Behaviour Management 5 TH OCTOBER 2015 SUE SENTANCE
Starter: Experience of school In pairs, share with each other all the strategies that you have observed teachers using for classroom management and behaviour management in your school in the last few days (only those used in your school). Agree on 3 good ones between you and put on post-its on wall.
Learning objectives You should understand some strategies for preventing and responding to poor behaviour You should understand the role of the school and headteacher in establishing standards of behaviour in the school You should start to understand some of the reasons that children lack motivation in school
Menu TimeTopic 09:30Your experience in school 10:00Behaviour tips: Tom Bennett/Charlie Taylor 10:25Motivation in the classroom 10:45Break 11:15School ethos and behaviour 11:45Behaviour challenge video 12:15Your action plan 12:30End of session
What can you do to plan for good behaviour? – a recap Seating plans Use teaching assistants Routines Motivating activities
Classroom management (recap) Good classroom management will reduce the need for behaviour management. Some tips for dealing with behaviour you don’t want: Understand your school’s rewards and sanction systems and use them Be completely consistent in the application of sanctions Refer back to the rule: keep the number of “rules” short and memorable Never criticise or put down – it is the behaviour that is wrong, not the child.
Task 1: Behaviour Tips Tom Bennett has now been appointed the “Behaviour Tsar” He has produced a series of short videosa series of short videos Also from Tom Bennett is a list of tips for teachersa list of tips for teachers Charlie Taylor was the previous government advisor on behaviour and produced this checklist available on (he is now head of NCTL) Study the two aspects of the checklist – one for headteachers and one for teachers In small groups, look at all these resources. Feedback answers to the following questions: 1)How can a good school support new teachers learning behaviour management skills? 2)What are the key things for you as new teachers to get right on your first placement?
Motivation and learning McLean, A (2009). Motivating Every Learner London: Sage
Motivating learners – the 3 As Taken from McLean, A (2009) Motivating Every Learner Affiliation “I belong” Agency “I can” Autonomy I want to contribute” Watch this video by Alan McCleanthis video
Using the matrix to understand learner behaviour Taken from McLean, A (2009) Motivating Every Learner
Examples of specific types of learners Hard to engage Opposing Alarming/ draining Exasperating Hiding Willing to engage Quietly/mutedly engaging Energetically engaging Harmoniously engaging
Task 2: motivation in learners From your own experience, can you think of a student who either has or has not Agency Affiliation Autonomy … in the way described by Alan McClean Consider what teaching styles may be appropriate for that pupil Share with each other in pairs
McLean: Classroom energisers Engagement Pupils work hard for teachers who value them as individuals Structure The clarity of learning outcomes that let pupils know what is expected of them Feedback Feedback provides information to let pupils know how they are doing Stimulation Highlights the importance, relevance and fun of activities and sets clear and achievable goals
McLean: Four types of classroom climate The colluding climate is a restrictive climate that encourages superficial compliance The crushing climate is characterized by a blame culture, resulting in over-whelmed learners The coercing climate is marked by a “ prove yourself ” atmosphere that galvanizes opposition The motivating climate is marked by gradual autonomy support that nurtures self-motivated learners
Behaviour for Learning (25 mins) One approach at one school Watch the video and comment on what you think about this approach (8:00 to 13:00)
Group task: Behaviour Challenge (25 mins) Interactive video on dealing with difficult behaviour Watch this this video clip (interactive)this video clip Which student would you deal with first Which strategy would you use to dealwith the behaviour in this clip What key principles should this teacher adopt?
Final task: Your actions (15 mins) Jason Bangola is a consultant specialising in behaviour Here are his 42 tips for success (on handout) Pick THREE that you think would work for you and that you could put on your wall to remind you when you start teaching.
Review learning objectives You should understand some strategies for preventing and responding to poor behaviour You should understand the role of the school and headteacher in establishing standards of behaviour in the school You should start to understand some of the reasons that children lack motivation in school
End of session