Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 1 This training is conducted by the National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 2 Creating a Motivating Workplace Objectives At the completion of this module, participants will be able to: Understand the relationships between emotions, feelings, and motivation. Identify motivating factors for employees. Describe effective manager actions to create a motivational workplace.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 3 Creating a Motivating Workplace Definitions Motivation- the urge to act or do something. Internal motivation- the motivation that comes from inside such as the urge to succeed. External motivation- the motivation that comes from outside sources.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 4 Creating a Motivating Workplace Personal Check-In: My personal Motivators ABMotivating Factors I have enough freedom to do it. I enjoy it. I feel it is important. I am expected to do it. I have the chance to take on new responsibility. I have a chance to learn and grow by doing it. There is a routine I can depend upon. There is variety in methods and strategies for doing it. I feel trusted and respected.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 5 Creating a Motivating Workplace Personal Check-In: My personal Motivators ABMotivating Factors I receive recognition. It is easy. It is challenging and out of my comfort zone. I have the skills and abilities it requires. No one else can/will do it. Others are doing it. I can help plan and create the vision. The others involved are competent. The leader is competent and supportive.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 6 Creating a Motivating Workplace Icebreaker: Thinking About Motivation Make a list of internal motivators and a list of external motivators. Internal MotivatorsExternal Motivators
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 7 Creating a Motivating Workplace Icebreaker: Thinking About Motivation Now consider a recent time in your own life when you really wanted to accomplish something, be successful, or learn something new. What part of your motivation was external? What part was internal? Which one motivated you more, internal or external factors? Why? What emotions or feelings were a part of your motivation? Discuss you responses in small groups. As a large group, discuss insights.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 8 Manager Actions Internal Motivators Create an environment where employees find work they are good at and like. Give each person the tools needed for the job. Offer an opportunity to learn, grow, and advance. Challenge others to do their best. Reward efforts equitably. Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 9 Creating a Motivating Workplace Six Criteria Employees Use to Evaluate Managers CriteriaDefinitionRating OpenIs the needed information available?_____ Communications SecurityAm I safe from risks or threats?_____ ManagementIs my manager committed to a course Commitmentof action?_____
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 10 Creating a Motivating Workplace Six Criteria Employees Use to Evaluate Managers CriteriaDefinitionRating FairnessAm I (and are others) treated fairly?_____ RespectAm I respected as an individual?_____ DevelopmentCan I make a difference and grow?_____ Opportunities
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 11 Theory X Managers believe most people: Dislike work. Lack ambition. Have no wish for responsibility. Prefer to be told what to do. Are not creative in solving problems. Want safety. So Managers Must…. Design exactly what must be done. Tell workers exactly what they must do. Closely control or watch them to be sure they comply. Build a top-heavy organization with managers to plan, organize, and police. Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 12 Theory Y Managers believe most people: Like satisfying work. Are capable of directing their own efforts toward goals. Want to do a good job. Can be self-directed. Have the capacity and creativity for solving organizational problems. Want satisfying work. So Managers Must…. Communicate information down. Explain reasons why things should be done. Assume workers have an interest and willingness to do the work. Spend time discussing problems and asking for ideas and suggestions. Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 13 Reality Practice: Case Study #1 The manager is explaining the new cleaning schedule to the employees. 1.How did you personally react to the role-play? 2.What could the manager have done differently to motivate you? 3.What is the expectation of the employee(s) based on the manager’s behavior? Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 14 Reality Practice: Case Study #2 The manager is explaining how to use the new lower fat recipe file. 1.How did you personally react to the role-play? 2.What could the manager have done differently to motivate you? 3.What is the expectation of the employee(s) based on the manager’s behavior? Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 15 Creating a Motivating Workplace Basic NeedsWhat it MeansWhat it Means in Your Operation Give confidenceBe trusting in creating work assignments with clear results. Give recognitionWhen efforts are made, acknowledge them and value the individual who did the work or offered the ideas. Provide delegationWith clear guidelines, purposes, and accountabilities, success is made possible. Meeting Basic Needs
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 16 Creating a Motivating Workplace Basic NeedsWhat it MeansWhat it Means in Your Operation Provide feedbackAsk for thoughts and ideas as well as progress reports. Monitor how employees are doing on projects. Create a sense of belonging Help employees feel a part of something larger which supports their individual identity. Provide opportunity for challenges Give tasks or challenges which encourage creativity and discovery and provide satisfaction. Meeting Basic Needs
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 17 Creating a Motivating Workplace Basic NeedsWhat it MeansWhat it Means in Your Operation Communicate relevance Give information about purpose, importance, and relevance to larger goals. Increase understanding Provide a variety of people, tasks, and experiences to give different and expanded perspectives on the work, processes, and relationships at work. Exhibit consistency and integrity With enthusiastic fairness and skill, provide employees with confidence in your support for and satisfaction with their successes. Meeting Basic Needs
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 18 Checking Out Consider the following questions: Which three of the following actions (open communication, security, management commitment, fairness, respect, and development opportunities) will significantly improve motivation in your workplace? Creating a Motivating Workplace
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 19 Checking Out What specific actions will you take for each one? How will you integrate these into your daily or weekly schedule of work? Creating a Motivating Workplace CriteriaAction Steps Example: SecurityEliminate any hidden threats from conversation with employees. Work one-on- one to change employee behavior instead of reprimanding total staff. Keep employees informed as to information pertaining to the Child Nutrition Program.
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 20 Checking Out: Action Plan Develop an action plan for motivating each of your employees. Creating a Motivating Workplace Employee NameMotivatorPlanned Action
Building Human Resource Management SkillsNational Food Service Management Institute 21 National Food Service Management Institute The University of Mississippi Mission: To provide information and services that promote the continuous improvement of child nutrition programs Vision: To be the leader in providing education, research, and resources to promote excellence in child nutrition programs