Year 10 GCSE Focus Evening
Learning & Study Skills Mr J Rowlands GCSE Focus Evening
A key message from the Study Skills seminars that students in Year 10 recently undertook was that they all have better memories than they thought!A key message from the Study Skills seminars that students in Year 10 recently undertook was that they all have better memories than they thought! Does your child have a good memory?
Get into a rhythm – revise, test, rest, Because that’s how your memory works best! Get into a good rhythm
Before we move on, answer these two questions:Before we move on, answer these two questions: 1.How long does the brain work best at one time? A.Half an hour B.One hour C.An hour and a half D.Two hours 2.How long can you focus in a concentrated way in one go? A minutes B minutes C minutes D minutes Planning Learning: Timing
Before we move on, answer these two questions: 1.How long does the brain work best at one time? A.Half an hour B.One hour C.An hour and a half D.Two hours 2.How long can you focus in a concentrated way in one go? A minutes B minutes C minutes D minutes Planning Learning: Timing
TIME SPENT WORKING 1.5hours INFORMATION RETAINED 25 mins BREAK 5 mins BIG REWARD TEST/REWARDTEST/REWARDTEST Source: Barwood, T., Learning to Learn Pocketbook [2005], p92.
Active Revision: involve lots of senses! 1.Work through exam papers. 2.Put revision notes on flash cards. 3.Draw spider diagrams and Mind Maps. 4.Use revision books & websites. 5.Read aloud and walk about. 6.Make up raps, rhymes and chants. 7.Record key points onto MP3/phone/tape. 8.Stick up posters and use sticky notes. 9.Practise writing essay plans. 10.Revise with a friend. DON’T just sit there flicking through lesson notes! DON’T ruin good TV programmes by working whilst watching! LITTLE & OFTEN!
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