Class Picture Goes in this Section Miss Johnson
-Preparing for the Day: Unpacking, Turning in Homework, Important Notes, Lunch Money, etc., Recording Morning Message -Morning Work ELA and Math Review Independent Reading
-Major Shifts Students will continue reading and writing. But in addition to stories and literature, they will read more texts that provide facts and background knowledge in areas including science and social studies. Students will read more challenging texts and be asked more questions that will require them to refer back to what they have read. There will also be an increased emphasis on building a strong vocabulary so that students can read and understand challenging material.
Wh0le Group and Small Group Instruction Daily Exposure to Real Literature: Both in Whole group and Small group setting Literacy Centers (Daily 5): Independent Reading, Read to Someone, Listening to Reading, Word Work, Work on Writing Focus on word study, vocabulary words, comprehension skills and strategies in whole group instruction. Ongoing student assessments. This enables me to provided targeted instruction and practice based on individual needs.
Grammar Phonics/Spelling Writing Workshop Learning about the writing process: Brainstorming, Rough Draft, Editing, Final Draft Different focus each 9 weeks
AMSTI Investigations Explains “why” instead of “how” Explores problems in depth Focuses on finding more than one way to reach a solution Students create their own strategies instead of memorizing a standard algorithm Students express their thinking through both writing and verbal communication Uses cooperative learning: Whole group, Partner and Group activities Explores math in every day life and real situations Uses a hands-on approach to reinforce concepts: math games
Units will be listed in our weekly newsletter. We will alternate between science and social studies.
Classroom Rules: 1. Speak at appropriate times using an appropriate voice. 2. Be respectful of other’s property 3. Be respectful to adults. 4. Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself Bottom of the Line Behavior: C ertain behaviors will result in an immediate office referral. These behaviors include: being disrespectful to an adult, swearing, abusing school property, harassment, fighting, stealing, and bullying. **Also excessive below the line behaviors can become bottom line behaviors** Clip Chart for Classroom Consequences If a student breaks a classroom or school rule, the student will have to clip down on our consequence clip chart. Each time a student clips down, it will result in a consequence. I will document the clip down on the class behavior tracking sheet. I will also record the code for the reason for the clip down on the tracking sheet. Each afternoon, the students will record their behavior on a calendar. The calendar gives a color code for the number of clip downs and the consequences given. This calendar will go home with the students each night. Please initial beside your child’s behavior. The discipline policy for our classroom allows for a safe and efficient environment for all students. The plan promotes positive behavior choices and allows student to take responsibility for their actions throughout the school day.
Classroom Rewards -Clip Chart 1 Clip Up – 1 PB cube (Positive Behavior) 2 Clip Ups – 2 PBs cube 3 Clip Ups – 3 PBs cube **Students may continue to receive PBs for positive choices after reaching the top of our clip chart. **Tickets are used to buy Classroom Coupons, a trip to the treasure box and other classroom rewards
Monday- Art Tuesday- Music Wednesday-Computer/Library *Will alternate every week Thursday-Counseling Friday- No Special
Our lunchtime is 11:35. Parents are welcome to begin eating lunch with their children. There are items in the lunchroom that can be purchased such as chips, goldfish, icecream, etc. These items cost extra. Please discuss with your child whether you would like them to be able to purchase these items or not.
If there are any transportation changes, these need to be put in writing and sent with your child. Changes will not be accepted over the phone or via fax. Students will record their color in their DOT binder on their behavior calendar. Pack Up/Check Mailboxes Dismissal begins at 3:00
Students will have homework each night Monday through Thursday. Students will not be given homework over the weekend unless there is a special situation. Homework is given in order to reinforce skills and concepts we are learning in our classroom. Please encourage students to complete their homework each night. Students will have a nightly reading log to complete. Students will have an activity to complete using their phonics skill each night. Students will have math homework each Tuesday night.
Math Homework: Math homework will come home each Tuesday night. Math homework could be a worksheet page, game, or activity. Math homework gives students a chance to apply the skills and concepts we are learning in the classroom and provides time for extra practice. Math homework will be found in your child’s homework pocket.
Reading Logs:
Phonics Homework:
Missing Homework Students who do not turn in the homework on the day it is due will be responsible for completing the assignment during our recess time. If there are extenuating circumstances, please contact me so I can allow the student extra time to complete their assignment at home. Math and Phonics homework will always be in your child’s D.O.T. binder in the homework pocket. Reading Logs will always be in your child’s D.O.T. binder in the reading log pocket. Please return the next day.
Special projects will be given several times during the year. Students will be expected to complete portions of these projects at home. I will notify you before projects are sent home to be completed.
Please check your child’s D.O.T. binder daily for any notes, papers, or homework. Our classroom newsletter will come home each week on Monday. I like to meet with each child’s parent at least twice a year, both in the fall and the spring. However, I am always available if you feel you need an additional conference. There is a conference sign up sheet on the back table if you would like to schedule your fall conference. Progress Folders will come home each Wednesday. Please review the report and graded papers. Return the folder with the graded papers and report to school the next school day. Please feel free to contact me if you ever have any concerns or questions. I believe parent-teacher communication is key in helping students succeed.
Our room mom this year is Susan Enns. Our assistant room moms are Dana Fox, Vanessa Hodgens, Crystal Threadgill, and Jennifer McManus. There are many ways to volunteer in the classroom. If you would like to volunteer in our classroom and I do not have your information, please feel free to contact me! Volunteer in our Classroom!
“ Mystery Readers” are one way to volunteer in our classroom. Twice a month, we will have a “Mystery Reader” surprise our class with a read-aloud. The students will not know who the mystery reader is until they show up in our room (including your own child ) If you are the “Mystery Reader”, you will bring a picture book of your choice to read with our class. We try to expose the students to many different types of books in order to encourage a love of reading. Participating in the “Mystery Reader” is one way we do this. It also encourages excitement about reading! If you are interested or know of someone in your family that could help with this (grandparents, older siblings, aunts, uncles, etc. are all welcome!), please either sign up on the back table or me with the information.
3 – Meeting Standard 2 – Working toward Standard 1 – Working Below Grade Level Standard
for taking the time to attend Parent Night! I look forward to working with you and your child this year. It is going to be a wonderful year filled with exciting learning adventures!