Monday, February 22 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on Quiz on February 26) Objective: I can demonstrate my knowledge of fictional adaptations to compare and contrast “Eat Dirt” (autobiography) and “Playing Time” (Fictional Adaptation). I can apply my knowledge of on point of view, figurative language, editing and revising, expository writing, and context clues to complete success stations. Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil
Motivational Monday Taking Responsible Risks: Willing to try something new and different; Consider doing things that are safe and sane even though new to me; Face fear of making mistakes or of coming up short and don’t let this stop me.
DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is for A GRADE!
February Main Idea: Point of View : Brain Pop Inferencing: Figurative Language: Memory with a Partner Writing: Edit/ Revise Vocabulary: Context Clues 2.1 Teacher Table: Writer’s Conference using previous piece TESTING TIPS- Think about the following: Organization: a. Does my introduction get my readers’ attention and prepare them for what is to come? b. Are my paragraphs too short or too long? Are they unified, coherent, and well- developed? Are they relevant to the thesis? c. Does each paragraph follow the preceding one logically with good transitions? d. Is my conclusion relevant and effective?
Performance Task Unit 4 Your job is to gather information through research and create a featured article about your chosen topic that informs your audience. You will use your THREE essential questions as the guiding force behind your research and project. Your featured article should utilize various text features and THREE text structures (one text structure per essential question) to communicate the information.
Performance Task Unit 4 For your project, you must have at least three sources. For each source you will fill out a data collection form. You will need to notate the title of the article, the author, a MLA citation of the source, and paraphrase the article (this is “My Takeaways”). Your three sources MUST include at least TWO databases articles and ONE book source. Plagiarism will affect your grade.
Performance Task Unit 4- Presentation Slide 1 - Essential Questions about your topic Slide 2 - Picture of your Featured Article Slide 3 - Supporting Information (Talking points) Slide 4 - Citations Page (MLA Format, points will be deducted if this format is not followed. Use EasyBib or Mackinvia to correctly cite your sources.)
Fictional Adaptations nonfiction-to-fictional-adaptation/
Tuesday, February 23 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on Quiz on February 26) Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil Objective: I can demonstrate my knowledge of fictional adaptations to compare and contrast “Eat Dirt” (autobiography) and “Playing Time” (Fictional Adaptation). I can apply my knowledge of on point of view, figurative language, editing and revising, expository writing, and context clues to complete success stations.
Tricky Tuesday Write two riddles using your Unit 11 vocabulary words!
DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is for A GRADE!
February Main Idea: Point of View : Brain Pop Inferencing: Figurative Language: Memory with a Partner Writing: Edit/ Revise Vocabulary: Context Clues 2.1 Teacher Table: Writer’s Conference using previous piece TESTING TIPS- Think about the following: Organization: a. Does my introduction get my readers’ attention and prepare them for what is to come? b. Are my paragraphs too short or too long? Are they unified, coherent, and well- developed? Are they relevant to the thesis? c. Does each paragraph follow the preceding one logically with good transitions? d. Is my conclusion relevant and effective?
BIG Question What should we learn? In each of the narratives we are about to read, a boy discovers something that interests him and becomes his lifelong pursuit. Use the sentence frame below to develop your ideas about the BIG Question: When you inquire about something new, it allows you to_____________.
Read Aloud “Eat Dirt” and “Playing Time”
Discussion: Whole At what point in the story did you realize it was a fictional adaptation of the autobiography?
Discussion: Group What elements does the fictional adaptation have that the autobiography does not?
Discussion: T-P-S Did reading the fictional adaptation change your reaction to the event? Why or Why not?
Non-Fiction and Fictional Adaptations In your reader’s notebook create a T-Chart to show the similarities and differences between the two pieces “Eat Dirt” and “Playing Time” (pg ) Characters: Setting: Theme: Imagery: Tone/Mood: SimilaritiesDifferences Reread both pieces INDEPENDENTLY, THEN...create a T-Chart!
Independent Response Write a response to the following question on a blank sheet of notebook paper. Put your ENTIRE LEGAL First and Last name at the top with today’s date: 2/23/2016. What did you learn after reading the two selections about the same event? Can you learn as much from a fictional account as you can from an autobiography? Explain.
Wednesday, February 24 Do Now: SSR Objective: I can demonstrate my knowledge of fictional adaptations to compare and contrast “Eat Dirt” (autobiography) and “Playing Time” (Fictional Adaptation). I can apply my knowledge of point of view, figurative language, editing and revising, expository writing, and context clues to complete success stations. Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on Quiz on February 26)
Wicked Word Wednesday Study your Unit 11 Vocabulary Words! Quizlet on my site! 10 Minutes!
DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is for A GRADE!
February Main Idea: Point of View : Brain Pop Inferencing: Figurative Language: Memory with a Partner Writing: Edit/ Revise Vocabulary: Context Clues 2.1 Teacher Table: Writer’s Conference using previous piece TESTING TIPS- Think about the following: Organization: a. Does my introduction get my readers’ attention and prepare them for what is to come? b. Are my paragraphs too short or too long? Are they unified, coherent, and well- developed? Are they relevant to the thesis? c. Does each paragraph follow the preceding one logically with good transitions? d. Is my conclusion relevant and effective?
Gallery Walk Group Work - Graphic Organizer With your table group, decide on an appropriate graphic organizer to COMPARE AND CONTRAST the two stories. Plan out your organizer in your notebooks. DRAW your graphic organizer and WRITE your findings on a piece of butcher paper. We will then do a gallery walk to COMPARE notes and come to a class consensus.
Thursday, February 25 Do Now: Finish your Poster Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil Homework: ✓ Vocabulary Word Study (Quiz on Quiz on February 26) Objective: I can apply my knowledge of on point of view, figurative language, editing and revising, expository writing, and context clues to complete success stations. I can create an expository composition with an effective hook, thesis, body paragraphs, transitions, figurative language, word choice, and extension.
DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is for A GRADE!
February – Double Day Main Idea: Point of View : Brain Pop Inferencing: Figurative Language: Memory with a Partner Writing: Edit/ Revise Vocabulary: Context Clues 2.1 Teacher Table: Writer’s Conference using previous piece TESTING TIPS- Think about the following: Organization: a. Does my introduction get my readers’ attention and prepare them for what is to come? b. Are my paragraphs too short or too long? Are they unified, coherent, and well- developed? Are they relevant to the thesis? c. Does each paragraph follow the preceding one logically with good transitions? d. Is my conclusion relevant and effective?
Expository Writing Prompt: READ the following quote. A famous businessman once said, “Players win games; teams win championships.: THINK carefully about the following statement. Sometimes you can accomplish good things by yourself but better things with other people. WRITE an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group.
Friday, February 26 Do Now: SSR Homework: ✓ Enjoy your weekend Objective: I can apply my knowledge of on point of view, figurative language, editing and revising, expository writing, and context clues to complete success stations. I can create an expository composition with an effective hook, thesis, body paragraphs, transitions, figurative language, word choice, and extension. Today you will need: Independent Reading Novel Reader’s AND Writer’s Notebook Pen or Pencil
VOCABULARY QUIZ GOOD LUCK! Turn it into Mrs. Miller and work on DOL.
DOL Use proofreading marks to edit the sentence. Then, rewrite it on your paper correctly! Remember- This week is for A GRADE! Have out a red/pink/orange grading utensil when Finished.
Expository Writing Prompt: READ the following quote. A famous businessman once said, “Players win games; teams win championships.: THINK carefully about the following statement. Sometimes you can accomplish good things by yourself but better things with other people. WRITE an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group.