Children learn what they live…….. If children live with criticism, They learn to condemn. If children live with hostility, They learn to fight. If children live with ridicule, They learn to be shy. If children live with shame, They learn to feel guilty. If children live with tolerance, They learn to be patient. If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence. If children live with praise, They learn to appreciate. If children live with fairness, They learn justice. If children live with security, They learn to have faith. If children live with approval, They learn to like themselves. If children live with acceptance and friendship, They learn to find love in the world.
Types of Learning Disabilities Dyslexia- language based disability. Dyscalculia- mathematical disability. Dysgraphia- writing disability. Dysorthographia- difficulty in the area of spellings. Dysphasia- speech difficulty. Sensory integration disorder- problems with motor coordination.
What else can look like a learning disability? ADHD Hearing deficits Vision problems Anxiety Emotional trauma Depression Home environment Coordination between teacher, parent and child.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is one of the most common childhood disorders and can continue through adolescence to adulthood. Its symptoms include difficulty staying focused and paying attention , difficulty controlling behavior, and hyperactivity.
Identification and Assessment- ADHD Children who have symptoms of inattention may:- Be easily distracted Forget things Difficulty in focusing on one thing Unable to complete assignments on time Daydreaming Struggle to follow instructions
Symptoms of hyperactivity Fidget and squirm in their seats. Talk nonstop Touching or playing with anything or everything in sight. Have trouble sitting still for long. Have difficulty doing quick task or activity.
Symptoms of impulsivity Impatience Anger Difficulty in waiting for turns Often interrupt conversation or actitvities Failure in academics Short attention span Poor self concept and tendency to withdraw Poor social adjustment
Diagnosing- ADHD by medical personals on the basis of identification and assessment done by teachers and parents. Detailed assessment would include:- Family history History and nature of child’s behavioral difficulties. Child’s social and academic performance . Observation in different settings. Medical investigation Psychological testings.
Teaching techniques that help students with attention deficit disorder Acknowledge the ADHD child. Do not get irritated. Restate the main point of the lesson. Make your questions simple for such children. Help the students with hints to answer your questions. Encourage them instead of humiliating them. Make your lessons simple and add variety of activities. Allow movement whenever possible in the class. Give one instruction at a time. Plan short task with opportunities for multi-sensory involvement.
Role of schools- Strategies to enhance children’s skills Provide a quiet area for activities like reading, answering comprehension questions. Use books on tapes. Provide a copy of lecture notes. Avoid spelling errors of such children wherever possible. Prepare special question paper with more choice. Use multi-sensory teaching methods. Allow the use of computers in class for such children instead of notebooks . Parents – teachers communication is required. Encourage the parent to get an assessment from child development centre and explain them that CBSE has permitted a set of concessions for these children at 10th and 12th class level. Encourage the parents to understand the child. Encourage the child to pursue other activities and hobbies such as sports, art , music etc.
Classroom Management Strategies for ADHD and SLD Let the child sit close to you. Avoid putting him under pressure of time and competition. Be aware of the possibility of the child using avoidance techniques. Give reasons for errors and ways to overcoming them instead of negative reinforcement. Always read the instruction aloud for such children. Try to overlook spelling errors if possible and grade work on content and not on spellings . Encourage the child to ask for help when he gets stuck. Give more practice to the child than to the normal child. Try including positive comments on his work- this will encourage such children. Give tasks well matched to the ability of a child. Simplify instruction task and assignment. Encourage peer tutoring and cooperative learning.
Parents Role Discuss child’s activity with the teacher and give immediate and frequent feedback . Help your child in home assignments. Actively monitor the behavior of the child. Help child to categorize his school material like books, notebooks, colors, pencils eraser etc. and ask him to arrange properly in his backpack. Help your child in planning daily schedule at home.
Tips For Teachers Help them improve pencil grasp in pre –nursery class. Help child to be more organized. Create an environment of mutual respect, acceptance organization and flexibility. Assure the child that you are always there to help him. Let the child feel that he is special for you and you love him, you care for him. Give him the feeling of self trust by encouraging him in his field of interest. Do not blame ,scold or punish the child for not studying or for not trying. Try to make learning fun. Try various classroom activities. Highlight their brighter aspects and strengthen their abilities. Use audio visual aids in classroom teaching. Provide additional home assignments. Help them in developing motor skills in pre-nursery class.