Empowering Informed Decisions Using RAISEonline data to improve governor effectiveness Dave Thomson Head of Data Analysis, RM Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Empowering Informed Decisions Using RAISEonline data to improve governor effectiveness Dave Thomson Head of Data Analysis, RM Education

Empowering Informed Decisions Aims for today’s session Understand main sources of data for governors Why should governors use the data? RAISEonline analyses - five key questions that school governors should ask

Empowering Informed Decisions Briefing note – governors’ guide to using RAISEonline Primary and secondary versions available from NGA website

Empowering Informed Decisions Three data sources for governors RAISEonline (DFE/Ofsted) Attainment, progress, attendance and school context Understand strengths and areas for improvement Compare school performance to national averages Fischer Family Trust (FFT) Estimates of future school and pupil attainment based on pupils’ prior attainment Used to inform target setting Internal school analyses Tracking pupil progress, term by term Teachers’ latest estimates of likely pupil performance

Empowering Informed Decisions Why should governors use data? School self evaluation – understand strengths and areas for development School accountability – Headteacher and leadership team Preparation for external inspection and accountability Ensure school is setting challenging and aspirational targets for future (pupils, cohort and school) Monitoring progress of pupils and cohorts in the school Developing a vision and strategic direction Headteacher performance management

Empowering Informed Decisions Using school performance data No single source of data or analysis can provide a comprehensive overview of school performance It’s not the source that matters (as long as it’s accurate), it’s the question you ask of the data When several sources say the same thing, it’s a basis for action When several sources give conflicting messages, it’s a cause for investigation

Empowering Informed Decisions Governors’ use of data Governors should have access to the data and analyses – RAISEonline, FFT and school analyses Use the RAISEonline Summary Report (PDF) or ask school for a login to the website Analyses (with data) should be presented by leadership team to governors on a regular basis Governors data literacy – basic understanding for all governors and 1-2 governors able to interpret and analyse the data in more detail When will governors analyse data in more detail – full governors or committee?

Empowering Informed Decisions Measuring attainment Threshold measures Points scores Convert a level or grade to a point score for each pupil: test mark  level or grade  point score StageExamples PrimaryLevel 2 at Key Stage 1 Level 4 at Key Stage 2 Secondary5 GCSEs A*-C including English and Maths English Baccalaureate

Empowering Informed Decisions Calculating a points score LevelPoints GCSE Grade Points A*58 A52 B46 C40 D34 E28 F22 G16 Primary Secondary

Empowering Informed Decisions Five key questions for governors 1.How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the Government’s floor target? 2.How are we performing in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and in other subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

Empowering Informed Decisions 2011 Floor Standards Primary: Less than 60% of pupils at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2) achieve level 4 or above in English and maths; and A below average percentage of pupils at the end of KS2 make expected progress in English (the national median in 2011 was 87%); and A below average percentage of pupils at the end of KS2 make expected progress in maths (the national median in 2011 was 86%). Secondary: Less than 35% of pupils at the end of Key Stage 4 (KS4) achieve five or more GCSEs A*– C (or equivalent), including English and maths; and A below average percentage of pupils at the end of KS4 make expected progress in English (the national median in 2011 was 74%); and A below average percentage of pupils at the end of KS4 make expected progress in maths (the national median in 2011 was 66%).

Empowering Informed Decisions Attainment (secondary)

Empowering Informed Decisions Pupil progress

Empowering Informed Decisions Five key questions for governors 1.How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the Government’s floor target? 2.How are we performing in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and in other subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

Empowering Informed Decisions Attainment (primary)

Empowering Informed Decisions Subject performance

Empowering Informed Decisions Five key questions for governors 1.How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the Government’s floor target? 2.How are we performing in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and in other subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

Empowering Informed Decisions Pupil groups

Empowering Informed Decisions Progress – value added

Empowering Informed Decisions Pupil progress

Empowering Informed Decisions Five key questions for governors 1.How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the Government’s floor target? 2.How are we performing in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and in other subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

Empowering Informed Decisions School context

Empowering Informed Decisions Effect of context % pupils achieving level 4 or above at KS2

Empowering Informed Decisions Five key questions for governors 1.How does attainment and progress at my school compare to national averages and the Government’s floor target? 2.How are we performing in the core subjects (English, Maths and Science) and in other subjects? 3.Do we have any under-performing groups of pupils, or are there wide gaps in attainment between some groups of pupils? 4.How might the context of our school affect our performance? 5.How does pupil attendance compare to national averages?

Empowering Informed Decisions Pupil absence

Empowering Informed Decisions RAISEonline 2012 releases Key Stage 1 early October Key Stage 2/ Year 1 Phonics end October Key Stage 4 early December

Empowering Informed Decisions Key questions – FFT What do we expect our pupils to achieve at the end of each Key Stage (KS2, KS3 or KS4)? What would a challenging, stretch-target look like? Are our pupils making good progress, in line with national expectations? Are the current cohorts of pupils on track to achieve their expected targets at the end of the key stage? What targets for pupil attainment should governors agree with the headteacher for performance management? FFT provides estimates of future pupil performance, which can be used to inform the setting of pupil targets and school targets

Empowering Informed Decisions School Estimates Summary (KS2)

Empowering Informed Decisions Pupil Estimates (KS2)

Empowering Informed Decisions Questions?