THE NEW YEAR TWO NATIONAL CURRICULUM MATHS TEST. WHAT ARE THEY? The Year Two National Curriculum tests have replaced the ‘SATs’ as the end of KS1 and.


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Presentation transcript:


WHAT ARE THEY? The Year Two National Curriculum tests have replaced the ‘SATs’ as the end of KS1 and KS2 testing format. The Maths set comprises an arithmetic test and a reasoning test.

WHAT’S NEW? WHAT’S THE SAME? The same – The tests are an expected part of ending KS1 and KS2. The curriculum builds up to taking these tests and they are in line with the end of KS1 expectations. The Mathematics questions are similar in format to the old SATs questions. What’s new – There is now only one level (2 papers – arithmetic and reasoning), where previously there were two varied levels of test. (a level 2 test and a level 3 test) Grading – we will not know what the baselines are for different levels until the government has received all papers nationally and decided on a baseline pass mark. However we do have an internal tracking system.

WHAT DO THE TESTS LOOK LIKE? Paper one Arithmetic

WHAT DO THE TESTS LOOK LIKE? Paper two Reasoning


WHAT ARE THEY? The Year Two National Curriculum tests have replaced the ‘SATs’ as the end of KS1 and KS2 testing format. The English set comprises a reading test, and a spelling, punctuation and grammar test (SPAG).

WHAT’S NEW? WHAT’S THE SAME? The same – Again the tests are part of ending KS1 and KS2. The curriculum builds up to taking these tests and they are inline with the end of KS1 attainment expectations. There are still two reading papers – one that all children will take, one at a harder level. – only a selection of children will take this test. Both papers include a fiction and a non-fiction section. Previously, there was a specific ‘writing’ test. What’s new –The writing will now be assessed using their own work books. There is now a ‘SPAG’ test. (spelling, punctuation and grammar) The SPAG test is in two parts. A spelling paper, and a grammar and punctuation questioning paper. Grading – we will not know what the baselines are for different levels until the government has received all papers nationally and decided on a baseline pass mark. School does have an internal tracking system

WHAT WILL WE TELL THE CHILDREN? Throughout the year children have taken tests but these are kept very low key. We will remain incredibly positive and will provide as many rewards and as much encouragement as possible. We will be able to read the SPAG questions to the children, but we cannot assist with any part of the reading papers.


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SPAG - Paper two Grammar and punctuation

Reading - Paper one

Reading - Paper two In this paper, the texts and questions come in separate booklets. Children will need to be able to refer back to the text to answer questions as they read them. However, each question has a page reference to assist in this.