Anelixis Vocational Training Center Date : 15/1/2013
ANELIXIS VOCATIONAL TRAINING CENTER KEK Anelixis was certified in 2009 by the EkePis in the following areas: Information Finance and Administration Hospitality & Services Environment Education Health and Welfare Media & Communications Farming Technical Professions and Transportation Culture & Sports
The Basic aim is to provide a complete training and strengthening interventions for young unemployed, unemployed women, disadvantaged groups, the long- term unemployed and the working potential of the area. Our mission is to develop skills through integrated training solutions that meet the demand of modern labor market and vocational rehabilitation of trainees. As well as the study and research of the labor market in collaboration with various organizations and the development of certified training programs, training packages and educational tools.
BUSINESS KEK Anelixis works with agencies and employers and plans training programs, for workers in enterprises, upon their needs. These programs incorporate new technologies and make the enterprises more competitive, aligning them to the requirements of the market. Each employee, through these programs, receives training allowance of five euro per hour. For example some of the programs that have been implemented: Approaching students with learning difficulties, managing their behavioral problems The effective sale in the tourist business Marketing-Customer Service Hygiene and HACCP Food Safety Communication as a means of self-improvement and efficiency in the workplace Project Title: “Uniform Accounting Plan
COMPLETED TRAINING PROJECTS - PARTNERSHIPS WITH DIFFERENT BODIES As part of the Action "Local Employment Plans Tailored for Local Labor Markets" of the Development Collaboration "Progress” with the following organizations involved: Municipality of Malevizi, Municipality of Phaistos, Municipality of Gortyna, Heraklion Chamber of Commerce, KEK Developing Crete, Heraklion Hotel Association, Association of Heraklion Hotel Employees, KEK "European Perspective", KEK "ANELIXIS", Heraklion Development AAE OTA, KEK KAELE.
Implements the following programs: a) Management training in home care of people in need b) Specialized training in producing and standardization of Aloe Vera c) Specialized training in new dynamic crops Participates in projects for unemployed, proclaimed by the Ministry of Employment, for their training and practical exercise which leads to recruitment of the 5% of people who take part. Recent programs implemented by KEK Anelixis are related with Computer Training for unemployed through VOUCHER, a new way of implementing vocational training programs implemented by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security through OAEED of the National Employing Organization. Our innovation is making every unemployed the program profile. Each employee completes a personality test with two hundred weighted questions, followed by an interview with the psychologist of our KEK Mrs Popi Vlastou. In the end we give to any unemployed a report with his/her skills and directions to which professions he/she matches. The new programs with VOYCHER coming out, apart from training, include compulsory recruitment by companies, where they make their practice, from 3 to 12 months.
CONSULTING Vocational Guidance for individual action plan, specialized Legal Advisory and Technical Advisory for Job Finding for beneficiaries placed in subsidized jobs. Vocational Guidance for individual action plan, Entrepreneurship Consulting, Specialized Entrepreneurship Advisory in Social Economy and Tax Law Support for beneficiaries who develop individual or coorporate business through social enterprises.
The KEK works with: EKEPIS, National Certification Center Ministry of Labor Social Security and Welfare Ministry of Education and Lifelong Learning Ministry of Environment Ministry of Rural Development and Food Ministry of Tourism Ministry of Health OAEED Manpower Employment Hellenic Food Authority Municipalities Associations of Employers Associations for disabled people and people with disabilities Businesses
Ν.2643/98 «Care for the employment of people belonging to special categories and other provisions» 1. People with at least over 50% disability, with limited capabilities for employment due to any physical, psychological or mental disease or damage (people with disabilities), are protected provided they are registered with the disability register of the Manpower Employment Organization (ΟΑΕD). 2. People with at least over 50% disability, with limited capabilities for employment due to any chronic physical, mental or psychological disease or damage (people with disabilities), are protected provided they are registered with the disability register of the Manpower Employment Organization (ΟΑΕD).
3. Public services, pubic entities and local authorities at all levels are obligated to appoint, or hire people protected by article 1, with no competition or choice, in order of priority and in positions equivalent to 5% of positions announced each time Those being appointed or hired according this article must: 1. Have the typical qualifications required by the employers in order to be appointed or hired 2. To be certified by the primary health committee of article 11 of the civil service code as capable of offering services in the relevant positions 3. To be registered at the unemployed registers of OAED
Article 8: «Subsidy of employers, ergonomic arrangement, increase of time of leave of absence, moral fees». 1. In companies, holdings or agencies of paragraph 8, article 2, OAED can refund part of the expense for the ergonomic arrangement of the workplace of these people. 2. Yearly regular, paid leave of absence of employees, which is provided for by statute is increased by six (6) working days for disabled people and disabled permanent public servants, local authorities employees and public entities, provided they fulfill the substantial requirements of the above provisions
3. Any employers who violate the provisions of this law are fined an amount equal to six (6) times the minimum wage of a privately employed servant according to the relevant provisions of the national general collective bargaining agreements for denying to hire people according to this paragraph. Thank you for your attention