Journals January 22 nd - 30 th
Thursday January 22 nd TH: Write a one page essay about yourself! Five paragraphs 5 sentences each Neat handwriting Complete sentences Proper grammar Name, date and title of journal should ALWAYS be at the top of your paper!
Friday January 23 rd If you were a teacher, what methods would you use? What would you do to engage students? How would your classroom run every day? Give me examples! One paragraph 5-7 complete sentences
Monday January 26 th : Who has been your favorite teacher in high school and why? One Paragraph 5-7 Complete Sentences NAME AND DATE AT THE TOP TITLE AT THE TOP
Tuesday January 27 th Use the following to develop your own narrative: a glass house, a torch, your best friend. Five Paragraphs 5-7 sentences each Complete sentences Proper grammar
Wednesday January 28 th Have a neighbor review your narrative for mistakes. Each student must write down at least two improvements. Correct errors.
Thursday January 29 th If you were on an island, what five things/people would you take and why? One paragraph 5-7 Complete Sentences Proper grammar for every journal!!!!
Friday January 30 th Tell me about your week in your new classes. What do you like, dislike, are you with your friends? Discuss three goals you have for this semester. One paragraph 10 sentences at least