Woodlands Junior School SEND Code of Practice New Curriculum New Assessment Approach
New SEND Code of Practice New legislation (Sept 2014) SEND rather than SEN Identification of Children with SEND has changed – one level – SEN support Communication with parents Statements are now Education Health Care Plans
Curriculum Arranged in Year groups – encouraged not to stray outside the year groups’ Programmes of Study - mastery Maths - raised expectation in the maths curriculum particularly. Emphasis on number, reasoning, problem solving Reading – developing a love of reading Writing – sustained writing across different subjects, core skills (handwriting, spelling, punctuation and grammar) Science – emphasis on knowledge History – chronological knowledge Computing – coding
Assessment As part of reforms to the national curriculum, the current system of ‘levels’ used to report children’s attainment and progress will be removed from September 2014 and will not be replaced. Removing levels will allow teachers greater flexibility in the way that they plan and assess pupils’ learning. It is for schools to determine how best to assess their pupils between these statutory end of key stage assessments. DFE
2016 Assessment in more detail Reception baseline assessment from Sept 2016 (or 2015) - schools can choose a commercially provided assessment – or choose not to use one at all! EYFS Profile (assessment system) no longer statutory KS1 still teacher assessment informed by tests (externally set but internally marked) KS2 tests for reading, maths, grammar. Teacher assessment for writing and science. Progress (2023) measured from Reception to KS2 for an all-through primary – not from KS1 (except for a Junior school!) Floor standard – you will be above floor if either pupils make “sufficient progress” in all 3 of reading, writing and maths or 85% meet the expected attainment standard Writing will be a teacher assessment based on DFE performance descriptors
New test specifications – KS KS1 maths – paper 1 (arithmetic); paper 2 (mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning) KS1 reading – 2 papers, second one harder than first. Teachers use judgement when to withdraw child from test. Majority of marks on comprehension, up to 30% on inference, a few on language for effect KS1 GAPS – paper 1 (short written task – focus on grammar and punc.); paper 2 (questions on grammar, punc. and vocab.); paper 3 (spelling)
New test specifications – KS2 KS2 maths – paper 1 (arithmetic); papers 2 & 3 (mathematical fluency, problem-solving and reasoning), at least 60% number based questions KS2 reading – 1 paper % on comprehension, % on inference, 10-25% on language for effect, up to 10% on themes and conventions KS2 GAPS – paper 1 (questions on grammar and punc.); paper 2 (spelling)
What about in-between the Key Stage assessment points? No national system No levels Schools have the freedom to develop their own approach to assessing progress
The Woodlands Approach Year groups will develop criteria for each subject area (key objectives) At least 85% children achieved these objectives by the end of the year Children will work mainly within their year-group’s programme of study The aim is to ‘master’ the year-group curriculum and broaden and deepen children’s knowledge and understanding of criteria/objectives Some formal testing will be used to support summative assessment of each child
Reporting to Parents No levels – the new curriculum is no longer divided into levels Share next learning steps based on on-going assessments and based on the year group’s objectives Share pupil’s ‘behaviour for learning’ (effort) Progress based on a teacher's assessment against year-group criteria (learning in books, tests, ongoing formative assessment) We will not be using the language of ‘at’, ‘above’ or ‘below’ expectation for a year group. NB Current Y2 and Y6 still old framework. Next year will be assessed according to the new framework (ie. at the required standard or not)