Objective: Students will draw from observation in order to render a crumpled piece of paper in a realistic way. DRILL: On the back of the index card, answer: 1.Which artwork in the room do you like and why? Welcome to Fundamentals of ART!
On the index card Last name, First nameGrade Nickname, preferred name Birthday Favorites/ Interests- Likes and dislikes: Who am I? Personality: Cultural Heritage- languages you speak: Sports: Fave teams/ LHS teams: Art skills- last art teacher –when: What do you want to learn in art class? Behavior goals for this class: Friends/ Relatives who took art with Miss Gauger: Music suggestions for art class: ( Bands, musicians, songs)
Parent Letter~ These are the expectations that I have: Students must always be on time. Students must follow school policies (ie dress code, rules for electronics, etc…) Students must be respectful to themselves, others, and the supplies. Students will always listen during instruction and not talk unless they raise their hand as part of the discussion. Students will stay focused on assignments. Students must try their best to learn, to be creative and open-minded, to enjoy the class.
Other information: Music: I will play music in the classroom. Students can request music to play and on Fridays students can sign up to make a playlist or CD of their own (that is school appropriate) that I will play. The must not use their portable mp3 players or cell phones during class. I ask everyone’s cooperation with this. SPOTIFY!!! Donations: Your son/ daughter can receive up to 10 points extra credit per quarter for any donations. Thank you for supporting the Visual Arts Department. List of required supplies and donations is on the back. Final Exam: Fundamentals of Art students have a county written Final Exam. This course is a graduation requirement. Fine Arts and Studio Art will also have Final Exams that I prepare.
To contact Miss Gauger: - Miss Gauger’s Wiki for assignments: Fundamentals of Art- Fine Arts- Clay/ Ceramics-
Edline: Students are required to sign up for edline. Sign up for edline.net to receive grade reports and keep up-to-date on class assignments. Art Show: Winter Art Show (and sale): December 18, 2012 Spring Art Show: April 18, 2012
Creative Clubs Yoga Club- Tuesdays- 3-4:30pm Art making (clay)- Wednesday- 2-4pm Art Club- Thursday- 2-4pm (SHOP 5) Guitar Club- Friday- 2-3:30pm
Back-To- School night This Thursday August 30th Time: 5-7pm
Supply List- Required Supplies Art 1-◊ 10 pencils donated ◊ Sketchbook ◊ At least one donation Fine Arts and Ceramics- ◊ 10 pencils donated ◊ Sketchbook ◊ At least one donation ◊ Lab Fee $25 required
Donations- One is required. Embroidery Thread Blender Metallic supplies Nail polish Safety pins Hinges- small Glow-in the dark Fabric paint Popsicle sticks Scrapbooking stuff sharpies Ball point pens Chalkboard paint Jewelry- beads Toothbrushes Puzzles Jars. Containers with lids Games and pieces Toys Magnets Velcro Hole punchers
Donations- One is required. Binders Folders Hole punchers Date stamp Stamps Stamp pads Stencils Manilla folders Calendars crayons Magazines Newspaper Grocery bags Large ziploc bags for freezer House Paint Still life objects Silverware Sunglasses Toys sculptures
Drawing from Observation/ Creativity: 1.You will receive a piece of good paper for 2 drawings. One will be from observation, the other will allow more individual creativity. 2.Trace the square piece of paper 2 times on your sheet. 3.Goal # 1: Crumple the square piece of paper. Draw what you see. (video) Objective: Students will draw from observation in order to render a crumpled piece of paper in a realistic way.
Request an invite today. You need an address. Purpose- save images as inspiration in folders. If not, you will save on a power point or word doc.
Free to download to any computer. Free app on smart phones. Create your own playlist. Miss Gauger will subscribe to it to play in class.
Review: 1.What are the required supplies for this course? 2.Name 3 donations you can bring in: 3.What is one way to find your assignments if you are absent? 4.Tomorrow we will talk about creativity and view the lessons for the year.