S CALE : L OCAL VS G LOBAL We study global processes & patterns more now than before. Why?
G LOBALIZATION Force or process that involves the entire world Makes something worldwide Idea that the “world is shrinking” What technological advancements do you think are fueling globalization?
E CONOMIC G LOBALIZATION 2008: first global recession (before: just one country or region) Starts with housing issue in USA & Europe and dominoes from there….so let’s think… Who else would be affected if housing market collapses?
T RANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS Operates in multiple countries; produces or sells goods and services in multiple countries
T RANSNATIONAL C ORPORATIONS All about making a profit and best for company Most headquartered in USA and Europe Why not move headquarters closer to factories or other areas?
G LOBALIZATION OF C ULTURE Cultural landscape starts to look the same
E FFECTS OF G LOBALIZATION Negative ? Local traditions threatened with extinction Some places hold tighter to traditions (stricter) for fear of cultural diffusion Positive? More products What is an example from your own culture that is a local tradition? What is an example from your own culture that reflects globalization of a culture?
S PACE : D ISTRIBUTION OF F EATURES Physical gap between two objects Spatial thinking essential because we need to think about arrangement of objects (distribution) Think spatially: where would you open a business? What things do you need to consider?
D ENSITY Frequency something occurs
C ONCENTRATION Object arrangement Pattern vs sporadic Cluster vs dispersed What is the concentration of where you live?
P ATTERN Arrangement of objects Most common is linear or a grid. Why?
C ULTURAL I DENTITY IN S PACE Patterns may vary based on cultural elements and identity G-ers study distribution and how people move as a results and long-term effects People tend to congregate into areas they feel most accepted and similar to other members of community Businesses sometimes intentionally try to attract certain groups over others Examples???
I DENTITY IN C ONTEMPORARY G EOGRAPHY Multiple aspects of people’s perspectives How would my biases be different than yours? Always a debate of equality of time vs minorities being emphasized or mistreated Balance!!
C ONNECTIONS People, ideas, and objects move via connections through one of three types of diffusion. Relocation diffusion: Spread of an idea through physical movement of people from one place to another Expansion diffusion: Spread the feature from one place to another in an additive process Hierarchical diffusion: spread of an idea from persons or nodes of authority or power to other persons or places Contagious diffusion: rapid, widespread diffusion of a characteristic throughout the population Stimulus diffusion: Spread of an underlying principle even though a characteristic itself apparently fails to diffuse.
S PATIAL I NTERACTION Contact & interaction as distance “Distance decay” Technology helped remove barriers
U NEQUAL A CCESS Historically=physical Examples? Now=lack of access to electronics Why ? Presently 3 cultural-economic hearths What are they?? North America, Europe, Japan More of a gap between developed and developing countries Also a gap within countries