HOW THE NUTRIENT LEVEL AFFECTS THE GROWTH OF THE BRASSICA RAPA By: Kaitie Kudlac, Jordan Zatopek, Dylan Day, and Emily Huntington Biology 9
Purpose/Hypothesis The purpose is to determine the affects of nutrient level on the trichome of rapid-cycling Brassica rapa. The hypothesis is if the Brassica rapa plant is placed in a high nutrient environment, it will then have a larger trichome number because the more nutrient put in the soil, the healthier the plant will be.
Background Life Cycle of a Regular Plant Vocabulary: First true leaf Trichome Trichomes History of the Brassica rapa Fast Plants
Experimental Design Independent Variable: high and low nutrient levels Dependant variables: height and trichome number Experimental Group: B. rapa plants in separate bottles filled with either high or low nutrient soil(NPK) Control Group: None
Constants Plant Type Temperature of Environment Constant Water Supply Light Supply Distance from Plants to Light How Data was Recorded
Synopsis of Methodology Over the course of 26 days 6 measurements were taken Measurements were taken on Day 6, 8,12,14,16, and 26 Height was measured from soil to the apex Trichomes measured by counting trichomes on edge of first true leaf
Apparatus The red arrow is pointing to a trichome found during the process of taking our data.
Conclusion The data supports the hypothesis to a degree. P=GxE and the Nature versus Nurture Argument Mistakes: Over Watering and Decapitation Improvements: Change the environment and change IV’s