Welcome to the Key Stage 2 SATs Presentation Please sign in Feel free to cast your eye over the latest sample SATs material at the back of the room to get an idea of the level of challenge… The questions get more challenging as you get further through the papers! Thursday 21 st January 2016
The Big Picture Children are formally assessed against national expectations at the end of each key stage. - End of KS1 – Year 2 - End of KS2 – Year 6 This is the first year that children will be assessed against the new national curriculum. The expectations have been raised. Children are continuously assessed by their teacher, in order to plan effectively for the next steps in their learning
Scaled Scores The children’s scores will no longer equate to a level Every pupil will receive: a raw score for each test, a scaled score: 100 = national expectation and… confirmation of whether or not they attained the national standard. As this is the first year of this new system, the scale cannot be set in advance so we do not yet know what raw scores will equate to a scaled score of ‘100’.
Timetable for SATs 9 th – 12 th May 2016 Mon 9 th Tues 10 th Wed 11 th Thurs 12 th Fri 13 th Reading Test SPaG TestsMaths Paper 1 – Arithmetic Maths Paper 3 - Reasoning Maths Paper 2 - Reasoning
The Reading Test Pupils are allowed 1 hour for the reading test. The test will include 3 or 4 different texts – past examples include stories, poems, explanations, classic texts, interviews and accounts. The questions will range from simple retrieval to more advanced inference and deduction.
The SPaG Test Spelling, punctuation and grammar Spelling Test – 20 words Written paper – 45 minutes
While he stood in a muddy field, the spotty cow mooed loudly. noun verb adjective adverb connective article preposition main clause phrase subordinate clause pronoun
New grammar There is also some new grammar learning from the national curriculum which is likely to be tested on We are currently teaching Year 6 these grammar rules and definitions for the first time.
Writing There is no writing test. Children will be given a writing level based on continuous teacher assessment throughout the year. Increased focus on handwriting Each spelling to be put into a sentence written into homework books
The Maths Tests There are 3 maths tests: - Paper 1– Arithmetic: 30 minutes - Paper 2 – Reasoning: 40 minutes - Paper 3 – Reasoning: 40 minutes
How are we supporting your children? Arithmetic Mental Maths – 10 in 8! Weekly grammar sessions Weekly guided reading sessions Weekly reading comprehension Regular opportunities to write across a range of genres Recently begun weekly sessions on mindfulness Opportunities to work through past SATs papers to familiarise children with the format of the paper and help them interpret questions. Trying our very best to not put the children under any unnecessary pressure; all we want them to do is try their best.
How can you support your child? Maintain normal routines at home Bedtime slightly earlier than normal during test week Encourage your child to eat healthily, especially breakfast Continue to support with homework, including reading, spelling and mental maths. Try your very best to not put the children under any unnecessary pressure; all we want them to do is try their best.
Studying and Revision Use the revision guides if you choose to – The deadline for the CGP order form is Monday Encourage your children to make links between their revision and what they have learnt in class Come and talk to us if you or your child have any subject specific questions when revising Studying and Revision Guidance hand-out…
Life after the Tests Results will be sent back to school towards the beginning of July. The test results and a teacher assessment is reported to the Secondary School and to parents. Tests indicate what a child can do on ONE day, the teacher assessment gives a picture of a child’s ability over time.
Thank you for supporting your child by attending tonight Any questions?