Using Google Effectively Basic Search Advanced Search Mathematics / Formulas
Basic Search Choosing the right search terms is the key to finding the information you need. Google searches are NOT case sensitive. All letters, regardless of how you type them, will be understood as lower case. By default, Google only returns pages that include all of your search terms. There is no need to include "and" between terms. Google uses stemming technology. When appropriate, it will search not only for your search terms, but also for words that are similar to some or all of those terms. If you search for pet lemur dietary needs, Google will also search for pet lemur diet needs, and other related variations of your terms
Basic Search…. Sometimes you'll only want results that include an exact phrase. In this case, simply put quotation marks around your search terms. e.g. “Follow the yellow brick road”
Basic Search ….. If your search term has more than one meaning e.g. bass could refer to fishing or music You can focus your search by putting a minus sign ("-") in front of words related to the meaning you want to avoid. e.g.bass -music
And finally... “I'm Feeling Lucky’’ !! Takes you straight to the most relevant website that Google found for your query
Advanced Search
With Advanced Search, you can search only for pages: that contain ALL the search terms you type in that contain the exact phrase you type in that contain at least one of the words you type in that do NOT contain any of the words you type in written in a certain language created in a certain file format that have been updated within a certain period of time that contain numbers within a certain range within a certain domain, or website that don't contain "adult" material
OPERATOR EXAMPLE FINDS PAGES CONTAINING... vacation hawaii the words vacation and Hawaii. Maui OR Hawaii either the word Maui or the word Hawaii "To each his own" the exact phrase to each his own virus –computer the word virus but NOT the word computer +sock Only the word sock, and not the plural or any tenses or synonyms ~auto loan loan info for both the word auto and its synonyms: truck, car, etc. define:computer definitions of the word computer from around the Web. red * blue the words red and blue separated by one or more words. I'm Feeling Lucky Takes you directly to first web page returned for your query. CALCULATOR OPERATORS MEANING TYPE INTO SEARCH BOX + addition subtraction 45 – 39 * multiplication 45 * 39 / division 45 / 39 % of percentage of 45% of 39 ^ raise to a power 2^5 (2 to the 5th power) ADVANCED OPERATORS MEANING WHAT TO TYPE INTO SEARCH BOX (& DESCRIPTION OF RESULTS) site: Search only one website admission site: (Search Stanford Univ. site for admissions info.) [#]…[#] Search within a range of numbers DVD player $ (Search for DVD players between $100 and $150) link: linked pages link: (Find pages that link to the Stanford University website.) info: Info about a page info: (Find information about the Stanford University website.) related: Related pages related: (Find websites related to the Stanford University website.)
TYPE OF UNITS UNIT CONVERSION EXAMPLES OF UNITS old units in new units Currency (money) 23 USD in Euros US Dollars (USD), Euros, Britain Pounds (GBP) Mass 130 lbs in kg kilogram or kg, grams or g, grains, pounds or lbs, carats, stones, tons, tonnes Length 3 miles in km meters or m, miles, feet, Angstroms, cubits, furlongs Volume three quarters of a cup in teaspoons gallons, liters or l, bushels, teaspoons, pints Area 2 acres in sq km square kilometers, acres, hectares Temperature 98.6 Fahrenheit in Celsius98.6 Fahrenheit in Celsius or 98.6 f in c98.6 f in c Celsius or c, Fahrenheit or f Time 1 year in seconds days, seconds or s, centuries, sidereal years, fortnights Electricity 100 volts in picovolts volts or v, picovolts, amps or a, ohms, henrys Energy 160 lbs * 4000 ft in Calories Calories, British thermal units (BTU), joules, ergs, foot-pounds (Warning: When your query includes "Calories" with a capital "C," Google returns kilocalories called "calories" by nutritionists.) Power 1 hp in watts1 hp in watts, 500 V * 3 A in KW500 V * 3 A in KW watt or W, kilowatts or KW, megawatts or MW, horsepower or HP Angle 90 degrees in radians degrees or radians Information 2 bytes in bits bits, bytes, kbytes Quantity 1 great gross in dozens dozen, baker's dozen, gross, great gross, score Numbering Systems 1500 in hex 64 in binary LVII in decimal decimal, hexadecimal or hex, octal, binary, roman numerals (Prefix hexadecimal numbers with 0x, octal numbers with 0o and binary numbers with 0b, e.g., 0x7f + 0b100101)0x7f + 0b100101