schedule Thu 20 Nov - Pilot Currency Flight. -Pilot currency flights with science power -No direct input from science crew -2 x 2 ½ hour flights -Break of about an hour between flights to fix minor instrument problems -Transit from Cranfield at FL050 or FL100 (depending on destination) -Profile to 50 feet followed by 100 feet run for max of 10 min -Climb to carry out 45 degree orbits at 500 feet and 1000 feet -Transit home -The sortie is to be planned round achieving low level flying – clear air over sea to reach 50 feet above sea level.
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