Changes… Powered by CoL 2016 Sunil K Zachariah
CoL 2016 : Progressive RI Director Jennifer Jones : "I think this has been a historic council, probably one of the most progressive, evolutionary councils that we ever have seen. I think there was a sense of collegiality and a sense of doing what is right for the future of the organization"
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…1 Clubs to provide members with minutes of their Board Meetings Standard Rotary Club Constitution amended now suggests only 5 Committees: (1) Club Administration (2) Membership (3) Public Relations (4)Rotary Foundation and (5) Service Projects. Earlier model suggested 15 Committees. Larger Clubs can appoint more Committees if needed. Club Treasurer will be a member of the Board
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…2 Admission fees removed from Clubs Bylaws Clubs can decide how many times a month they need to meet; minimum two meetings a month Clubs have flexiblity in deciding the times and days they meet, how often they meet, when to cancel a meeting, and what counts as a meeting No difference now between eClubs and others. All Clubs can meet sometimes online also
CoL 2016 – Major Changes… 3 Clubs have freedom in deciding the kinds of membership rules and requirements (example Honorary Membership) Membership Criteria simplified – adults with good character, integrity leadership, and have good reuptarion in their business or community and is willing to serve can be members Greater flexibility for Clubs to decide on membership (example Corporate Member)
Catherine Zimmerman (CoL Representative), a technical college administrator, from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, USA, is encouraged by today's council action giving clubs greater flexibility. "I think it's very exciting. Some clubs are already trying these things. Now clubs can do so with greater freedom. And those clubs who don't want to change don't need to. They still have flexibility to do what works within their area, district, culture, or country."
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…4 Rotaractors can join Rotary (and also continue in Rotaract) Attendance allowed for both in person and online meeting attendance Excused absence, suspension of membership and transfer of membership and former Rotarian membership provisions amended
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…5 RI dues will go up by $ 4 from for 3 years (It will be $60 in 17-18; $64 in and $68 in 19-20) Bylaws amended to provide for 20 charter member minimum in a new club
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…6 There are 535 Rotary districts, and eight of those districts have fewer than 1,000 members. The council approved a measure giving the Board more flexibility in merging smaller districts, dividing larger districts, and reassigning clubs from small districts that border larger districts. Revised provisions for a District to adopt its annual accounts and to penalise those who improperly administer District Fund Interact upper age limit raised till they graduate, even if they cross 18
CoL 2016 – Major Changes…7 CoL voted to create a new Council on Resolutions that will meet once a year by electronic means to considers resolutions, i.e. recommendations, to the Board. Proponents estimate removing resolutions from the regular council could save a day of meeting, and up to $340,000 in cost. Allows two Rotary members living at the same address to subscribe jointly to a regional magazine (example Rotary News). That option already exists for The Rotarian
CoL 2016 – Major Changes 8 Role of RI President clarified Qualification of nominating committee members for selecting Director modified 3 year Standing Committee for Membership created internationally
Flexibility to Clubs - the Hallmark of CoL 2016 CoL 2016 gives great flexility to clubs Change and the world will change with you “If Rotary is to realize its proper destiny, it must be evolutionary at all times, revolutionary on occasions.” Paul Harris, Founder of Rotary "The effects of your decisions will ripple to every corner of the world for years, decades, even centuries to come,“ Closing Remarks of RI President KR Ravindran.