Think of the most engaging teacher you have known – whether it was a teacher you had or one you have observed. Using an index card, make a list characteristics and “tricks of the trade” that teacher used to maintain high engagement. Do Now
Agenda Welcome Engaging Instruction Authentic Performance Assessment Engaging Scenarios Break Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Lunch The Big Picture – Sharing the Work
Outcomes Identify the characteristics of instructional practices that engage students in rigorous learning. Learn how to create rigorous engaging performance tasks based on unit Priority Standards. Analyze a sample Unit of Study and create performance tasks including an engaging scenario and scoring guide.
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Pick a Partner
Quiz, Quiz, Trade
Rigorous Curriculum Design Prioritize Standards Name Curricular Units of Study Assign Standards to Units of Study Prepare a Pacing Calendar Construct Unit Planning Organizer “Unwrap” Priority Standards Write Big Ideas and Essential Questions Create Unit Assessments (Pre-, Post-, Progress Monitoring Checks) Plan Engaging Learning Experiences
Are Teachers Providing Engaging Learning Experiences?
Attention spans for pre-adolescents requires a change of instruction every 5-10 minutes. Adolescents and adults need change every minutes. Attention spans for pre-adolescents requires a change of instruction every 5-10 minutes. Adolescents and adults need change every minutes.
Point to Ponder Unless teachers INTENTIONALLY PLAN for and REQUIRE students to demonstrate COGNITIVE ENGAGEMENT, there is no way to know if they are learning. Unless teachers INTENTIONALLY PLAN for and REQUIRE students to demonstrate COGNITIVE ENGAGEMENT, there is no way to know if they are learning.
Shift Your Mindset Move away from: Why aren’t they paying attention? Why didn’t they learn it (retain it)? Move away from: Why aren’t they paying attention? Why didn’t they learn it (retain it)?
Shift Your Mindset Move away from: Why aren’t they paying attention? Why didn’t they learn it (retain it)? Move to: How can teachers make the classroom and lessons more engaging? How can teachers ensure students are learning and applying knowledge? Move away from: Why aren’t they paying attention? Why didn’t they learn it (retain it)? Move to: How can teachers make the classroom and lessons more engaging? How can teachers ensure students are learning and applying knowledge?
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Shoulder Partner
Discussion Group Lecture Teach Others/Use Learning Audio-Visual Reading Demonstration Practice by Doing Learning Pyramid
Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Teach Others/Using Your Learning Average Retention
Learning Pyramid Lecture Reading Audio-Visual Demonstration Discussion Group Practice by Doing Teach Others/Using Your Learning 5% 10% 20% 30% 50% 75% 90% Average Retention
Research shows that teachers in a traditional classroom talk about 80% of the time (some over 90%). Teacher Talk
Assuming a 50-minute class period... Teacher talk = 40 minutes Student interaction = 10 minutes 30 students in a class which = 20 seconds or less per student Teacher Talk
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Face Partner
Think of the most engaging teacher you have known – whether it was a teacher you had or one you have observed. Using an index card, make a list characteristics and “tricks of the trade” that teacher used to maintain high engagement. Do Now
Engaging The Learner Share your “Do Now” list with your face partner. Partner A - Record the key points of your discussion and choose the top 3-4 characteristics. Partner B - Write the selected characteristics on the chart paper. If your response already appears, place a check mark next to it. Share your “Do Now” list with your face partner. Partner A - Record the key points of your discussion and choose the top 3-4 characteristics. Partner B - Write the selected characteristics on the chart paper. If your response already appears, place a check mark next to it.
A New Curriculum Paradigm A rigorous, 21 st -Century curriculum ought to provide students with a dynamic blend of customized learning activities and authentic and engaging learning experiences. -Larry Ainsworth Rigorous Curriculum Design
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real)
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies Highly motivational, not routine
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies Highly motivational, not routine Mentally stimulating, thought- provoking
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies Highly motivational, not routine Mentally stimulating, thought- provoking Incorporate the full spectrum of thinking rigor
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies Highly motivational, not routine Mentally stimulating, thought- provoking Incorporate the full spectrum of thinking rigor Include both collaborative and individual work
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Number Partner
Engaging Learning Experiences Think about your staff and identify someone who excels in a particular category? Share examples with your partner. Which category(s) would you encourage your staff to incorporate more often in their planning and teaching?
Engaging Learning Experiences Authentic (genuine, valid, real) Relevant to life situations Interdisciplinary Use embedded technologies Highly motivational, not routine Mentally stimulating, thought- provoking Incorporate the full spectrum of thinking rigor Include both collaborative and individual work Think about your staff and identify someone who excels in a particular category? Share examples with your partner. Which category(s) would you encourage your staff to incorporate more often in their planning and teaching?
Authentic Performance Assessment A collection of several related standards-based performance tasks, distributed throughout the unit of study, that progressively develop and reveal student understanding of the standards. – Douglas Reeves
Linking Performance Tasks and Unit Assessments Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design
Authentic Performance Assessment A Comprehensive Model Instruction – Within the context of the performance task, teach Priority Standards and supporting standards through inquiry and problem solving
Authentic Performance Assessment A Comprehensive Model Learning – Students engage in incremental learning experiences designed to help them make connections to the standards while developing an understanding of concepts and skills. (scaffolded learning)
Authentic Performance Assessment A Comprehensive Model Curriculum – Provides the “what” educators will use to give students truly engaging learning experiences related to the “unwrapped” concepts and skills
Authentic Performance Assessment A Comprehensive Model Assessment – Provides a “window” into student understanding, giving the formative diagnostic data needed to monitor and adjust instruction
Authentic Performance Assessment A Comprehensive Model Instruction Learning Curriculum Assessment
Linking Authentic Performance Assessment and Unit Assessments Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design Curriculum
Linking Authentic Performance Assessment and Unit Assessments Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design Instruction Curriculum
Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design Instruction Learning Curriculum Linking Authentic Performance Assessment and Unit Assessments
Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design Instruction Learning Curriculum Assessment Linking Authentic Performance Assessment and Unit Assessments
A short introductory moment that captures what’s interesting and engaging about the material and puts it out in front. The Hook
Presents students with a purpose-setting context specifically designed to motivate them. The Hook – Engaging Scenarios
A real-world Goal
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student Authentic (or simulated) real-world Audience(s)
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student Authentic (or simulated) real-world Audience(s) A contextualized Situation that involves real-world application
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student Authentic (or simulated) real-world Audience(s) A contextualized Situation that involves real-world application Student-generated culminating Products and Performances
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student Authentic (or simulated) real-world Audience(s) A contextualized Situation that involves real-world application Student-generated culminating Products and Performances Consensus-driven performance Standards (criteria) for judging success
The Hook – Engaging Scenarios A real-world Goal A meaningful Role for the student Authentic (or simulated) real-world Audience(s) A contextualized Situation that involves real-world application Student-generated culminating Products and Performances Consensus-driven performance Standards (criteria) for judging success G R A S P S
Engaging Scenarios GRASPS Examples
Where Do Engaging Scenarios Fit In? Pre-Unit Assessment Post-Unit Assessment Progress-Monitoring Checks To Coincide with Learning Progressions UNIT OF STUDY Recreated from Rigorous Curriculum Design
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Shoulder Partner
Brainstorming List types of Authentic Assessment Tasks Products/Projects Performances
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Table Group
Brainstorming Share your list of authentic assessment tasks.
Brainstorming Carousel Using your lists, write appropriate authentic assessment tasks on the chart paper. You may add new ideas that do not appear on your lists.
See you in 10
Welcome Back!
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Letter Partner
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Match the kindergarten performance tasks to the Priority Standards for the unit. Discuss the level of rigor for each task and whether it is appropriate for the identified skills.
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Task 1 Level of Rigor?
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Task 1 Task 2 Level of Rigor?
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Task 2 Task 3 Task 1 Level of Rigor?
Linking Performance Tasks to the Unit Planner Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 1 Level of Rigor?
The Big Picture
Review the sample Unit Planner on your own. On an index card write down: Key things you notice about the plan and its components Questions you may have about the plan
Let’s Give It a Try
Shoulder Partners Face Partners Number Groups
Let’s Give It a Try Share your: Performance Task Synopses Interdisciplinary connections Performance Task #1 in details Engaging Scenario
Outcomes Identify the characteristics of instructional practices that engage students in rigorous learning. Learn how to create rigorous engaging performance tasks based on unit Priority Standards. Analyze a sample Unit of Study and create performance tasks including an engaging scenario and scoring guide.
Ready, Set, Action Reflect on the today’s learning and the status of your curriculum development. On both handouts, write three action items you will complete based on today’s learning. Turn in one copy as your Exit Ticket from today’s session.
Questions Mandy Lohman ? ? ?
Save the Dates June 20, 2014 CMU – Troy Campus 9:00-2:00
Thank You for Attending!