Supporting young people into employment through active engagement with employers Employer TK Maxx 23 Youth
2015 M M03 Westmeath U25 years1,277U25 years1,144
Decrease of 133 on live register 12 month period West CD via SICAP provided employment & education support to ◦ 194 young people 14 primary ed 75 lower secondary 12 Fetac 4 84 higher secondary 16 third level ◦ 52 progressing to employment Approx 37% of the live register total ‘133’ progressed as a direct result of SICAP/ESF supports
Through consultation DSP we learnt that TK Maxx planned to open new premises in 2015 in Mullingar. In anticipation, started to design and create a course that would prepare individuals for jobs with TK Maxx Two streams to this ◦ Created an intensive 8 week retail course ◦ Created a 2 week interview prep course, inviting additional clients to take part
Course modules: Unit 1: Customer Service QQI 5 Unit 2: Health and Safety in the workplace QQI 5 Unit 3: Fashion Retail Styling Unit 4: Store security Procedures Unit 5: HACCP QQI Unit 6: Visual merchandising and window dressing Unit 7: Deli Training Unit 8: Barista Training Unit 9: Employability Skills Unit 10: Manual Handling Unit 11: Interview skills
A total of 20 individuals took part in the course Retail Course Gender: 5 male 15 female Education attainment Economic status:1 primary level 14 long term unemployed5 lower secondary 2 short term12 Upper secondary 4 economically inactive*2 third level *(2 under 18 yrs, 1 student & 1 signing for credits) Age profile: 14 = years (70%) 4 = 25 to 35 years 1 = years 1 = yrs
Additional 16 participated In total 36 took part in our bespoke TK Maxx courses, 23 young people, with 28 progressing Young person progression stats: 13 secured jobs with TK Maxx 1 secured job with Esquires 3 secured employment elsewhere; 1 retail, 1 construction, 1 as an airport security officer. 1 participant is currently on a FETAC 5 PLC courses 1 on a Jobbridge Internship 3 actively job seeking 1 client no longer engaging ◦ 5 over 25’s secured employment
Identify local job opportunities Create courses to meet employer needs How do we do this: ◦ Spend time with employers ◦ Present potential course outline ◦ Promote employer incentives Jobsplus, Jobbridge etc ◦ Spend time with employees from the company Provided offices to employer to conduct interviews Recommended 24 clients – 15 secured jobs – (only 4 of the 24 offered interview from TK Maxx recruitment process) Finally Assure employers that we do not expect anything from them other than to consider our clients
Promotion of course through local partnerships: Networking with ◦ Department of Social Protection ◦ RAPID AIT & RAPID Community Forum ◦ LCDC ◦ Youth Work Ireland Midlands ◦ Local community groups ◦ Existing clients Job seekers more inclined to apply when employer linked to course Promoted via; flyers in Intreo, communities, posted to clients newspaper ad Advertised on West CD, Westmeath County Council, Youth Work Ireland Midlands websites
We request all clients wishing to take part our courses undergo the following application process: ◦ Apply in writing, completing an expression of interest form outlining why they wish to take part ◦ Attendance at course information/briefing session, outlining the modules and learners responsibilities ◦ Attend an interview to demonstrate enthusiasm and availability to attend ◦ Sign a trainee contract Mixed age range under and over 25 years works well
All clients complete the compulsory modules as a group. Continuous assessment carried out From day develop individual personal action plan. Individuals receive additional training and/or supports based on their identified social, financial, educational and health needs, Referrals to external service providers e.g. ◦ HSE ◦ Local Authorities ◦ DSP ◦ ETB ◦ Midland Regional Alcohol & Drugs Taskforce etc.
Many secured jobs with TK Maxx 1 st month work based in Navan No buses, cars, cost of transport – barrier West CD further facilitated clients offering first 2 weeks travel costs No wages for 1 month Community welfare officer info on payments Part time contracts – DSP invited to deliver information on Part Time Incentive Payment and FIS West CD completed clients applications and DSP processed immediately
2 weeks intensively preparing clients for their interviews Provided clients on both a group and one to one basis: ◦ created CV’s - forwarded to employer ◦ group training interview and employability skills ◦ background information on TK Maxx ◦ job description and person specification linking and relating to client work and training experience ◦ psychometric testing training and practice sessions ◦ mock competency based individual interviews ◦ mock group interviews Employer worked with us providing interview structure & specs
Quote from store manager ‘Just wanted to say a huge thank you for all your help and support for the recruitment and induction for TK Maxx Mullingar. We are blown away with the services you provide and how much work goes into it. Going forward I hope to work with you again. The associates here are doing fantastic and looking forward to getting into the store’
Tricia McKenna Westmeath Community Development