Animal Services Florida Statues Chapter 252, Emergency Sheltering-Pets Chapter 381, Rabies Prevention Chapter 585, Animal Industry Disease Control Chapter 705, Abandonment of Property Chapter 727, Dangerous Dogs Chapter 767, Torts-Damage by Dogs Chapter 823, Public Nuisances: Animal Sterilization Chapter 828, Animals Code of Ordinances, Pasco County Chapter 14 Animals AUTHORITY & ENFORCEMENT Established by County Ordinance in 1972
$$ FUNDING $$ Animal Services Budget$ 2,352,071 General Fund Animal Services$ 707,537 Program Revenue* * Program Revenue: Animal Licensing Fees, Adoption Fees, Citations, Animal Services Fees from six municipalities DONATIONS Animal Services Friends of Animal Services 501(c)(3)
People Population 468,562 Estimated Animal Population (HSUS Equation Estimates) Pet Owning Pet Households Population Dog 65, ,025 Cat 54, ,442 Pet Ownership Statistics for Pasco County
Animal Services MISSION To ensure the health and safety of the people and pets in our community by encouraging responsible pet ownership through education, legislation and by providing incentives to sterilize pets.
Animal Services Limited Admission Shelter Operate a SAVE 90% Program Animal Control Services Rabies Control & Prevention Animal Abuse & Cruelty Investigations Humane Education Adoption Center Animal Reclamation (Lost & Found) Rescue Partnerships Hoarding Work Group WHAT WE DO
Animal Services What is the SAVE 90% Program SAVE 90% is a GOAL to save as many adoptable animals as possible. Approved by the Board of County Commissioners on November 12, 2012
Animal Services Why SAVE 90% Reduce Euthanasia Reduce Pet Overpopulation Promote Responsible Pet Ownership Promote Humane Education What Constitutes SAVE 90% Live Release Rate of 90% or More Key Programs Partnerships Media & Community Outreach Humane Education Volunteers
More Lives Saved! YearImpoundedEuthanized LRR ,371 7,140 22% ,275 5,084 34% ,091 3,786 52% ,026 1,442 70% , % Impact of SAVE 90 % Program
An estimated 60,000 Florida residents and visitors are bitten each year by domestic or wild animals. Dogs are the major source of animal bites in Florida, followed by cats, rodents, raccoons, bats, and other species. PASCO COUNTY averages 115 bite cases monthly! All require investigation & quarantine. RABIES CONTROL AND PREVENTION
Bite Investigations in Pasco County 20101, , , , ,106 as of Sep 30 No human rabies cases. RABIES CONTROL AND PREVENTION
ANIMAL ABUSE & CRUELTY INVESTIGATIONS Pasco County Animal Services investigates all reports of animal cruelty, hoarding, abandonment or abuse.
HOARDING GROUP TASK FORCE HOARDING IDENTIFICATION & ASSISTANCE Established in September 2013 Partners Animal Services Family Services Code Enforcement Fire Rescue Human ServicesCustomer Services Florida Public Health Pasco County Sheriff St. Leo UniversityBay Care Medical Emergency Management
HUMANE EDUCATON Education Events Featured Media Stories
REDUCE PET OVERPOPULATION Spay & Neuter Incentive Rebate Program $38,563 Partnership with Spay Pasco, Inc. 17 Participating Veterinary Clinics Low Income Spay & Neuter Program $11,000 Trap Neuter Return (TNR) Spay & Neuter Program (Feral Cat Program) $131,250
ADOPTION CENTER Built in 2011 Canine Adoptions Feline Adoptions Medical Facility Feline Play Rooms MOBILE ADOPTION VEHICLE Remote Adoptions Animals Air Conditioned Portable Generator NEW
LOST & FOUND Strays are often just lost pets. In 2014, there were 2,596 strays brought in to our shelter. Only 408 were returned to owners That’s only a 16% Recovery Rate
RESCUE PARTNERSHIPS 162 Rescue Group Partnerships Rescue groups provide adoption, socialization, or medical treatment beyond the ability of the shelter. They play a vital role in the SAVE 90% Program.
Foster Program Foster Partners Temporary homes for animals too young, sick, injured or that need socialization before they can be returned for adoption or rescue. Sleep Overs & Foster to Adopt
VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS! 248 Trained Volunteers 3,024 Hours of Service Dog Walkers Events Adoption Counselors Animal Socialization Flyers Cat Cuddlers Encouragers
Thank you!
Pasco County Community Development Division 22 Years Helping Neighborhoods, People and Housing
Where Are We? Who Are We? 5640 Main Street Second and Third Floor Downtown New Port Richey We also have a satellite office at Stallings Building th Street, Dade City We have 24 employees, made up of 7 Management and Professional level employees 5 Fiscal Staff 6 Construction Staff 6 Clerical Staff OUR MOTTO: WE SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT
Mission Statement To improve living and housing conditions of very low, low, and moderate income persons through fair, ethical and honest administration of local, state and federal programs.
Federal and State Funds Administered Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) –Allocation$2,624,280 –Administered in $4,273,280 State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program –Allocation$2,183,628 –Administered in $4,016,430 HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) Program –Allocation$ 880,050 –Administered in $2,847,919 Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP I, NSP II, and NSP III) –Allocation$0 –Administered in $1,213,923
CDBG Activities Must meet a National Objective –Aid low and moderate income persons and areas –Eliminate slum and blight –Address urgent needs or emergency conditions
Pasco Target Areas Carver Heights Otis-Moody East Brown Acres Holiday Hills Tommytown Trilby-Lacoochee Shamrock Heights - Univille
Rental Projects Ace Opportunities Banyan Senior Apartments Bethany Apartments – Project Lift Dade Oaks Reconstruction – Hilltop Landings Hudson Hills Renovation Journet Place Landings at Sea Forest Palm Island Apartments Regency Palms Stonehenge Apartments Sundance Apartments Weston Oaks
For Homeowners Owner-Occupied Rehab Program Housing Investment Partnership Program Small Repair Program Tax Payment Program
For Homebuyers Downpayment Assistance Program Pasco Opportunity Program
Results 3,323 homebuyer loans for $265 million in sales, using $57 million 1,589 rehab loans, using $37 million 599 new homes built and financed, using and leveraging over $50 million Estimated Economic Impact: –11,088 Jobs Created –$2,696,320,000 in local impact
IFAS/UF Extension Pasco County Dr. Whitney Elmore County Extension Director Horticulture Agent
Extension Touches Every Citizen Agriculture – Citrus, crops, forest resources, livestock, turf/sod Environment – Water management, species preservation, pests Recreation – Parks, museums, libraries, culture Families & Consumers – Health, safety, nutrition, money matters, relationships, aging
Need green spaces – Lawn & garden – Master Gardener Volunteer Program Sustainable living – Government, policy, citizenship, building & construction, smart land use & economic development Disaster prep and recovery – Hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, wildfires Youth Development – 4H – Citizenship – Engagement
Extension Builds Partnerships Stakeholders – Producers, growers, forestry – Horse & Livestock investors – Industry & technology – Tourism – State and local government – Land developers & realtors – Religious communities – Educators & volunteers – Community leaders – Home & property owners, preservationists
Growing With The County Provides resources to all stakeholders and citizens Acts to build bridges between communities to facilitate symbiotic partnerships Can demonstrate value added by each diverse community Is there to help the community grow, develop, empower citizens – Develop stronger communities – Develop stronger Pasco County (balance nature, Ag and tourism) – Develop a stronger Florida & nation Strong, capable leadership – Not to manage but inspire – Move community beyond gridlock
Tracy Toner, Manager Citizens Academy October 23, 2014
What is Misdemeanor Probation Who are our customers Where we do it ◦ 2 offices – New Port Richey and Dade City How we do it ◦ 14 total staff – We are not certified law enforcement ◦ New Port Richey office has 7 Probation Officers who supervises approximately 1,450 cases per month ◦ Dade City office has 2 Probation Officers and 1 Lead Probation Officer who supervise approximately 575 cases per month
Driving Under the Influence Driving While License Suspended/Revoked Battery Possession of Marijuana/Paraphernalia Violation of Domestic Violence Injunctions Worthless Checks Reduced Felony
Monthly interviews and contacts with defendants Verify compliance of conditions ordered report back to the Courts Collect restitution for victims Review court records to ascertain if new charges were filed Prepare Violations of Probation when appropriate Testify as a witness for the State at Violation of Probation hearings
Misdemeanor Probation is totally self supported by the Cost of Supervision each defendant is required to pay FY14 $822, Cost of Supervision was collected FY14 $196, Restitution was collected for victims
New Port Richey Dade City 7517 Little Road, Suite A New Port Richey, FL (727) Live Oak Avenue Dade City, FL (352)