Bienvenidas a la clase de español
Whole School Student Learning School- Wide Focus: Student Growth will occur, over time, in Higher Order Thinking/Complex Problem Solving as measured by the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix of Webb’s Depths of Knowledge/Bloom’s Taxonomy and/or other models of the continuum of higher order thinking and student understanding. Students will be able to perform higher order thinking in order to solve complex problems or create a product anew, as shown by: evidence of student work samples evidence from lesson observations evidence from classroom walk-throughs’ evidence from NCPS Performance-based Assessments evidence from standardized assessments
Higher Order Thinking in Spanish
Learning Community Growth School- Wide Focus: Parents will understand the Hess Cognitive Rigor Matrix and/or other models of the continuum of higher order thinking and student understanding. Teachers and Administrators will communicate and demonstrate to parents that higher order thinking in order to solve complex problems or create a product anew, is occurring, as shown by: evidence of teacher lesson design and student work samples evidence from lesson and unit homework assignments evidence from open houses and parent conferences evidence from teacher/team/school websites evidence from classroom-based formative and summative assessments evidence from standardized assessments
Unit Focus ¿Quién soy yo? Concept Lens Communication and perspective K-12 EU’s Study of another language helps the development of higher order thinking skills which are essential attributes of college and career readiness and lifelong learning Real world application and experience deepen an understanding of language and culture which enhances an individual’s ability to communicate. Unit EU’s Communicating personal perspective fosters critical thinking and a deeper understanding of language EQ: How do I use language to represent myself? Topical Understanding: Symbols can help represent who I am. Essential/Guiding Questions: How does the interpretation of a symbol vary from one person to another? What symbols do I feel represent my personality and physical features? What symbols represent my feelings? What is a symbol? Why do we use symbols? Topical Understanding: Adjectives deepen the understanding of a symbol. Essential/Guiding Questions: How do you make symbols more descriptive? Why are there multiple ways to use adjectives? What the concept of an adjective?
Unit Focus Let’s Eat! Concept Lens Cultural Comparisons, Personal tastes K-12 EU’s Understanding commonalities and differences among cultures develops an appreciation of cultural identity which fosters ethical responses to the global community. Effective communication allows for the sharing of ideas, feelings, and opinions in another language in order to heighten awareness of ourselves and others. Unit EU’s Experiencing another culture supports greater awareness and respect of cultural differences. Learning, understanding, and accurately using structures, form and syntax enable effective communication. EQ: How do my personal food tastes compare and contrast to those of other people in the United States? The world? How is food shopping in the United States compare and contrast to a Spanish-speaking country? Topical Understanding: Personal food preferences vary from one person to another and culture to culture. Essential/Guiding Questions: How do I tell what I like and don’t like to eat? How do I tell what my personal food preferences are? How do I tell what I eat and drink for a given meal of the day? How does what I eat for my meals of the day compare and contrast to a person in a Spanish speaking country? What foods are indicative of American culture? What foods are indicative of certain Spanish speaking countries? How can stereotypes about food preferences be avoided? Topical Understanding: The food items a store sells can vary store to store and/or country to country. Essential/Guiding Questions: 1.What are the different categories of food in Spanish? 2.How do I decide where I will buy my food? 3.How do I tell where I go to shop? 4.What are the various stores and markets I can go to buy food? 5.What are the differences between a supermarket and a market? 6.What can I buy at the various markets? 7.What can I buy at the super market? Topical Understanding: The role of food in our lives can cross cultural boundaries and unite people of various cultures. Essential/Guiding Questions: 1.What role does food play in my family’s life? 2.What role does food play in the life of a family living in a Spanish speaking country? 3.What roles of food are similar to the role of food in the United States in Spanish speaking countries? Topical Understanding: The prices of items can range depending on the country and monetary unit. Essential/Guiding Questions: 1.How can I tell how much an food item or items cost in Spanish? 2.What is the monetary unit used in Spain and some other Spanish speaking countries? 3.How does the conversion rates from one country to another affect one’s ability to purchase goods? 4.How does one convert the dollar to Euros? 5.What does it mean to barter and when and where does it occur? Essential Unit Vocabulary: the verb IR, IR + a/al/ a la and location, names of markets and food vocabulary associated with each type of market, Beber, Comer, Comprar, Gustar, preferir (stem changing verbs), Cuesta/cuesta and #’s , Euro vs Dollar, conversion rate effects on traveling
Unit Focus Talking About Me and Others Concept Lens Practices, choices, form and function K-12 EU’s: Strand 1: EUI; Strand 2 EU1 Effective communication allows for the sharing of ideas, feelings, and opinions in another language in order to heighten awareness of ourselves and others The learning of another language creates an understanding of diversity through the exploration of the components and concepts of culture which enhances the potential for more informed global interactions Unit EU’s Habits, practices and choices often reflect an individual’s values, likes and dislikes Understanding the versatility and structures of language allows choices for talking about one self and others. EQ’s How do I talk about myself and others in the language? What do my food, exercise and routine choices say about me? EQ’s How do my actions affect my wellbeing? How do I ask questions, reflect and analyze to improve my wellbeing? How can help others to improve their wellbeing? Topical Understanding: Personal habits and choices related to eating, sleeping and exercise often reflect on the values and experiences of a person. Essential/Guiding Questions What are my eating, sleeping, and exercise habits? How do I express my habits and values using the Spanish language? How do I make evaluative statements using the Spanish language? Why are gestures important in communication? Topical Understanding: Healthy routines support good personal habits related to eating, sleeping and exercise. Essential/Guiding Questions What are my routines related to eating, sleeping and exercise? How do I share my routines in the Spanish language? What is the concept of a reflexive verb? What do I like and dislike about my routines? How are my routines different from the routines of a Spanish/ Latin American teen? Topical Understanding 3: Personal habits, practices and routines vary from one individual to another. Essential/Guiding Questions Why are my practices and routines good for me and others? How do my practices and routines compare to those practices of those of others? What happens when an individual’s habits and practices lead to health issues? Summative Assessment: Introduce a scenario involving Spanish text (visual, aural, written) Writing about a family member, classmate or storybook character, my favorite pet (routine -likes, dislikes) Then developing a (eating, exercise routine) Sharing Evaluative: Does the routine reflect the person? Formative Assessment:
What will your child experience?
Remembering Define and Identify foods Memorize the spelling, pronunciation and definition of foods Recall the conjugations of regular ER verbs (Comer = to eat and Beber= to drink) List the markets that exist in Spanish speaking countries.
Understanding Categorize the foods by market. Organize the conjugations of comer/beber based on pronouns. Classify foods into food pyramid groups. Interpret auditory information.
Applying Apply comer and beber conjugations with food vocabulary to write sentences in the target language. Collect information from classmates on favorite foods for different meals of the day. Read a grocery list in the target language.
Analyzing Compare and contrast food and meal times between the US and Spanish speaking countries and highlight some key differences that may or may not exist and hypothesize why they exist. Research given a signature and custom food students will discover, based on content knowledge they have learned, what Spanish speaking countries the food is from. Decide which supermarket or market you would go to buy different foods and why. Hypothesize why the same system may or may not exist in the USA and why.
Evaluating Based on their knowledge of the grade level writing rubric, students will “assess” someone else’s writing and determine what level of proficiency it reflects and why. Students will also be asked to generate suggestions to the writer on how to make that specific piece of writing “better”
Creating Create an explaining what foods you would like/dislike your host family to have in Spain. Design a menu using the cultural perspectives and practices of a Spanish speaking country of your choice. Create a dialogue with a partner in which you are at the market (bargaining, ordering, purchasing)
Muchas Gracias!! Please feel free to contact us: Amy Katherine Milositz Alison