Vending machine monitoring system Industry&Business &Government IT transformation
Vending machine monitoring system Vending companies which have there own machine sales channel Vending machines manufacturer Supervising public authorities This solution is intend for:
Cash register control system to attention supervising public authorities The reasons to implement: incorrect input information about volume of revenues vending business shadow economy presence and not-registrated vending machine loss the budget revenue The main benefits: The channel to increase budget revenue Correct calculation value added tax and other types of taxies Decrease shadow economy volume in retail business Create the comfortable conditions for honest companies Improving the efficiency the supervising public authorities
Vending machine monitoring system (to attention vending companies) Components and cash steal The reasons to implement: Receiving only part revenue Loss of vending machines working time Customer complains in case of technical failures The main benefits: All-round control work status of vending machine in real time Control the cash collection volume and make decision about collection Process control the cash receipts and delivery the components Improve workflow process Identify the demand for particular products depending on machine location, time of day, etc. Control spending components in a vending machine and input it timely Indicators to measure employees performance The result is more profitable and managed business
About system Vending machine monitoring system helps to collect secure data about cash transaction in real time and analyze some indicators. The solution is replicated and can use geographically-distributed companies. A special hardware module is built in the machine The device has GSM module and transfer via the mobile operation network (it is possible to use different channel) The date is collected and storage in datacenter Special application is monitoring and analyze the data Operating process Technical details DBMS (Oracle Database, PostgreSQL) Application Server (Oracle Application Server, Tomcat) Development tools (PowerDesigner, EA, APM) Solution suitable for different types of vending machine According best international practice
System functionality Monitoring the vending machine status (switch on/off, connected, etc) Data collection and upload the information about cash transactions (identify the machine, type of goods, cash input, check, time, etc) Notification messages about machine fault Storage each data transactions Analytical sales reports, loading equipment, cost of components, machine offtime, ect Other benefits: Database all-round vending machine and the performance Check vending machines from anywhere at anytime Control the received cash volume Balance control of components, equipment offtime Analyze and plan items Improve efficiency and costs
Solution Architecture minutes is necessary to connect machine to the system
System components Datacenter – provides the collection, storage and processing of all the information Control device – the special hardware module built-in the machine. compatible with machine, transfers the data to datacenter via GSM or other channel GSM or different type of channel Work team for operation system Technical public key system
System date protection The special hardware module Datacenter System access Crypto protection module is installed in the special hardware device and performs the following operations: generates an unique ID transaction; date codify using the session key; save the transaction information the protected memory If communication channel is offline, the data is collected in a non-volative memory and transfer when connection is restored As part of the data center has a group of security servers that check digital signature and generate session keys for encrypted channel between the data center and the special device. Storage the transaction information with electronic signature. System access is possible only after user identification and authentication using his private certificate and taking in account the access rights.
The main user groups Look through the data about whole vending machines, provide services to connect the machines to control system, analyze input information and summary reports (revenue, types of goods, etc.) Look through the all-round machine data, analyze summary reports and make decision about efficiency and sale strategy Control the machines status, analyze input information by each machine, make decision about components renewal, procurement planning, service time and etc. Supervisory authorities Vending machines owner Responsible employees
Implementation in Belarus (for the Supervising public authorities) The all-round cash control in the retail (The goods and services sale through vending machines) Tool Vending machines control automation system Owner of project Tax Ministry (, developer – Novacom. Project starts in Connected about 3,000 vending machines Results The volume declare revenue is increase in three times in average. In individual case the revenue is increase up to 10 times
Key indicators and results The main results for supervisory authorities: precise collection of money reception data in real-time increase budget income abuse detection The main results for vending machines owner: online vending machine performance control detection of service employee’s abuses vending machine profitability analyze and optimization their efficiency Of all vending machines used In the Republic of Belarus is already connected Transactions (messages about pay- ments) has been received during the first four months of operation Transactions (messages about payments) has been received during the first four months of operation
Novacom proposal System adaptation based on national legislation and additional specification Adaptation of safety equipment Implementation the special hardware module Create the operation of organizational support Technical support and development of the system Interest in cooperation System developerPublic-private partnership Complex project to create capital investment, developer, sharing system
About company Tax Ministry, Belarus Justice Ministry, Belarus Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Belnefnehim PartnersThe main customers Novacom - specializes in development and implementation of applicable information systems using diverse platforms and technologies. More than 200 experts based in Belarus, 10 years of IT market experience. Part of international group of company Softline ISO 9001: 2008 More than 200 completed projects Business growth of 40% per year Belorussian High-Tech Park resident License to perform work on development and installation of security systems
Contact Novacom by Softline Russia Derbenevskaya naberezhnaya 7, Moskow, Belarus Libavo-Romenskaya 23, Minsk,