Handheld- Small enough to be used or operated while being held in the hand or hands. Technology- The total knowledge of skills available to any human society for industry, art, science, etc.
Pens, Pencils, Highlighters, ect. Spirit Duplicator Dittograph Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Textbooks Notebook Paper Notebooks Stapler Abacus Scantron Sheets swingline_stapler.jpg
Cell Phones Calculators Clickers Laptops Tablets (iPad, Galaxy, AC 100, ect) iPod Touch USB Flash Drives E-Books Digital Cameras Webcam Memory Cards Digitizer (Graphic Tablets) Promethean Board Pens amazon.com/images/G/01/electronics/detail- page/B001FA1NZK-1.jpg
Branches of Technology –Handheld is just ONE NOT Handheld Technology Desktop Computer Mounted Projectors Speakers TV IS Handheld Technology Laptop Computer Handheld Projectors Headphones Tablet with Time Warner content/uploads/r2-d2-projector.jpg 4/Mint_Wireless_V10_pocket_projector_1.jpg
WiFi WiMax 3G & 4G Networks Mobile Hot Spots Wired Connection Radio Frequency (RF) Technology content/uploads/2011/01/iphone_WiFi1.jp g
Personalizes Learning Extends Learning Gives Independence Makes Learning Exciting /S_VJhQ9o52I/AAAAAAAAAxo/s_wAJ0YK 7ZM/s1600/hompg_excited_girl.jpg
Lack of tested experience Lack of Retention Costs Requires Power Distractions
Orchestrating the Instruments: Integrating ICT in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom through Handheld Technology Networks: Wright, D. (2010). Orchestrating the Instruments: Integrating ICT in the Secondary Mathematics Classroom through Handheld Technology Networks. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(2), Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Integrating the iPod Touch in K-12 Education: Visions and Vices: Banister, S. (2010). Integrating the iPod Touch in K-12 Education: Visions and Vices. Computers in the Schools, 27(2), Retrieved from EBSCOhost. On Its Way to K–12 Classrooms, Web 2.0 Goes to Graduate School: Norton, P., & Hathaway, D. (2008). On Its Way to K-12 Classrooms, Web 2.0 Goes to Graduate School. Computers in the Schools, 25(3-4), Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Using Text-Messaging in the Secondary Classroom: Thomas, K., & Orthober, C. (2011). Using Text-Messaging in the Secondary Classroom. American Secondary Education, 39(2), Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Teaching and Learning With Technology (4th Edition): Lever-Duffy, Judy & McDonald, Jean B. (2011). Teaching and Learning With Technology (4th Edition). Boston: Pearson. Definition of Handheld Technology: Handheld. (2011). In Dictionary.com. Retrieved October, 16, 2011 from Technology. (2011). In Dictionary.com.Retrieved October, 16, 2011 from