Scenario: Road Crash Initial Scene Management
Scenario. Initial Action. Prevent further crashes. Check the Scene. First Aid. Preserve Evidence Scenario
Primary Objectives Safety of PatrollersSafety of Patrollers Preservation of LifePreservation of Life Protection of PropertyProtection of Property (Enforcement of Law)(Enforcement of Law)
Be Aware Even though you are an official community patrol, in the eyes of the law you are just plain members of the public. If your behaviour is inappropriate, you may be accountable for your actions, so act deliberately, carefully and professionally. Do not stray outside your areas of competence.
Scenario firstYou are out on patrol and come across a serious RTA that has just occurred. You are first and only ones on the scene!! WHAT DO YOU DO?WHAT DO YOU DO? STOP – Pause for a moment – THINK Stay Cool – Don’t barge in blindly Quicklyconsider ALL of the following: Quickly consider ALL of the following:
Scenario How many are available to help? What experience do you have? How safe is it? If it is safe, what are the priorities? If it is not safe, what do you do? stay safeWhatever you decide, stay safe ! If safety does not concern you, you may well become a victim!
Initial Actions Use ‘111’ – tell COMMS. Keep your phone with you. Put your vehicle in a position to protect the crash scene – Use hazards, beacons, lights. Check for hazards: Live wires, fuel, gas etc.. Wear your Safety Jackets. Use torches with red traffic cones to direct traffic. Your safety comes first!
Check for Hazards This scene is well lit up! Would YOU see the fallen lines in the dark?
Initial Actions Equipment: –Reflective: Jackets, Waistcoats, Strips, Decals Torches & Cones / Emergency Triangle / flashing beacons. Lights: –Headlights (Angle your car to light up and protect the scene) – Keep engine running. Tail & Hazard lights / Rotating Amber Light on roof (To warn others). Patrollers: –One to watch for / warn traffic. Protect scene. Second patroller to deal with accident / Casualties / Phone
Prevent further crashes Control other traffic by waving down traffic with torch/wands and flashing beacons. Get assistance from other passing motorists BE AWARE that the situation could suddenly and quickly deteriorate!! Don’t add to the problem by becoming a casualty or worse!
Check the Scene How many people are involved? Are they all accounted for? Has anybody been thrown clear? –(UP to 30+ m away) –(Shattered screen or door flung open?)
First Aid Assistance You are providing ‘First Aid’ by protecting the scene. If there is enough assistance to manage the Traffic, only then you can consider ‘First Aid’ Remember the basics: –Airway (Prone: Safety position / Seated: Head up) –Breathing (CPR?) –Circulation: Pulses (Carotid) / Bleeding (Pressure) –Shock (Warmth)
First Aid Assistance DO NOT try to move patients unless life is in danger. (Fire/Spilled Fuel/Gas/Chemicals) Don’t worry unduly about ‘noisy’ injured (they’re in pain, but alive). Concentrate on the ‘quiet’ ones; their injuries are probably the most serious (unless they are already dead!)
First Aid Assistance NO food or drink REMEMBER: Your First Aid gear in the bag is very limited. You only have to ‘keep going’ till “Ambo” or “Fire” arrive. When all services arrive, keep clear, unless asked to assist.
Preserve Evidence Try to identify the drivers and any witnesses. Don’t interfere with the scene unless it’s to save life. Try to protect the scene until Police arrive. When the time is appropriate, report to the Police Officers attending.
Be Prepared When you arrive at the scene, you will have to assess a lot of information, make some important decisions, and take some very decisive actions, all in a very short space of time. You must have a clear idea in your own mind of what you are most likely to be able to handle best, bearing in mind that no two situations will be the same. Likewise you need to know your patrol partner’s capabilities, strengths and weaknesses in such situations. Talk about it! Have an agreed plan!
When it’s finished When the experts arrive, leave it in their hands. If they need assistance they’ll ask for it. Continuing to provide scene safety with Traffic Control is always appreciated. If you are involved in a serious incident where death or serious injury has occurred, you must advise your patrol coordinator or Police Liaison Office. Assistance for Trauma is available if required.
THE END Scenario: Road Crash (Originally developed by Waikenae Community Patrol)