MATH VOCABULARY Prime #: A number that can only be found by multiplying the given number x 1 (only one way to get answer through multiplication) Composite #: A number that can be found by more than one way through multiplication Prime Factorization: Factoring (breaking down) a given number to only its prime numbers
PRIME OR COMPOSITE?? To find numbers that are prime/composite… See how many multiplication problems you can create. Prime or Composite? 33 1 x 33, 3 x 11 *Composite (more than one problem to solve) 31 1 x 31 *Prime (only one problem to solve)
PRIME FACTORIZATION Find the prime factorization: 4 a) b) Find the prime factorization: 50 a) b)
PRIME FACTORIZATION Find the prime factorization: 43 a) b) Find the prime factorization: 81 a) b)
PRACTICE Prime or Composite? 1)18 2)27 3)61 4)Find the prime factorization for 48
HOMEWORK p #1-10 (write prime fact. in a/b form) #58-61