School Data Dashboard & RAISEonline Presentation for Governors Thursday 7 th May 2015 Yvonne Broadbent - Headteacher
Aims: To provide an overview and insight into the function of Data Dashboard and RAISEonline. To increase governor awareness of data in relation to the attainment and progress of pupils in school, and how this compares with the national picture. To ensure governors are well equipped to support and challenge senior leaders.
5:00pm - Data Dashboard – 15 minutes 5:15pm - Questions arising – 5 minutes 5:20pm - RAISEonline – 20 minutes 5:40pm - Questions arising – 5 minutes 5:45 - Break for refreshments Presentation Content
Is published by Ofsted for individual schools, to provide a ‘snapshot’ of the school’s performance. Can be accessed by anyone but is particularly useful for Governors to generate key questions in order to support and challenge the school’s leadership team. Schools Data Dashboar d
Dashboard%20guidance-2014.pdf Data Dashboard
Yvonne Broadbent BA Hons QTS, NPQH
This table from P27 of RAISEonline demonstrates the importance of a deeper level of understanding in relation to the school’s data. For example in reading, consistent with the information on Data Dashboard, school is attaining in line with the national figure. Boys are also in line with the national figure and girls are outperforming their peers nationally. However, when comparing the gap between boys and girls at a national level there is a difference of 1.1APS, in school we have a gap of 1.7APS. Therefore, we need to ensure we are targeting boys in reading to enable them to catch up with the girls.
Yvonne Broadbent BA Hons QTS, NPQH
Thank you. Any Questions?
Reporting and Analysis for Improvement through school Self-Evaluation RAISEonline
Advantages RAISE provides a rich and detailed summary of school data in relation to the national picture over time (trends), for all pupils in reading, writing, mathematics, grammar, punctuation and spelling. An invaluable tool for school self-evaluation, particularly with respect to the attainment and progress of disadvantaged pupils and other groups. Includes key data specific to EYFS, Y1 phonics screening, KS1 attainment and KS2 attainment and progress. RAISEonline
Disadvantages Unvalidated data published late in October. Validated data released late in February. Can become ‘data saturated’ and therefore miss key messages. RAISEonline
The whole document comprises of 61 pages, 34 of which are signposted with a ‘G’ in the top right hand corner. This is to indicate that these pages should be shared with governors and subsequently used to support and challenge senior leaders in school. RAISEonline
P17 The percentage of pupils achieving a good level of development is significantly below the national figure (44% school, 61% national). The gap between school FSM and national is -5%. For non FSM pupils, the gap between school and the national picture is -19% School is outperformed by national statistics in every area of learning, with one exception in technology. Girls outperform boys in every area. This is mirrored by the national picture but the gap is far less significant than in school. For example, in the moving and handling strand of physical development, the gap between girls and boys is -10% nationally in contrast to the -29% gap in school.
47/61 pupils achieved the expected standard in the phonic screening test, which is slightly above national (77% school compared to 74% national). No significant variance between school and national for any group with the exception of SEN (9 pupils). 22% of SEN pupils (2 children) in school achieved the phonics standard compared to 40% nationally. P18
P24 In reading and mathematics, pupils in school are attaining in line with national at all levels. In writing, pupils in school are in line with national at L1, 2C+ and 2B+. Attainment in writing at the higher levels is significantly above national 2A+ - 48% in school compared to 39% national and L3 - 26% in school compared to 16% national.
In 2014, school APS in KS1 was marginally above national in reading, writing and mathematics. In 2014, first time school has not achieved significant + in mathematics following a three year run of green boxes. In writing, second successive year that school has not achieved significant + following a three year run of green boxes. In reading, closest to national (compared to other subjects) but school trend is generally declining in contrast to improving national picture. P26
The percentage of pupils attaining L4B+ in mathematics is 8% below national (68% school compared with 76% national). We are in line with national at higher level 5. In reading, the percentage of pupils attaining L4+, L4B+ and L5 is below national by 3%, 5% and 8% respectively. In writing, spelling, punctuation and grammar, pupils are attaining higher than the national average. P29
Both boys and girls below national in reading (boys below by 1.0 and girls by 0.3). In all areas of Literacy (reading, writing and G.P. & S.) FSM/disadvantaged pupils are attaining below their peers nationally. SEND – The attainment of SA pupils is below national in mathematics, similarly, SA and SA+ in reading and SA+ in writing. P38
In 2014, school’s value added for KS2 in all subjects was significantly below national. Percentile rank 88 in mathematics, 95 in reading and 82 in writing. P40
P45 11 pupils made less than expected progress in reading, 5 of whom were a level 2A (1pupil) or level 3 (4 pupils) at KS1. For 3 pupils, their prior attainment was level 1, 2 pupils 2C and 1 pupil 2B. 9 pupils made more than expected progress, 5 of whom were a 2A at KS1. 3 pupils prior attainment was a level 1 and these children went on to achieve a level 4. 1 pupil was a 2B at KS1 and went on to achieve a level 5 at the end of KS2.
Thank you. Any Questions?