Presentation Leiv Eiriksson Nyskaping AS (Leiv Eiriksson Innovation) Andreas Pütz Manager Business Development, MBA Ph::
WHO IS LEIV EIRIKSSON NYSKAPING? Leiv Eiriksson Nyskaping (LEN) is the most important innovation campus for universities, university collages, R&D institutions, existing industry & commerce, public services, individuals and SIVA in Mid Norway Results Currently involved in 50 companies as active shareholders Yearly consulting some 900 entrereneurs in start up phase Participated in establishing approx. 115 new startups 120 companies have been located in our incubators Yearly involved in some investment operations No. of licences 60 (20 in operation)
WHO IS LEIV EIRIKSSON NYSKAPING (LEN)? LEN has approx 75 shareholders representing a broad range of players in the industrial, financial, academic and political sectors.
Do I have a valid Idea?
The Lifecycle of an entrepreneur Tight Guidance GrowthIncubation Marked- introduction Operate Business BirthStart Up Ownership (1-10 years) Early stage equity Seed capital Active management Investor network Consulting start up phase (2-10 h) Idea diskussions Markedcheck Cooperations Partners Courses Special programs (20-30h) Distribution Market Competitors Strategic- aliances equity Stipendiate guidance (½ year) Businessplan Developmentplan Projects Organizationplan IPR (Immatrial property rights) Sertifications Distr. incubator (2 years) Practicalities Organization Seed capital Network Idea Operational Company Incubator (3 years) Business- development Our most important task is beeing a matchmaker connecting all the necessary policy instruments needed in the different development phases to bring the idea into an operational business B u s i n e s s a s i s t a n c e
Entrepreneurial assistance Incubator Start-up investment Industry development projects Prospect development Time Business development phase THE LEIV EIRIKSSON CONCEPT
Knowledge capital Unique knowledge Patentable Prototyped Market relevant Financial capital Active Equity Risk oriented Public funding Bank relations Business capital Value chain Industrialisation Suppliers Market networking Customer relations New businesses are created in this HUB between categories of capital All capitals are needed to create commercial success. CREATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF NEW BUSINESSES (The tripple Helix)
Operational Company Licensing to existing industry Licensing to existing industry Incubation or other programs for growth Incubation or other programs for growth Ideas Business development IPR protection (patenting etc) Market research Business plan development Financing Establishment Existing industry and commerce Norwegian Centre of Expertise Instrumentation Investment Early stage equity capital Seed capital Active Management Shareholder competence Investor network THE LEIV EIRIKSSON CONCEPT