Words to Know Earth’s Layers Plates Continents Fossils $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $500500
Words to Know - $100 The theory of movement in the plates.
Words to Know - $100 What is plate tectonics? Back
Words to Know - $200 Pangea split apart and moved to the locations today.
Words to Know - $200 What is continental drift? Back
Words to Know - $300 Someone who studies the surface of the Earth.
Words to Know - $300 What is geologist? Back
Words to Know - $400 Scientists who study fossils to understand history.
Words to Know - $400 What is paleontologist? Back
Words to Know - $500 Time periods composed of thousands, millions, and billions of years.
Words to Know - $500 What is geological time? Back
Earth's Layers - $100 This layer is made of many rocks.
Earth's Layers - $100 What is crust? Back
Earth's Layers - $200 This layer is over 6,000 degrees C.
Earth's Layers - $200 What is inner core? Back
Earth's Layers - $300 This layer is all liquid.
Earth's Layers - $300 What is outer core? Back
Earth's Layers - $400 This layer is both liquid and solid.
Earth's Layers - $400 What is mantle? Back
Earth's Layers - $500 This is the solid part of the first two layers.
Earth's Layers - $500 What is the lithosphere? Back
Plates - $100 Two plates colliding.
Plates - $100 What is convergent? Back
Plates - $200 Two plates separating.
Plates - $200 What is divergent? Back
Plates - $300 Two plates sliding past each other.
Plates - $300 What is transform? Back
Plates - $400 This is when one plate slides under another plate.
Plates - $400 What is subduction zone? Backc
Plates - $500 Earthquakes, volcanoes and mountains are examples of these.
Plates - $500 What are geological events? Back
Continents - $100 This is a release of energy inside the Earth.
Continents - $100 What are earthquakes? Back
Continents - $200 This is formed when there is a convergent boundary. Example: Himalayan
Continents - $200 What are mountains? Back
Continents - $300 There are three different varieties of these.
Continents - $300 What are volcanoes? Back
Continents - $400 This is the actual physical movement of the plates.
Continents - $400 What is continental drift? Back
Continents - $500 This is a plate but not an actual continent (which we discussed in class.)
Continents - $500 What is India? Back
Fossils - $100 These give scientists clues about the history of Earth.
Fossils - $100 What is are fossils? Back
Fossils - $200 Fossils are found in these.
Fossils - $200 What are rock layers? Back
Fossils - $300 This was the original form on Earth.
Fossils - $300 What is Pangea? Back
Fossils - $400 This is a fern like plate found in Antarctica and South America.
Fossils - $400 What is glossopteris? Back
Fossils - $500 This was a freshwater reptile found on different continents.
Fossils - $500 What is mesosaurus? Back