THE CHOSEN CONTENTS PAGES These are the three contents pages that were chosen by to analysed on there Colours, Fonts, Layouts and Commercial Elements.
NME This is a NME contents page from their issue that was published in January NME is more of a rock and hip hop magazine that is produced within America and distributed globally.
COLOURS The colours of the magazine creates an environment that makes the contents page feel like a news paper with the usage of the black white and red colours as they are the main colours of a standard newspaper and tabloid (not so much the red colours). The red colours of this contents page shows the different sections within the magazine like page numbers and different bands within the band index. There are yellows within the contents page and they are to show offers for the viewer to be interested in, these yellow colours are the main eye catchers of the contents page and draw the viewer into them first as they are completely different colours to the black background and stand out.
FONTS The fonts used within the contents page are fairly original, there is nothing complex about them. The fonts do change in boldness and size depending on their purposes. The bolder fonts are present in the contents page to show the different sections that are within the magazine itself. The fonts do turn bold and bigger in size for the purpose of capturing the eye of the viewer and make them read more on thaat area.
LAYOUT The layout of the contents pages fairly simple and makes thing easier for the viewer to find the different topics within the magazine. The magazine does have a main picture which is linked to the title of “THE END OF ASTORIA”. This does not have any fonts/writing disrupting the view of the main picture
COMMERCIAL ELEMENTS The contents page in general has two commercial elements to it. The magazine shows information of an advertisement for it showing the viewer the opportunity to save money via the magazines website and other information concerning their telephone number. The contents page also shows the viewer that there is a G&G guide present within the magazine. This is a commercial advertisement separate from the company the publishes the magazine.
RAP FANATIC This is the contents page from the magazine known as rap fanatic. It is an American Rap and Hip Hop based magazine that is usually set in the rough backstreet side of rapping. The date of this issue is not specified on this contents page.
COLOURS The colours of the contents page very restricted. The only colours within this contents page are black and white. The back ground is white and creates the ability for the black to stand out from the white completely. The colours give the environment of the gangsters, bling and pimps as well, which is beneficial as the main genre of this magazine is Rap and Hip Hop.
FONTS The fonts used in the contents page of this magazine is a mixture. For the main title of the magazine, “CONTENTS”, it is presented in a sort of handwritten text therefore giving it that sort of cool feeling to it The headings indicating the different section within the magazines are put into a bold text to differentiate themselves from the sub headings which are put into a normal text with no editing applied. This is done for the headings to be more stood out from the subheadings for the viewer to know what sections there are within the magazine.
LAYOUT The layout of the contents page is very simple. The layout shows the main picture dominating the majority of the contents page and is supposed to be the mood maker and the main eye catcher of the magazine. The layout of the features involved in this page are not entirely set in page number order but are set into the sections/categories that each topic falls into.
COMMERCIAL ELEMENTS There are no commercial elements placed into the contents page for this magazine. The only real commercial element on this contents page is a website which is located at the bottom of the page.
KERRANG This is a music magazine contents page that was produced for an issue within the Kerrang music magazine. This is the issue of the 11 th of July The date is in the American Format as the magazine is American, not British.
COLOURS The colours to this contents page are used effectively to show the viewer what is what within the magazine. With usage of yellow the magazine shows the viewer the priorities of what is inside as the yellow is mainly used for the main titles/heading of the magazines. Signs of aggression with the way that they are affected
FONTS The fonts used within this contents page are used in a way to create the rock feeling with the effects on the appearance of words like “CONTENTS” and the headings like “NEWS” and “FEEDBACK”. The fonts also show different
LAYOUT The layout of the magazine is fairly organized in the fact that not a lot of items within it are disrupted by other items. The layout of the magazine has the main image at the top showing an image that is also featured within the magazine on page 12. All features of the magazine are split down into different sections like the rap fanatic (previous page), like News and “Swag”.
COMMERCIAL ELEMENTS The are commercial elements within the contents page that do offer people the chance of getting the latest “KERRANG” issues delivered to them, this includes the costing of the service and also the telephone number, these are signs of an advertisements.
SIMILARITIES? All of these magazines are similar in the aspect that they all sorted into the feature types and not within number chronology. They all have a main Image to capture the eye of the audience. Both the Kerrang and the NME contents pages show the date of the issue within the contents page. Both the Kerrang and the NME contents pages show that the main image is related to the main article within the magazine. Both the Kerrang and the NME contents pages have the contact details their involving the company/business telephone numbers. Both the Rap Fanatic and NME magazine contents pages show the address of their company/bussiness URL address on the internet.