+ UVIS Data Visualization UVIS Team Meeting Braunschweig, Deutschland June 18, 2012
+ What is Scientific Data Visualization The Era of Big Data Multivariate analyses Complex relationships Terabyte+ library sizes. LASP is taking a three pronged approach: Education and Outreach Mission Operations and Planning Science Potential for interaction and collaboration between the three branches.
+ Education and Outreach Obvious need for high quality images and animations for public outreach. E/PO image and animations require specialized software and skills. Resource intensive Slow turn around
+ Mission Operations LASP developed operations software OASIS-CC CSTOL Feedback loop with Science planning and analysis What observations have been made already? What was learned from those observations? What problems occurred? What feedback from the scientific end-users? Observation sequencing and planning.
+ Science Cassini UVIS 171 orbits 84 Titan fly-bys 19 Enceladus fly-bys Ring observations, Saturn Observations, Icy-moons Other instrument observations Other missions MAVEN (All instruments) Level 0: 300 Mb/Week Level 1: 5 Gb/Week Analysis and exploration of large data sets.
+ Practical Aspects Software Language and Environment IDL? Python? Unity? Processing? Common core library? Central repository of routines and tools that can be easily modified for use across missions. Interface with SPICE How to implement the needs and desires of users.
+ Cassini UVIS Visualization Tools Re-inventing the wheel.
+ Attempting to integrate data from multiple instruments (UVIS and ISS) Data exploration done on a case-by-case Basis with little or no coordination
+ Titan example IDL direct graphics (2D angular projection of RA,DEC) Stars easy Other bodies difficult? View is from observer at time of observation IDL object graphics (true 3D) How to show stars? How to show other bodies? Allows arbitrary views Shaded volumes?
+ Aurora FUV2009_280_19_06_03_UVIS_119SA_SWAURPTG003_CAPS_images
+ Integration of multiple datasets High spatial resolution imaging High spectral resolution spectroscopy Multiple scans, different integration times, different cadences Imaging Spectroscop y
+ Data issues PDS data contains minimal geometry (a few position vectors) The UVIS team has developed IDL tools to perform calibration and attach detailed pointing info to individual files Manual processing, labor intensive IDL routines are complex, not easily modified, and can be unstable Management of SPICE kernels is cumbersome Data mining, discovery very difficult
+ Visualization requirements Minimum: Show the target body and projected field-of-view from multiple scans 3D manipulation for inspection Simplicity – user abstraction from SPICE, openGL calls, etc. Desired: Show bodies other than the target (planets, rings, moons, stars, sun) Show data from multiple remote sensing instruments Data searching to enable discovery Flexibility – allow for features to be added in a timely manner Wishlist: Incorporate theoretical models (magnetic field, charged particle flux, etc) Extraction of combined datasets for synthesis for example, a complete UV-VIS-NIR reflectance spectrum of a satellite feature from three instruments
+ Data Mining Techniques Self-organizing Maps Automated data discovery method that can extract patterns and relationships within very large data sets without a priori knowledge or assumptions. Pattern recognition Anomaly detection Many others.... Potential new frontier in data analysis
+ Other Similar Projects Jet Propulsion Laboratory Cassie Eyes on the Solar System ISIS USGS Image processing and display environment Ephemeris Independent Processing-based satellite location example
+ Additions to the Wishlist? LASP Visualization project is in its initial stages. Need input from potential users. Does this sounds like a useful tool? What functions do you see using most? What do you want the tool to do?