Since 2008 it´s the owner of the ČSN EN ISO 9001 certificate in the field of education
It was founded in 1952
During of almost 60 years it has prepared more than specialists in 30 different professions
Long time our school is conceptually oriented in teaching of engineering, metallurgy and electrical technology Long time our school is conceptually oriented in teaching of engineering, metallurgy and electrical technology
Nowadays there are 455 students at our school
There are 47 staff members at our school
Four-year study course with school leaving examination: Model device desingner Engine and device mechanic Adjuster engineer Electrical mechanic Three-year apprenticeship with the certificate of apprentisceship: Modeller Electrician Toolmaker Machine fitter Metal cutting worker
Educational programmes to improve the qualification in such professions as: Electrician Mechatronic CNC machining Apprenticeship distance learning: Machine fitter Metal cutting worker Electrician
Four-year study course with school leaving examination – higher portion of theoretical preparation
Three-year apprenticeship with the certificate of appreticeship – higher portion of professional and practical preparation
Mechatronic is a principle subject for our school supported by the Mechatronic Operating Program Mechatronic is a principle subject for our school supported by the Mechatronic Operating Program
Many companies of our region take interest in our graduates with the proficiency in the programming and operating CNC machine tools
The professional preparation classes are mainly devoted to prossesing the technical documentation and above all to programming
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