MODULE 1 FOCUS: INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES This Module will facilitate your thinking and learning about different facets that should introduce the learner to strategies for differentiating instruction for gifted and advanced learners. Candidates will examine different articles on differentiation and answer questions fundamental to understanding instructional practices for gifted and advanced learners. You will examine strategies from two sources: Advancing Differentiation by Richard Cash, Ed.D. Cobb County Advanced Learning Strategies
MODULE 2 STANDARDS: Beginning gifted education professionals create a safe, inclusive culturally responsive safe, inclusive, culturally responsive learning environments that engage individuals with gifts and talents in meaningful and rigorous learning activities and social interactions. use communication and motivational and instructional strategies to facilitate understanding of subject matter and to teach individuals with gifts and talents how to adapt to different environments and develop ethical leadership skills. adjust their communication to an individual’s language proficiency and cultural and linguistic differences. use knowledge of measurement principles and practices to differentiate assessments and interpret results to guide educational decisions for individuals with gifts and talents. use assessment results to develop long- and short-range goals and objectives that take into consideration an individual’s abilities and needs, the learning environment, and other factors related to diversity. emphasize the development, practice, and transfer of advanced knowledge and skills across environments throughout the lifespan leading to creative, productive careers in a multicultural society for individuals with gifts and talents. use instructional strategies that enhance the affective development of individuals with gifts and talents
CREATE A PERSONAL REPOSITORY OF RESOURCES Remember to add to your own personal electronic repository of resources. This is part of your field experience requirements.
BIG IDEAS IN MODULE 2 What are the common myths about gifted students? What are some factors to consider when designing the ideal classroom? How does the use of classroom environment support the needs of gifted and advanced students?
MODULE 2: ACTIVATING SCHEMA – BUILDING UPON WHAT YOU KNOW In this section of the module, you will use conceptual knowledge to look at broad, overarching ideas, generalizations, principles and theories to determine what makes the ideal classroom. You will brainstorm specific examples and non-examples of an ideal classroom for learners, categorize your ideas and make generalizations. Finally, you will personalize your learning through essential questions that you will develop. These questions will guide you throughout this module.
There are many misconceptions about gifted students. You will complete an anticipation guide prior to viewing a video. After watching the video, you will reconsider your views about each myth. Next, you will make a connection, by determining how the myth is either supported or rebutted in your school. Finally there are reflection questions that will need to be thoughtfully answered. MODULE 1: GIFTED MYTHS Progress is measured by the degree of differentiation within a society. ~ Herbert Read
When designing the ideal classroom to meet the needs of gifted and high achieving students, there are many areas to consider. In this task, you will explore articles and videos on a variety of topics. You will use an organizer to gather the information (What?), evaluate its importance (So What?) and reflect how your learning will impact your thoughts and practices (Now What?). MODULE 2: WHAT? SO WHAT? NOW WHAT?
MODULE 2: IMPLEMENTING STRATEGIES You will choose two differentiation strategies to use in your classroom. The strategies will come from your exploration list. You might need to create individualized versions of the strategies, checklists, and/or rubrics. Student samples are required.