Honorable Micaela Alvarez United States District Court Southern District of Texas Hispanic National Bar Association Corporate Counsel Conference & Moot Court Competition March 2016
By Howard Chandler Christy - The Indian Reporter, Public Domain Signing the Constitution
House Rules Rules for Specific Room in the House Images from PublicDomainPictures.Net; Wikimedia Commons Federal laws apply to anyone in the United States. State laws apply to people who live and work in a particular state.
Federal Laws Established by US Constitution, Congress Immigration laws Bankruptcy laws Admiralty law Federal Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination laws Federal Criminal laws Patent and Copyright laws State Laws Established by state constitutions, state statutes State Civil Rights and Employment Discrimination Laws Criminal matters (all else that are not specifically federal crimes) Family and Probate laws Business Contracts laws Real Estate/Property laws Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice laws Workers Compensation laws Municipal / County laws Zoning, traffic
United States Supreme Court Court of Appeals (13) 12 regional circuit courts 1 Federal Circuit Trial Courts 94 Districts, each with bankruptcy court Magistrate Judges U.S. Court of International Trade U.S. Court of Federal Claims State Supreme Courts State Court of Appeals Trial Courts
Unique State Law Examples In Colorado, adults older than 21 can legally possess one ounce (28 grams) of marijuana. In Connecticut, it is illegal to sell a term paper, thesis, dissertation or essay at an educational institution supervised by the state. In California, a toy gun must be painted either white or with another bright color. Texas State Law Examples The Bluebonnet song is the official State Flower Song. Jury trials are permitted in Texas family law cases (on limited issues like custody, property valuation, mental anguish). Punishable offense to picket within 1000 feet of funeral service, three hours before and three hours after funeral service.
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