How to Register a WDCE Student via Colleague Updated
After logging into Colleague, select ST for the Student System from the Apps Menu.
Type RGN (Registration screen) in the Quick Access box. Click Go. A person look up box will display.
Registration can only be completed on the RGN screen. In the person look up box, type a student ’ s student number or Social Security Number. Please take the time to verify that the name that appears at the top of the screen is actually the student you are working with.
After a number has been entered, click ok to continue. For the first entry only, enter the Year i.e and the WDCE Term CSU, CF, and CSP i.e. 2008CF and then enter the first course, such as CRE (Enter spaces between the course components)
The Course Section record not found or does not have an active status will appear if a year and term have not been entered i.e. 2008CF. Make sure to pay attention to all alerts that are presented in Colleague.
NOTE: The five digit course synonym may be substituted for all the above, except for the term and year. Click enter. (Do not enter year and term for subsequent entries.) Repeat this process for every course on the student ’ s schedule. Be sure to click save to save work.
Colleague Synonyms To save time, enter the course ’ s synonym in the Section Name and Title box. A Synonym is a 5 digit course code